Axlerod Tries To manipulate Gallup

To everything sue, sue, sue
Like with ACORN, sue, sue, sue
To get them all into houses they cannot afford...
Now its obvious what the real function of government is, but its always been a club to beat people with.
It's the Chicago way...

If you cannot beat them in a fair election, have your buddies on the court unseal their divorce records.
Work those totally incorruptible courts. Achieve rational objective Justice!

Wait. Wrong character.

Was that, or was that not a government exercise of power?

Without the full force of government behind the trigger, would not the banks have fought?

Was, this not a prime example of the type of regulation that I say induces inefficiencies into the market by an altruistic picking of winners and losers?

You make my point for my when you shoot from the hip reflexively...
Was that, or was that not a government exercise of power?

Without the full force of government behind the trigger, would not the banks have fought?

Was, this not a prime example of the type of regulation that I say induces inefficiencies into the market by an altruistic picking of winners and losers?

You make my point for my when you shoot from the hip reflexively...

There is little that anyone in any capacity can do or say that doesn't make your case to you in your own mind.

No one has actually addressed the issue and implications:)
AJ is very pissy today....

Whatever sweetie...

Why don't you go screw with teh transgenders?

What? You lost your sense of humor???

Is it the Obama thing?

;) ;) :kiss:

Could you please give us all another logic lesson? Maybe you can find one on American Thinker and c&p it? Because I'm pretty sure that "whatever, sweetie" wasn't covered in my logic and rhetoric classes.
Could you please give us all another logic lesson? Maybe you can find one on American Thinker and c&p it? Because I'm pretty sure that "whatever, sweetie" wasn't covered in my logic and rhetoric classes.

It's interesting how the article title and main body of the article don't correspond with the lead in paragraph. The author really needs to make up his mind.
Did Axelrod really try to influence Gallop, as the first paragraph says, or did he just criticize them and ask them to explain their methodology as the title and body say? I suspect the latter and they count on most people not getting past the first or second paragraph.
It's interesting how the article title and main body of the article don't correspond with the lead in paragraph. The author really needs to make up his mind.
Did Axelrod really try to influence Gallop, as the first paragraph says, or did he just criticize them and ask them to explain their methodology as the title and body say? I suspect the latter and they count on most people not getting past the first or second paragraph.

and teh DOJ suit is


So, nobody on the left is bothered by Axlerod trying to manipulate the polls to favor Obama? Didn't think so, it would only warrant a congressional investigation if Bush did it and the Democrats were in charge.

Why would they mind?

They don't seem to care that the New Black Panthers were not prosecuted for voter intimidation and that many other DEM operatives were involved with voter fraud.

They don't seem to care that Obama is using fraudulent ID documentation
(ie. birth certificate, social security number, draft card)

They don't seem to mind that military bases overseas have no polling places to vote in.

They don't seem to notice that all of the rhetoric from his previous election has proven to be lies.

It's the Obama way and they're all for it regardless.