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Fantzy you could uninstall it , then reinstall it.

not sure if that will help but its an option.
have tried that as well Henry...but it still aint working just getting more & more peeved at the whole thing :mad:

No i dont have Nortons..but have a few other virus scanners on my puter.....
hmmm..ok...well I know the latest HP printer won't let you install with Nortons in your have to uninstall the Nortons ..install the printer then reinstall Nortons..maybe it is the same with other programs and scanners.....let me find the site that had all the info and I will send it to you

double click or right click my computer on desktop.
then click properties.
then click device manager

any problem areas will have a yellow question mark next to them.

maybe try reinstalling drivers for them if there is
*hands over aspirin and a glass of water*

*takes foot and applies icepack*
your such a sweety Henry...thanx for the ice pack....have had enough of this scanner for the moment.....may go back to bed with my Nurofen & Ergodryll & relax til this headache goes away...

Azure..if you could send that site info i would be so very grateful :D :rose: :rose:

Chat to you all later on.... :kiss:
Bye Fantzy and chat to you later.

hope that headache goes away too.
Azure thank god for the net hey, how would we find out so much to help us with comp probs.
so true Henry...I consider myself a comp ninny..know about the same amount that fits on a pin head.....but I figure if you ask lots of people and do lots of searches...eventually you come up with a solution.....
yep but if you dont ask questions with a lot of lifes questions you will never get an answer or solution.
well after changing bags 3 times...I finally got everything to fit ok...I really don't want to go...ah well...thats life
*sigh* I have been complaining about the pop ups for a long time now but no one believed me *taps foot in Azure's direction*

At last.... vindication.

hows all going for you?

like the new av.

Azure tell him whos boss lol
hmmm.....the av duckie..oh well you are a knight in shinning armour...and are you gonna pick on me here have been doing enough of that this morning with my packing..ya big bully...~soft poke in the
Well the AV will do till i get the one i want, drawn for me.

the one i was using yesterday was ok, but this is closer
my partner is a genius with tools in his hand.....when it comes to the business side...well he is not so good.....not to worry I will what I have to and get back home asap
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