Joe Biden Not Allowed To Have Young Girls On Stage With Him But does it anyway


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Creepy Biden Says His Staff Doesn’t Allow Him to Have “Young Girls” Next to Him on Stage, But He’s Going to Do It Anyway (VIDEO)​

by Cristina Laila Sep. 23, 2024 6:40 pm


Joe Biden on Monday delivered remarks at the Gotham F.C. Championship Visit in the East Room at the White House. NY Gotham was honored at the White House for its 2023 National Women’s Soccer League Championship victory. Joe Biden just couldn’t help himself. He just had to creep on young girls.

White House staffers have tried to keep Biden away from young children, but he doesn’t listen. Biden blurted out that he has been told by his staffers that he can’t invite young girls to come over and stand by him.

“I thought when I got to be president, I’d get to do things that I wanted to do, but my staff tells me what I can’t do,” Biden said.

“All the young women, young kids out there, come on up here and stand behind me when we do this. And the guys,” he said.

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Not surprising. Seeing how fucked up Hunter Biden is and turning to drugs, and Asley Biden's diary describing her sexual abuse by her father, not exactly surprising Biden wants to get his hands on more kids.

Shows you what kind of person lefties and democrats like to see representing them.
Look, I got my questions and issues with Biden, but he's yesterday's news. He's a lame duck. Just let it go and move on, dudes.

Yes, before you ask, I voted for the guy (general election, as an independent) and once donated to him (while still a registered Democrat). So what?
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^This. exactly.

I could go on to talk about all the lame, creepy, fucked up shit that Trump does/has done, but it's really besides the point (and it's not like the original poster will give a fuck anyway)