"At least 19 killed after suspected terror attack at Ariana Grande concert" - UK

And then you went on to say, "Oh it only affected 50 families. So what? We're Britain and this attack means less than a mosquito bite to us. Those 50 families mean nothing in comparison to the rest of our amazingly strong country."

You're kind of a prick to the victims. Do you have no empathy for them? Wow you evil, hateful bigot. I cannot believe you have so little feeling that you make those families seem like nothing, and you use them to push your bullshit narrative.

Wow. I know I'm offended. I'm not sure I can even handle talking to somebody as inconsiderate and purely evil as you.

What I said was.
"As it is they have had a negative impact on 50 families but the people in and around Manchester have had a positive impact on so many more."

What a pity it is that you can't pick holes in what I said and have to resort to making it up.
You don't write 45's alternative facts by any chance?
What I said was.
"As it is they have had a negative impact on 50 families but the people in and around Manchester have had a positive impact on so many more."

What a pity it is that you can't pick holes in what I said and have to resort to making it up.
You don't write 45's alternative facts by any chance?

The crowd funding for the victims' families has already reached half a million pounds.
What I said was.
"As it is they have had a negative impact on 50 families but the people in and around Manchester have had a positive impact on so many more."

What a pity it is that you can't pick holes in what I said and have to resort to making it up.
You don't write 45's alternative facts by any chance?

Okay, I see now. I apologize. You are 100% correct. I misread the comment and misrepresented your argument and your character. For that, I'm sorry.

I try my best to admit when I'm wrong. However, I'm not conceding on the other points I said. I'm not apologizing for my stance, even if you think I'm the scum of the earth for it. BUT I did misrepresent YOU and that's what I'll concede. I misread the comment. I'm not perfect.
The crowd funding for the victims' families has already reached half a million pounds.

That's what we do isn't it.

I see the death toll has now risen to 22 and casualties to 56. They'll all need a lot of support.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it was a male.

You Islamophobes love to latch onto the supposed religion of these nuts, but the more basic fact is its men committing all this terror and violence. Men men men. Does that mean we can have a MAN BAN? Why not?

Of course to even point out the simple fact that MALES commit 99% of the violence in this world makes everyone shit a collective brick.

Do you have anything to support that 99% figure? :confused: It seems a bit high.


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Please, by all means, correct me if I'm wrong here... but isn't that something that's been happening in the middle east for a very long time already?

Women terrorists are a fairly new phenomomen even in the Middle East except for Chechens against Russia.

The recent arrests of women in the UK are new.

Using women and children as human shields in the Middle East has been common practice for decades; using them as the actual attackers is still rare.
Holy shit, Carnal Flower was at the meta level. I didn't even notice it.


WT-Fucking-Fuck?! You have got to be kidding me. The fact that this is even entered somebody's mind is ridiculous... wait...

Wait. Hmm... Feminists arguing against Islam? YES!!! Yes it was an attack on girls!!! Those men obviously were misogynistic women-killers!!! We need them stopped! Omg Stop that THOUGHT PROCESS. Islam hates women. Yes! Feminists, go with your strong female-ness and stop Islam!

Listen, I know the last time a woman, an agent for the FBI, tried to spy on an ISIS member, she married him... but maybe she wasn't a feminist. Maybe she was just one of the stupid ones who didn't know about feminism. Yeah! So go do your titty-showing, pussy hat wearing thing over in Islamic countries. Because this was men attacking and killing women and it must be stopped.

ISIS do not represent any religion. They are criminal assholes only interested in money, sex and power.

They would claim responsibility even if the attack had been made by a purple alien, but they would prefer the alien to shout about Allah.

Everything about them stems from religion. Without a doubt, money, sex and power are all drivers as well, but it's about their warped view of their warped religion of hate.

If someone did any act of unanswered chaos, I'm guessing they would claim it if it was believable enough, but I doubt there have been too many missed attributions.

The uncomfortable truth is that these jihadists are part of the mass migration to spread islam is what many people refuse to see. These murderous assholes want to spread across the world and wreak fear and death to everyone who isn't 'their' kind of muslim. And yet the liberal panties get soaked by bringing them in. It's like they want to commit cultural suicide!

isis doesn't represent a religion?!? Please... if they could openly enforce sharia law in the western world, they would dance with their koran while having a party raping (banned Lit words) to praise their founder and allah. Thanks so much to the enablers who invite them in.
Everything about them stems from religion. Without a doubt, money, sex and power are all drivers as well, but it's about their warped view of their warped religion of hate.

If someone did any act of unanswered chaos, I'm guessing they would claim it if it was believable enough, but I doubt there have been too many missed attributions.

