Ask Me A Question v9.26.21

Hotel room, no. House mates, yes.

Are you overly grumpy/agitated or overly chill when you're sick?
Hotel room, no. House mates, yes.

Are you overly grumpy/agitated or overly chill when you're sick?
Definitely overly chill. I'll sort out the mayhem fallout once I'm feeling able to tackle it. Until then, just try not to burn the house down or kill each other.

What's your (non-sexual) talent?
I can extend my shoulder blades back really far. Haven't yet met anyone else who does it. Is that a talent? It doesn't feel like it

I'll ask the same question but if remove the parenthetical statement.
I can extend my shoulder blades back really far. Haven't yet met anyone else who does it. Is that a talent? It doesn't feel like it

I'll ask the same question but if remove the parenthetical statement.
Sounds like your hypermobile.
Yes, I can do that too and yes I am
What else can you do?
Could you pick out your lover’s scent blindfolded?
Dunno, sounds like a fun game though :ROFLMAO:

Which side of the bed do you sleep on and what is it's proximity to windows or bathroom and did you ever discuss it before you started sleeping in the same bed?
Dunno, sounds like a fun game though :ROFLMAO:

Which side of the bed do you sleep on and what is it's proximity to windows or bathroom and did you ever discuss it before you started sleeping in the same bed?
I sleep on the left (looking from the foot of the bed). It's closer to the window, further away from the door. I don't think we ever discussed it really, but my husband is one of those clumsy trip-over-nothing-making-a-clatter people, so him being closer to the door makes sense for us. Less chance of him waking me when he's moving around.

What's the worst injury you've done or had done with/to your partner whilst asleep?
Hmmm nothing comes to mind.

Where is your favorite place to be kissed?
Hard to beat Paris, but I’ll take Venice or Prague for a kiss.

Would you do a naked escape room with four total strangers, knowing you would never see any of them again?
Hard to beat Paris, but I’ll take Venice or Prague for a kiss.

Would you do a naked escape room with four total strangers, knowing you would never see any of them again?
No, no escape room for me, the other parts are fine

Have you had your wildest sexural fantasy come true?
Yes, well beyond. Life is grand. And crazy.

What common board game do you absolutely hate - and why?
Ticket to Ride. There‘s no hate in my vocab, but that game stymies me. I love all games in general.

Do you play to win, or play for something else?
No, and that's probably for the best.

We are now on the 11th day of 2024: how many orgasms have you had so far this year?

We are now on the 11th day of 2024: how many orgasms have you had so far this year?
Nope, never have. Closest I've came was I made a gif once and even that was R rated at best.

How often have you made videos of yourself doing anything?
Small handleful, sometimes with traveling. How many books (roughly) do you read a year ?
Small handleful, sometimes with traveling. How many books (roughly) do you read a year ?
Somewhere in the vicinity of a hundred (I'm a voracious reader.)

What was the last book you read that made you say "Holy shit, that was a good book."?