At first I thought this couldnt be real, but real it is! Seattle Times column blames Maui fires on ‘colonization’, ‘Europeans’

There is truth to the OP. Sugar and pineapple plantations were delvloped by colonists over the last century or so, then abandoned. The dried vegetation was a big part of why it spread so fast.
It only works if you tell people you are ignoring them. Good job!
Yah he said that the other day to, like I care. He can ignore me (till this alt of his gets banhammered) , that doesn't mean I ignore his bullshit.
The fact that the shitlord editorialist in the link above did not add a link to the original editorial says volumes.
The link to the original editorial is HERE.

The original writer gives a mini history lesson about how Maui up until the earliest 20th century was essentially a wetlands. Wetlands, as you might have guessed (if you were not a MAGA) have far fewer wildfires than developed land. Colonization, specifically European colonization, essentially turned wetlands into massive pineapple plantations. That, I believe, is a valid point.

Closer to present day, the columnist laments that indigenous people who have lost their homes might just succumb to lowballing hotel developers, eager to cash in on a natural disaster. This is sad.

All in all, it was a fairly balanced editorial, perhaps leaning a bit towards "the way things used to be", which I understand is a core concept of MAGA nation, except this "days gone by" lament did not focus on White victimhood, ergo, shitlord Rantz had an editorial that wrote itself, once again proving that the "real victims here are WHITE victims"!
Once the sugar plantations disappeared, the land was converted to pasture for cattle. They did not plant native grasses...but instead planted grasses that grew at enormous rates when rain was plentiful and dried to a crisp when dry. So a way...colonial practices did add to the potential hazard. But that was 50 to 80 years ago. What mattered is the practices in the last 5 years. That is what burned.
The Seattle Times. Hard hitting journalism at its worst.
Shoot teh messenger? That's all you got? Well like they used to tell HisArpy the third time he repeated fourth grade, "if that's your best, your best won't do".