The uncomfortable truth is that these jihadists are part of the mass migration to spread islam is what many people refuse to see. These murderous assholes want to spread across the world and wreak fear and death to everyone who isn't 'their' kind of muslim. And yet the liberal panties get soaked by bringing them in. It's like they want to commit cultural suicide!

isis doesn't represent a religion?!? Please... if they could openly enforce sharia law in the western world, they would dance with their koran while having a party raping (banned Lit words) to praise their founder and allah. Thanks so much to the enablers who invite them in.

No no no, remember now... those people who died... They had a higher chance of dying by furniture in their house than they did at the hands of a terrorist. So, that justifies the rest of the religion.

Bring 'em on in to America. I think there are some liberal concerts here they should visit. Maybe some women's marches, maybe gay clubs, maybe airlines... hey, I bet if you asked a liberal, they would buy the tickets for the terrorists if the terrorist promised to fly a plane into Trump's White House.
As much as I'll talk bad about isis and islam, I almost feel bad about slightly detailing this thread. The innocent victims are being discussed here.

Without trying to step on toes, I'd say that there are way more families and people affected by this cowardly crime. I'd venture to say that there are easily hundreds of families that are deeply impacted. It doesn't matter if the U.K. knew that there was a chance of an attack, it doesn't lessen the impact.

I can kind of imagine the horror of something like that happening in my city, and I hope to God that it doesn't, and I don't want that for anyone else either. I hope this experience enables "the authorities" to pound harder on those they stop from committing these acts. They don't need more powers that invade the lives of normal good citizens, they have the tools to do their jobs. They need to be able to do it without the interruption of the politically correct assholes interrupting their progress.
As much as I'll talk bad about isis and islam, I almost feel bad about slightly detailing this thread. The innocent victims are being discussed here.

Without trying to step on toes, I'd say that there are way more families and people affected by this cowardly crime. I'd venture to say that there are easily hundreds of families that are deeply impacted. It doesn't matter if the U.K. knew that there was a chance of an attack, it doesn't lessen the impact.

I can kind of imagine the horror of something like that happening in my city, and I hope to God that it doesn't, and I don't want that for anyone else either. I hope this experience enables "the authorities" to pound harder on those they stop from committing these acts. They don't need more powers that invade the lives of normal good citizens, they have the tools to do their jobs. They need to be able to do it without the interruption of the politically correct assholes interrupting their progress.

Sadly whenever something like this happens people will use it to justify their own petty prejudices. Be they feminists, gay rights activists, islamophobes or the people who think we are ruled by little green lizards. None of that helps. Branding a group of people as evil doesn't help either, in fact, it assists the cause of the terrorists. If we start turning on each other we might as well give up.

The people of Manchester did the right thing. They opened their doors and offered help to all. They didn't ask about religion sexual orientation or gender. The following day they grouped together, People of all religions and none, in Albert Square. They knew they were making themselves a target, but the statement was more important than the risk. That statement is that together we are strong and you will not break us.

I feel sorry for the families. I can't imagine what it must be like to suffer in that way. However, that will not stop me looking for the good things. One man showed us how evil people can be, but thousands showed how much good there is. That's what I hang on to.

Britain has had to suffer terrorism for 50 years now. We've had the IRA bombing everyone, the welsh nationalists blowing up water pipelines and burning cottages owned by the English and now we have so-called Islamic terrorists and at the same time fascists who think it's right to kill people because they want to be in Europe.

Should I create a league table of hate for these groups? Who should I hate the most and what would it achieve. You see the thing that I know about hate is that it blinds you to the good in the people you hate. It is seeing that good that makes it worth getting out of bed in the morning.
So, you guys realize there are billions of people who have been victims to religion prior to this, right?

That's the entire POINT. There are REAL victims in the name of Islam and potential victims to come in the future unless we ACKNOWLEDGE it's a problem. The normal, everyday, good Muslims beat their wives, stone gay people, behead people, and commit terrorist attacks all throughout the world regularly.

But this event is MORE real to us now because it has happened to white people in Britain, and the pictures of the little girls who died resonates with us personally. So you decide to walk on eggshells about it.... WHY?

Before the attack, why weren't you saying, "Oh the horrible things that are happening to women in the middle east... I don't want to discuss this because so many families are hurting..."

Yeah stfu... It's real. It's happening. It's getting closer to you. It's becoming more than some talking point. It's becoming a real threat to our society.

And liberals want to make you feel bad for talking about it. They want to guilt you into feeling bad for the families. Because if you're guilt-tripped into not talking about it, there will come a day when we move on and then all the Muslims are completely harmless and cool and they should come to America and other civilized countries.

So grow some balls and talk about it. Acknowledge it. Otherwise, you're justifying Islam and any other barbaric religion that WANTS YOU DEAD.

