Ask Me A Question v9.26.21

New skis and boots.

When was the last time your were breathing hard?
I was skiing over the holidays, so there were a few points in there where I was winded. And the cold didn't help.

When was the last time you fell?
I was skiing over the holidays, so there were a few points in there where I was winded. And the cold didn't help.

When was the last time you fell?
Give me a minute, it'll happen. So um, every day.

Are you talented enough to draw something?
I guess it depends on what I'm drawing....I mean I can draw a straight line with the best of them haha.

Was your NYE celebration better or worse than expected?
Good. We did a New Year’s Eve Eve outing for food and music. I don’t go out for New Year’s Eve.

What traditions do you do for New Years Eve into New Years Day?
Good. We did a New Year’s Eve Eve outing for food and music. I don’t go out for New Year’s Eve.

What traditions do you do for New Years Eve into New Years Day?
I go to sleep on New Years Eve and wake up on New Years Day - true story.

Is your current lover the best lover you’ve ever been with?