Author Groups


Really Experienced
Oct 22, 2021
Can anyone tell me if there is any kind of group here on LitE for authors where they can share stories with each other and then provide feedback? I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there is already something like that here. For me, the comments on my stories are not all that helpful. I'm not looking for an editor or proofreader, either. I'm just looking for another author(s) to share (somewhat short) stories with and give each other constructive feedback. No Negative-Nancys (or Neds). I know a lot of you writers are already top-shelf and bring your A-game to every story. This might not be something you would be interested in. I'm looking for one or more writers like me who are somewhat of a newbie and want to grow and improve their writing. I don't want it to be a big burden on anyone, either. So I don't want to share stories that are multiple chapters. Maybe like 5,000-10,000 words? Something that can easily be read in one afternoon. I don't want a large group either; that might become cumbersome. I want someone who is willing to give and receive. I don't want people who are going to send out a new story every day, either. That's asking a little too much from the others. Maybe 1 or 2 stories per month maximum.

Thanks in advance!
I don't think that I have posted in the Story Feedback forum more than a few times, but I do view the threads, read some of the stories requesting feedback, and then leave comments with the story itself. The story has to be in a category that interests me, and there are fewer and fewer of those on Literotica it seems.

If the idea is for some type of more comprehensive review group, I don't think that I would be interested. I'm pretty picky about what I read these days, being more focused on my writing my published works and other aspects of retired life.
I have a few fellow authors that I can ask for a review/comment read. Truth is, these relationships have come about over the years and not from hunting for it. I read/comment on theirs and they do the same for me.

The only advice I can think of other than that is to take advantage of the Volunteer Editor List. I think you can find that with the Search tool in the top right of the page.
Authors tend to have their own private arrangements behind the scenes with beta readers and editors, both within the AH coterie and outside it. I have no idea whether formal or informal book clubs exist, though. The Feedback Forum gets some traffic, with one review team current at the moment, but the rest of that forum is ad-hoc.
Can anyone tell me if there is any kind of group here on LitE for authors where they can share stories with each other and then provide feedback? I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there is already something like that here. For me, the comments on my stories are not all that helpful. I'm not looking for an editor or proofreader, either. I'm just looking for another author(s) to share (somewhat short) stories with and give each other constructive feedback. No Negative-Nancys (or Neds). I know a lot of you writers are already top-shelf and bring your A-game to every story. This might not be something you would be interested in. I'm looking for one or more writers like me who are somewhat of a newbie and want to grow and improve their writing. I don't want it to be a big burden on anyone, either. So I don't want to share stories that are multiple chapters. Maybe like 5,000-10,000 words? Something that can easily be read in one afternoon. I don't want a large group either; that might become cumbersome. I want someone who is willing to give and receive. I don't want people who are going to send out a new story every day, either. That's asking a little too much from the others. Maybe 1 or 2 stories per month maximum.

Thanks in advance!
A member here was meant to be organizing it, but the lazy bitch is pretty incompetent, if you ask me. Who knows when she’ll get her act together.

I have a few fellow authors that I can ask for a review/comment read. Truth is, these relationships have come about over the years and not from hunting for it. I read/comment on theirs and they do the same for me.

The only advice I can think of other than that is to take advantage of the Volunteer Editor List. I think you can find that with the Search tool in the top right of the page.
I have a volunteer editor already, but that is not exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks for your input though.
A member here was meant to be organizing it, but the lazy bitch is pretty incompetent, if you ask me. Who knows when she’ll get her act together.


My thoughts were to review each other's story rather than pick some story that had been written by someone else a long time ago or something. Not sure that would help me improve my own writing, maybe, maybe not, dunno. I would prefer to keep it somewhat small and private instead of an open forum where any yahoo can jump in and start hurling their negative shit around. I want the discussions to be constructive and respectful.

Thanks Em :)