As we speak, I Need help! Should he read??????


Aug 21, 2012
Been caught typing ........ a fantasy quite erotic...... my bf asks me if i am going to let him read it. I can tell he wants to by the change in his attitude. He seems quite different from his normal easy going person. A little on edge, yet not wanting to cross over the line of imposing in my 'bubble'.. Little does he know, that I want him to impose.... Anyway, here we set, as we speak. I want him to read it but don't want to admit to him that i do.... and i think he wants to. HELP! LOL! Should I let him see inside of my mind????????
Maybe it would help if i post a little preview.......

All was quiet and I felt a release in the restraint on my right hand, then my left. I started to rise but you said, “Wait!” and stilled me with a hand on my lower back. Then my legs became free and I started to move. Your swift, strong hand on my shoulder stops any movement other than the movement you wanted. Finding myself on my stomach with a pillow underneath my stomach and my ass in the air, before I know it, I am bound again by both wrists again but my legs are free from restraints, and yet nothing of me is hidden. My wet, dripping pussy open for display, as well as my ass. Settling in, I anticipate the
feel of your manhood pressing against my sopping opening..... waiting, savoring the knowledge that it's coming....... WHACK

A high pitched yelp escapes my mouth as a sharp slap on my right ass cheek causes electricity to run wild through my body...... the sting teasing every pleasure sensor and torturing every nerve ending. Then the feel of your again gentle touch gently rubbing the slightly stinging cheek sends a warmth coursing through my body. WHACK … a sharp slap to the left....... A mixture of slight pain and immense pleasure is almost overwhelming.

Then nothing....
If you really want him to know what your wants and needs are then you should allow him to read your thoughts. No man and that includes Dominant men are mind readers although some of us play one on the boards. (G)

As a guy I'm not especially subtle so my advice is print your document turn it face down and tell him. If you want to read what I wrote it is on the table. It is your choice. Try to be neutral in your expression and your voice.

I've been involved in BDSM for over 20 years and nothing makes my life and my subs better than her telling me in some way what she wants.

Honestly though it is usually like pulling teeth.

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I'm a big believer in honesty above game-playing but....if you're uncomfortable just hand it over with a "well, if you insist."
This sounds a lot like a little school kid who has a crush on someone but doesn't want that someone to find out. Of course you should let him read it. You want him to and he wants to. This is a no brainer.
If you really want him to know what your wants and needs are then you should allow him to read your thoughts. No man and that includes Dominant men are mind readers although some of us play one on the boards. (G)

As a guy I'm not especially subtle so my advice is print your document turn it face down and tell him. If you want to read what I wrote it is on the table. It is your choice. Try to be neutral in your expression and your voice.

I've been involved in BDSM for over 20 years and nothing makes my life and my subs better than her telling me in some way what she wants.

Honestly though it is usually like pulling teeth.



EVEN STILL-- I feel like I'm trying to pull my own teeth out sometimes, when I try to tell someone what I want. Still. And I've been practicing.

This is a hella problem for women, and for the people who love them.
Just keep in mind that some fantasies you write, or some parts of them, you WOULD like to see come true. Others you WOULD NOT particularly, unless the people involved, and the conditions (especially mutual trust and respect), were just right. Make CERTAIN you can clearly convey to him the differences between the two or if he is inspired you may get a nightmare rather than a fantasy come to life.
I like typing. It's easier for me to tell the truth of what I am thinking. I think it's a good idea. I am going to try it next time I have a lover and see what happens. I am going to make the words brief, on little index cards and slip them into his coat pocket, etc. I can't believe I never thought of this before.

I want to know what happened now, did you let him read it?
Having read your introductory post, I say go for it, he sounds like a good guy to explore your fantasies with.

Just be honest, good, bad or indifferent, say what you think rather than try to second guess what somebody might want to hear: good relationships are built on good communication, this sounds like an excellent start.
If you really want him to know what your wants and needs are then you should allow him to read your thoughts. No man and that includes Dominant men are mind readers although some of us play one on the boards. (G)

As a guy I'm not especially subtle so my advice is print your document turn it face down and tell him. If you want to read what I wrote it is on the table. It is your choice. Try to be neutral in your expression and your voice.

I've been involved in BDSM for over 20 years and nothing makes my life and my subs better than her telling me in some way what she wants.

Honestly though it is usually like pulling teeth.


True, so often you just give the fuck up and say "bend over bitch".

That way, at least somebody gets what the fuck they want. :)
I've been involved in BDSM for over 20 years and nothing makes my life and my subs better than her telling me in some way what she wants.

Honestly though it is usually like pulling teeth.


For the public record, I do NOT resemble that remark! Hrmph! (Sir)
She didn't know what the fuck she wanted, my current philosophy is in many ways, the result of that.

In the end, she didn't want the kids, and I did, so here I am. I'm not entirely sure how that is poor reflection on me.

She's cooling her heels in a halfway house as we speak, having just spent a year and a half in the pen, which she managed without any of my help.

And the kids? the kids are allright.

A is out there playing Aerith's theme, and somehow, in spite of my being a huge disappointment to everybody, including you, for some reason, that makes me happy.

Anyway, she used to complain about the same ol' same ol', but anytime I'd try something new, she'd be all, "You're a pervert!".

Then, I'd take offense, now I say, "what's your point"?
1) you have never disappointed me. How could you? From what I know of your life you're a fighter of the hard battles in real space, and something of a verbal diarrheac on the forums. That's who you are to me.

2) I googled "aerith's theme" but I don't know enough about the game to make sense of the reference. :eek:

Then, I'd take offense, now I say, "what's your point"?
Damn straight. :rose:
I sometimes write stories just for my wife. It's a bit of a leap of faith to allow someone to read your fantasies, but it's also a great way to build trust and the relationship.
unless you let him see inside you will not have a good relationship. If you do, he may or may not like what he sees. If not, you need another guy
I don't either but it's a hooky tune.
AH, I get you.

Back in Ancient Days, (I.E. 1974) you could always tell a couple was breaking up because if you talked to her Joni Mitchell's album "Blue" would be playing in the background, and if it was him it would be Jackson Browne's "Fountain of sorrow."
As we speak, I Need help! Should he read??????
Been caught typing ........ a fantasy quite erotic...... my bf asks me if i am going to let him read it. I can tell he wants to by the change in his attitude. He seems quite different from his normal easy going person. A little on edge, yet not wanting to cross over the line of imposing in my 'bubble'.. Little does he know, that I want him to impose.... Anyway, here we set, as we speak. I want him to read it but don't want to admit to him that i do.... and i think he wants to. HELP! LOL! Should I let him see inside of my mind????????

If you really don't want to tell him to read and want him to read it, you need to get over it and tell him. Honesty is always best.
Well, actually, he did end up reading it. At his insistance (which I really didn't mind at all, lol). And since the hours and next day after were EXTREMELY satisfying, I must say, I think he liked it. It opended up a lot of new doors for us. I have always had a hard time vocalizing myself, so I am thinking that writing is the way to go. Don't think i'll be hesitating anymore when it comes to him... Heheheheheheh ;)