That's right. They want YOU dead. They want you dead no matter if you're an 8yo child or a logical thinking person who doesn't believe in bullshit deities.

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So, you guys realize there are billions of people who have been victims to religion prior to this, right?

That's the entire POINT. There are REAL victims in the name of Islam and potential victims to come in the future unless we ACKNOWLEDGE it's a problem. The normal, everyday, good Muslims beat their wives, stone gay people, behead people, and commit terrorist attacks all throughout the world regularly.

But this event is MORE real to us now because it has happened to white people in Britain, and the pictures of the little girls who died resonates with us personally. So you decide to walk on eggshells about it.... WHY?

Before the attack, why weren't you saying, "Oh the horrible things that are happening to women in the middle east... I don't want to discuss this because so many families are hurting..."

Yeah stfu... It's real. It's happening. It's getting closer to you. It's becoming more than some talking point. It's becoming a real threat to our society.

And liberals want to make you feel bad for talking about it. They want to guilt you into feeling bad for the families. Because if you're guilt-tripped into not talking about it, there will come a day when we move on and then all the Muslims are completely harmless and cool and they should come to America and other civilized countries.

So grow some balls and talk about it. Acknowledge it. Otherwise, you're justifying Islam and any other barbaric religion that WANTS YOU DEAD.

That's right. They want YOU dead. They want you dead no matter if you're an 8yo child or a logical thinking person who doesn't believe in bullshit deities.

Of course, there are millions of people being hurt supposedly in the name of religion and it's been happening for centuries. You only have to look at the crusades for that. What right did those Arab people have to take over our sacred city. Anyone would think they lived there. We must send an army to take it back in the name of the church.

And it is still going on. Only a few days ago the Pres celebrated an arms deal with Saudi Arabia. He sold them, among other things, Raytheon missiles which they are using in Yemen against the Shia Muslims and the Christians. Did he do that in the name of religion? No, he did that in the name of corporate greed.

You seriously think ISIS are in the game with the aim of furthering their religion? Everyone coming out of ISIS-held territory says the regime is as far from Islam as it is possible to get. They are in it for wealth and power. If you want to stop the killing, make it unprofitable.
Of course, there are millions of people being hurt supposedly in the name of religion and it's been happening for centuries. You only have to look at the crusades for that. What right did those Arab people have to take over our sacred city. Anyone would think they lived there. We must send an army to take it back in the name of the church.

And it is still going on. Only a few days ago the Pres celebrated an arms deal with Saudi Arabia. He sold them, among other things, Raytheon missiles which they are using in Yemen against the Shia Muslims and the Christians. Did he do that in the name of religion? No, he did that in the name of corporate greed.

You seriously think ISIS are in the game with the aim of furthering their religion? Everyone coming out of ISIS-held territory says the regime is as far from Islam as it is possible to get. They are in it for wealth and power. If you want to stop the killing, make it unprofitable.

The crusades did kill a lot of folks, but it's nothing compared to the spread of Islam they were trying to stop. The muslims were simply killing and enslaving the territories they overran, unless the peasants facing their army converted to islam. Just like now, the push of muslim invaders is to convert the globe to islam, and kill all those that resist.

Yes, these radicals don't represent every muslim today, but the 20% who are still make up a shitload of people. Germany needed less than 10% of their people for the Nazis to take over. The early US colonies needed around 3% for their revolution. These "radical" islamists aren't just the terrorists that make the news, back in their home towns, they are average.

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So, you guys realize there are billions of people who have been victims to religion prior to this, right?

That's the entire POINT. There are REAL victims in the name of Islam and potential victims to come in the future unless we ACKNOWLEDGE it's a problem. The normal, everyday, good Muslims beat their wives, stone gay people, behead people, and commit terrorist attacks all throughout the world regularly.

But this event is MORE real to us now because it has happened to white people in Britain, and the pictures of the little girls who died resonates with us personally. So you decide to walk on eggshells about it.... WHY?

Before the attack, why weren't you saying, "Oh the horrible things that are happening to women in the middle east... I don't want to discuss this because so many families are hurting..."

Yeah stfu... It's real. It's happening. It's getting closer to you. It's becoming more than some talking point. It's becoming a real threat to our society.

And liberals want to make you feel bad for talking about it. They want to guilt you into feeling bad for the families. Because if you're guilt-tripped into not talking about it, there will come a day when we move on and then all the Muslims are completely harmless and cool and they should come to America and other civilized countries.

So grow some balls and talk about it. Acknowledge it. Otherwise, you're justifying Islam and any other barbaric religion that WANTS YOU DEAD.

That's right. They want YOU dead. They want you dead no matter if you're an 8yo child or a logical thinking person who doesn't believe in bullshit deities.


