
Nov 22, 2002
Hi Gang,
I am reasonably new here.
One question .......It seems that you have to have posted a certain minimum amount of times in order to be able to use an avitar.
Can anyone fill me in on the specific number? Or is there just something I am doing wrong.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated assistance.

How rude of me! I forgot to say welcome! :heart: I'm so sorry!
And just for future reference, you have to have 1000 posts to be able to change your post status above the AV you will soon have.
Thanks Ladies..........:rose:
I knew I could "Count" all over you.....er ahhh I mean on you!!!:eek: .....
Hey while your at it, check out my thread in Poetry feedback.....or lack there of.....Id like your opinions....good or bad.
Dont know if poetry is your thing.......Id like to know if it's mine!
Thanks again ...........

Killswitch said:
Thanks Ladies..........:rose:
I knew I could "Count" all over you.....er ahhh I mean on you!!!:eek: .....
Hey while your at it, check out my thread in Poetry feedback.....or lack there of.....Id like your opinions....good or bad.
Dont know if poetry is your thing.......Id like to know if it's mine!
Thanks again ...........


You know it might help if you put the url into your sig line so that people can go read it, and if you haven't submitted a poem (and you've written something) you should do that as well. :)
I submitted my poem to Laurel for consideration and hope that it will be posted soon.
I do have one story posted, and one pending. My first story can be found at http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=70861

I hope the link works. I am new to some of these manuevers on the computer, and very new to writing. I am sure if you read my story you will draw that conclusion......
But I am learning from all of you and intend to write more creative, and sensual stories in the very near future.
I am really enjoying this new found forum of communication and expression.
I am also glad to make all of your aquaintance. :nana:
