Batshit Crazy


I'm Not A Bitch!
May 9, 2016
The Left keeps moving further to the left. How much further do they need to move before America considers becoming a one party country?
The only thing left to complete the destruction of the Democrat party is the rise of a truly electable Independent.
The Left keeps moving further to the left. How much further do they need to move before America considers becoming a one party country?

You aren't very smart are you? Through the Obama years the political pendulum has swung to the right, culminating at the extreme with a Trump presidency. It has now started it's return swing and will keep gathering momentum until it reaches an apex on the extreme left. I would be very happy if it slowed and stopped some place close to the middle but that isn't going to happen.

Suck it up because ya'll on the right will have to put up with far left politics for a while, until it starts it's inevitable return swing. Karma is a bitch.

Chumming up to nazis, then bitching about a one party state is batshit crazy

I heard from the grapevine that you have a few Nazis living down the street from you. Must be a wonderful neighborhood you live in. I bet your house warming party was awesome.
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I heard from the grapevine that you have a few Nazis living down the street from you. Must be a wonderful neighborhood you live in. I bet your house warming party was awesome.

Not the friendliest neighbors, but they keep their property neat, I’ll give them that.
Kant, you got fuckin Nickleback in my head.


Jesus Christ it's gonna be there all day.

That shit makes me
Batshit crazy
Goin out tonight
Gonna start a fight-

Fuckin earworm

Jesus Christ now I gotta go listen to Nickleback on purpose to get that shit outta my head goddamn it

Ever wonder where the term batshit crazy comes from? I did so I googled.
Combo of bullshit and bats in the belfry apparently.
So now you know.
Lol.. Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

Trump says he will 'take a look' at investigating Google for treason
The Independent
The IndependentJuly 16, 2019, 7:49 AM EDT
Donald Trump has said he will "take a look" at investigating Google for treason.

The president approvingly quoted an accusation by billionaire investor and Trump supporter Peter Thiel that the company had been "working with the Chinese government".

He said that Mr Thiel was "a great and brilliant guy who knows this subject better than anyone!"
Voting against your own interests just because you're racist seems pretty batshit to me.