BDSM and Music


Waves at Cats
Nov 20, 2001
I once saw a discussion somewhere about what music it is best to play during a "session" or a "gathering" or a "play party."

Does music help set your scene? If so, what do you prefer to play?
FungiUg said:
I once saw a discussion somewhere about what music it is best to play during a "session" or a "gathering" or a "play party."

Does music help set your scene? If so, what do you prefer to play?

I am not what you call scene oriented so music does not play a part unless I am using it for sensory deprivation. I have subs who serve Me, so I do not need music to set a mood very often. They are too damn busy to care what is playing.
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Anything By Vanessa Daou

is very good for quiet, sinful and sexy sounds. The best one is "Zipless", which is mostly the sexually oriented poetry of Erica Jong set to music. Very hot.

Re: Anything By Vanessa Daou

Thanks Singularity. I shall keep an eye and ear open for her!

I tend to go for Trance -- Faithless is good. Most of the time I play in motel rooms though, so music is limited. Still, in a perfect world...
There are three threads in the Library that you might want to peruse:

Scenic music begun by Lain on 02-28-2002
Music for Subs to sob too begun by pierced_boy on 03-26-2002
Power begun by Quint on 07-12-2002

Also, I know there has been at least one other thread (perhaps entitled Scene Music?) on here, with many good suggestions.

We've used music in scenes, more often than not. I'm a very musically inclined person, so I usually have something or other playing all my waking hours. It can set a wonder atmosphere of excitement, or relaxation.
slvjenn said:
I have to vote for Type O Negative :)

Type O rocks man!!!!!! MAJORLY! BF introduced me to there music. One of his fav band. They rock. I love the song Love You To Death. makes me almost crying. Simular to how I Feel about him. asking myself if I'm good enough. I love that song. I have 2 type o neg albums. have gave me one for my birthday. I have Bloody Kisses and October Rust.
woodcarver said:

NIN - I Want To Fuck You Like An Animal

My wife and I met in a Dom/Domme chat room and fell in love with the song. It was our intro to the room as a couple and later we included it on out wedding album. And yes it was played at the reception, much to the shock of the prim and proper family guest.

Hope I didnt intrude here. [/B]

I heard that song actually hehe.. I was like :eek:
slvjenn said:
I have to vote for Type O Negative :)

Peter Steel ROCKS!!!!!!!

lol... i love Typo O Negative! Are there any other girls here who have the PlayGirl that he did the centerfold for? He is soooooooo fine!

I also have to comment... as a HUGE NIN fans... Closer, the "i wanna fuck you like an animal song"... while the words... yes, are sexual, the entire song together... if you really think about the words, is entirely despressing. Not suitable "Dungeon" music in my opinion.

Anyway, as far as what i perfer for "playing music"....

i know that all christians are going to hate me, but.....

Master and i met this couple online about a year ago, and they had two rooms of their house transformed into the most awesome Dungeon i've ever seen... and as we walked in, they were playing songs that were of monks singing... we were hooked! Wonderful scence music if you asked me... we loved it and now us the same type of music in our own Dungeon. :devil:
TON is one of my favs band.. Scott (bf) introduced me to there music.. he has sent me both the bloody kisses and october rust albums. Hard to say which is better there both great
Pixie Mischief said:
TON is one of my favs band.. Scott (bf) introduced me to there music.. he has sent me both the bloody kisses and october rust albums. Hard to say which is better there both great

i perfer Bloody Kisses myself... ~*smiles*~

have you seen any of their videos?
bondagegurl said:
i perfer Bloody Kisses myself... ~*smiles*~

have you seen any of their videos?

BF is a huge music fan.. He took it upon him to show me all his fav music.. He said that he wanted me to know HIM all of him. and that music was part of him. ACtually LOL one of the first songs he showed me was Christian Woman LMAO I was like :eek:
Pixie Mischief said:
BF is a huge music fan.. He took it upon him to show me all his fav music.. He said that he wanted me to know HIM all of him. and that music was part of him. ACtually LOL one of the first songs he showed me was Christian Woman LMAO I was like :eek:

lol... there are two versions of that video actually... ~*smiles*~ they are MUST see's!!!
bondagegurl said:
lol... there are two versions of that video actually... ~*smiles*~ they are MUST see's!!!

they dont play that sort of music here :( I depend on him to get my cool music hehe my fav or one of my fav songs is Love You To Death makes me almost cry

we never used music when it comes to sex thouht. I'm surprised since he loves music and I live with my mom LOL I dont make much sound but he does. music cuold cover it up
Pixie Mischief said:
they dont play that sort of music here :( I depend on him to get my cool music hehe my fav or one of my fav songs is Love You To Death makes me almost cry

we never used music when it comes to sex thouht. I'm surprised since he loves music and I live with my mom LOL I dont make much sound but he does. music cuold cover it up

i'm sure you could get their DVD from or some similar place online...

Type O Negative isn't the type of music anyone plays anywhere unless you're at a goth club unfortunatly...
bondagegurl said:
i'm sure you could get their DVD from or some similar place online...

Type O Negative isn't the type of music anyone plays anywhere unless you're at a goth club unfortunatly...

I got no credit card. :( The bar I go to only plays CUNTRY! *pukes* I live in a small rural town.
Pixie Mischief said:
I got no credit card. :( The bar I go to only plays CUNTRY! *pukes* I live in a small rural town.

i know how you feel, i grew up, literally, in the middle of no where. when i looked out my bedroom window, i saw cows... lol
bondagegurl said:
i know how you feel, i grew up, literally, in the middle of no where. when i looked out my bedroom window, i saw cows... lol

COWS?!? LOL cows??????????? LMAO

cute :p cows are cute. my cat looks like a cow. shes black and white.
I think that Enigma and Dead Can Dance will forever be associated with scene music in my mind.
Pixie Mischief said:
COWS?!? LOL cows??????????? LMAO

cute :p cows are cute. my cat looks like a cow. shes black and white.

don't get me started... i have 8 cats... one is black and white... she's a BIG daddy's girls! she's such a sweetie!

yes... COWS ROCK!... honestly... they are awesome animals if you've ever spent anytime with them.
I love cats.. this is my Salem. Hes a beggar. Begs for food. looks at you with his big eyes and fakes like hes sleeping slowly stretching or waits till your not looking. :rolleyes: and LOL I thought I was the only one who thought cows are cute LOL

<- big animal lover