ban the person above you (FUN)

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banned because I thought impure thoughts were expected and encouraged here. <pouting>
banned because you weren't at Sandbridge Beach, Virginia in 2005 sitting there at 4am waiting to take the pic. ;)

banned for making me grin. it's only because I am relentless. ;)

Banned for not taking a picture of the sun setting over the ocean.
Banned for skipping through a field of daisies singing, Gin & Juice as if it were an opera rather than a rap song...

banned because you know I am now going to have to google that song, right? sigh.

okay, now that is freakin' HILARIOUS!!! :D LMAO
banned because we were only talking about singing the nasty song lyrics... I wasn't led THAT far astray! :eek: we were only talking about the lyrics... the lyrics! oh my...

Banned for blushing down to your nipples.
banned for causing the blush to spread even further. geez louise!

Banned for parading around your town in a dark red silk nighty proclaiming to be a deity of bunny slippers who wishes to destroy all other form of footwear with the exception of toe socks.
Banned for parading around your town in a dark red silk nighty proclaiming to be a deity of bunny slippers who wishes to destroy all other form of footwear with the exception of toe socks.

Banned for knowing she would look ravishing in dark red silk.
banned because I have nemerous pieces of dark red silk... and you didn't specify which one.
Banned for desecrating the flattop grill by frying tofu.

Banned for exposing himself at the Prettiest Little Mister Pageant last week while singing, "I wanna be a gansta!" at the top of his lungs and wearing a teddy straight out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show ...
Banned for exposing himself at the Prettiest Little Mister Pageant last week while singing, "I wanna be a gansta!" at the top of his lungs and wearing a teddy straight out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show ...

Banned for not letting me borrow her heels for that last review and running off in them singing "Im so pretty..."
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