Av for Amelia


Ms Snooby Pants
Mar 18, 2001
I saw this av and thought of Amelia. Just wanted to put it out there. :)
OMG! That's so cute! It's *totally* amelia!!!
I can't resist, Mischka. I see B&W and I can't help but do cheesy colorizations!
Here's another completely random av, not intended for anyone in particular. Nuh uh.
Mischka said:
Ooh, I like that. And I have brown eyes. :D

Eep! If that's your eye and mouth, then I apologize! I'd never mess with someone's own pic without permission! :(
Oh phew! I totally misunderstood! lol

Well then, anyone know where i could find this shade of lipstick?
I saw Mischka today. She's very very pretty for a total hardass.