Assault weapons ban won't be in Dems' gun bill


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided that a proposed assault weapons ban won't be part of a gun control bill the Senate plans to debate next month, the sponsor of the ban said Tuesday, a decision that means the ban stands little chance of survival.

Instead, Sen. Dianne Feinstein said she will be able to offer her ban on the military-style firearms as an amendment. Feinstein is all but certain to need 60 votes from the 100-member Senate to prevail, but she faces solid Republican opposition and likely defections from some moderate Democrats.
this thread would be more interesting with photos of large-breasted women and hemi-motored vehicles.
You're tooting your horn like you won something.

So it won't be in the Bill... whoopty doo.

I don't get it?
See! I said this was DF grandstanding and it wouldn't go anywhere. This is Congress, it's not like they want to get anything done.
The USofA is a gun culture and it is bone deep so grandma's guns will be handed down. Plus, the NRA is so powerful the gun companies, who really don't have much of a problem with gun control (so what if guns are registered), are cowered not wanting to lose money from a boycott. CCW classes are at a record high.
The USofA is based on gun culture and it is bone deep. Plus, the NRA is so powerful the gun companies, who really don't have much of a problem with gun control (so what if guns are registered) are cowered not wanting to lose money from a boycott.

Laughable. S&W went along with the Clinton gun ban. S&W went bankrupt shorty thereafter.;)