"Billions" might be too high, but certainly hundreds of millions. Probably the worst treated were Hindus and others in South Asia, who were slaughtered by marauding Muslims in the name of the pedophile. There were also vast numbers in Africa and Europe. And it's still going on. :eek:
"Billions" might be too high, but certainly hundreds of millions. Probably the worst treated were Hindus and others in South Asia, who were slaughtered by marauding Muslims in the name of the pedophile. There were also vast numbers in Africa and Europe. And it's still going on. :eek:

All they want is to move to a nice place in your town and live their peaceful lives without interference. What's wrong with that?

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I see that the Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia propagandists have been able to find work.

You realize that they're immigrants, right?
Of course, there are millions of people being hurt supposedly in the name of religion and it's been happening for centuries. You only have to look at the crusades for that. What right did those Arab people have to take over our sacred city. Anyone would think they lived there. We must send an army to take it back in the name of the church.

And it is still going on. Only a few days ago the Pres celebrated an arms deal with Saudi Arabia. He sold them, among other things, Raytheon missiles which they are using in Yemen against the Shia Muslims and the Christians. Did he do that in the name of religion? No, he did that in the name of corporate greed.

You seriously think ISIS are in the game with the aim of furthering their religion? Everyone coming out of ISIS-held territory says the regime is as far from Islam as it is possible to get. They are in it for wealth and power. If you want to stop the killing, make it unprofitable.

Okay, take ISIS and terrorists out of the equation. As far as civilized standards go, Islam is extreme even still. Cover women from head to toe, count their votes as half a man's, throw gays off buildings, stone people for breaking the law, etc.

Oh no, he used the Crusades argument!!! What is an atheist like me going to do?!?! How will I try to defend Christianity?! Oh right, I wont. Don't care.

Chris you really are a twat,children have been killed over here, your security services have released information that could co the inquiry now you trying to run totally stupid polls on who did it. Friends like you we don,t need and if this upsets you tough shit.
Chris you really are a twat,children have been killed over here, your security services have released information that could co the inquiry now you trying to run totally stupid polls on who did it. Friends like you we don,t need and if this upsets you tough shit.

Okay, take ISIS and terrorists out of the equation. As far as civilized standards go, Islam is extreme even still. Cover women from head to toe, count their votes as half a man's, throw gays off buildings, stone people for breaking the law, etc.

Oh no, he used the Crusades argument!!! What is an atheist like me going to do?!?! How will I try to defend Christianity?! Oh right, I wont. Don't care.
All those things have been done on American soil by Christians.

People are fond of saying that Muslims are stuck in the middle ages, but the reality is much closer to the 1800's.
All those things have been done on American soil by Christians.

People are fond of saying that Muslims are stuck in the middle ages, but the reality is much closer to the 1800's.

Stop with the fake news.

Those things were done on soil that became the USA, and the Protestant religion has evolved since then. Baptists aren't Quakers. Catholics now are nothing like the ones from the time of the crusades.

The muslims have been doing this shit for over 1400 years, the main differences now are that they have technology and more effective weapons.

ETA: These things have been done in the past several years on American soil - by muslims. They love that shit.

According to DOJ....

Men - 90.5% of the homicides
Men - 86% of the violent crimes

While not 99%, it definitively demonstrates a real issue with men and violence. Whether linked to religion, hormones, cultural mores... lots of options. But it's a problem. A very real problem.
All those things have been done on American soil by Christians.

People are fond of saying that Muslims are stuck in the middle ages, but the reality is much closer to the 1800's.

Man, you are such an idiot. Okay, so we'll go with what you said. Christians are the worst religion to ever exist and has plagued North America since pilgrams stepped foot on this soil.

Monster of a religion, horrible religion. Christianity is the worst thing that could ever happen and we have to suffer through terrible tragedies by Christians 24/7. Every death is a Christian extremist killing and every mass murder is endorsed by Christianity. Slavery is thanks to Christianity.

Okay, so we good? Christianity is AIDS + Cancer + Nuclear Radiation + Corruption.

You good with that? Or no? Because if you want to throw anything else on top of Cbristianity, just edit my quote and add it. Christianity is the most dangerous religion ever and there is no hiding from it. You are likely to die at the hands of a normal, everyday Chrisrian. There's a 99.99999999999% chance of a Christian terrorist attack at all times.

Okay. So why the fuck do you think accepting Islam is a good idea again? How does that help? The answer is that it wont. Keeping Islam out of our country is what we want to do.

Also, Muslims say "MUSLIMS ARE THE #1 VICTIMS IN MASS BOMBINGS!" Okay, so remind me why Islam is a good idea since they fight among each other. It would only cause more bombings.

Logic doesn't work in any way when you try to justify bringing in Islam to a civilized country.
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