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Maybe it's why there is a war looming. Cultures change following wars, technology increases.

Maybe when we get through the war society will be a nicer more accepting place for another 80 years or so.
It does seem the pendulum has to swing its full arc, doesn't it? I'm not sure our world can survive a modern war.
The Catholic Church often comes under (deserved!) scrutiny for the hatred spewed by many of its leaders, especially here in the US. This article was recently published describing that, while the church in the US is actually shrinking in size, the people that remain are more rigid in their beliefs that homosexuality, transgenderism, sex outside of marriage etc., are evil. For me, the most frightening aspect is the young people who are espousing these views. They're among those seeking to erase the progress of the last 60+ years in terms of human dignity and human rights.
The Catholic Church often comes under (deserved!) scrutiny for the hatred spewed by many of its leaders, especially here in the US. This article was recently published describing that, while the church in the US is actually shrinking in size, the people that remain are more rigid in their beliefs that homosexuality, transgenderism, sex outside of marriage etc., are evil. For me, the most frightening aspect is the young people who are espousing these views. They're among those seeking to erase the progress of the last 60+ years in terms of human dignity and human rights.
I read that article yesterday and I thought they are well on their way to alienating everyone who does not want to live in the 1500s. The Pope actually understands this and he should take stronger action against them.
The Catholic Church often comes under (deserved!) scrutiny for the hatred spewed by many of its leaders, especially here in the US. This article was recently published describing that, while the church in the US is actually shrinking in size, the people that remain are more rigid in their beliefs that homosexuality, transgenderism, sex outside of marriage etc., are evil. For me, the most frightening aspect is the young people who are espousing these views. They're among those seeking to erase the progress of the last 60+ years in terms of human dignity and human rights.
Sounds like circling the wagons and saving the last bullets for each other?
For a time I hung out on a Reddit forum for autistic women, just after I got my diagnosis and the discussions were super helpful. After a year some other women joined the group who were clearly anti-trans, so I was pushed out - one of the newcomers became a mod who made my posts invisible to everyone else.

The conclusion I drew was that autistic people could be just as bigoted as anyone else. In fact, given their need for order, they can be more inflexible in their thinking than NT folks. Being LGBTQ+ can grind the gears of plenty of people for no logical reason - it's an emotional reflex but I can't possibly guess at your ex's position.

If you're gay or lesbian, you've got to work quite hard to be recognised as such in the street. Hiding in plain sight is a privilege for Ls, Gs and Bs. However, if you dye your hair bright pink or make your gender/sexuality overt then you're inviting a response from strangers.

The perception of the public is skewed by pressure groups who are encouraged by the media and anyone else seeking to stoke the fires of unrest in society. It's not difficult to fit in, but a tiny minority take a malevolent delight in sending dead rats to JKR, or declaring themselves trans if they're sent to prison, or even plotting to kill transgender people because it's a cool thing to do. Those people aren't allies and we don't need their 'help'. We're transitioning to be normal, not break society by forcing people to refer to chest-feeding or waving our junk at women in a changing room. Most trans folk are quiet, thoughtful and kind people.
The last sentences in this post are soooo true. The LAST thing my girlfriend ever wants to do is draw attention to herself by being transgender. If a shop clerk or a flight attendant refers to her as m'am, she is delighted. Just to be treated as an ordinary woman. It's so little to ask.
Some history for you. I think I knew about a trans Bond girl, but here's a bit more on the life of model and actor Caroline Cossey :rose: