As North Korea have admitted to trying to build an atomic bomb...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
and the UN weapons' inspectors there say they are "very worried" about the situation...

Why isn't Bush preparing to invade the country?

The boy's full of bullshit...

One word:


You can't--at the moment--take military action against the DPRK without China--once again--throwing their rope on the calf. Dunno about you, but fighting a land war with China is just plain stupid.

Why don't you TRY to read the news more carefully next time?

North Korea ALREADY HAS 2 to 4 Atomic bombs and has admitting to RE-STRARTING its nuclear reactors, NOT "trying" to build a bomb since they ALREADY "tried" and succeeded.

Besides, unlike Iraq North Korea has Seoul in thousands of its artillery piece’s range along the border. A war would devastate a capital city with a population of 9,862,000 innocent civilians within the first day.
KillerMuffin said:
Dunno about you, but fighting a land war with China is just plain stupid.


So what's George going to do about North Korea?

Try to sort things out diplomatically?

I think that's what North Korea wants...

Thanks, KM

Thanks for acknowledging what pp was trying to get someone to admit-- that the reason Bush is going after Iraq so strongly is precisely because it's weak and isolated, and can't put up much of a fight.
Frimost said:
Why don't you TRY to read the news more carefully next time?

North Korea ALREADY HAS 2 to 4 Atomic bombs

I need a link on that one. I've missed that bit of information...


Of course, the DPRK is in the midst of one of the nastiest famines globally, they have no industry and their only export is weapons of mass destruction, and the population isn't nearly as likely to back Kim up so much as defect first chance they get.

I believe they'll let China (who doesn't like the nukes any more than we do) and ROK deal with him for the moment. Use the opportunity to cozy up to the Chinese and then put Kim out to pasture later.
"Weak"? Its all relative, Iraq is still in the top-10 in the entire world for largest standing army and the top-20 for most tanks. Yeah they are weak compared to us, but who is strong compared to America? Nobody...So Iraq is still very powerful; you can't call ANY nation that can field 400,000+ troops "weak".
Re: Thanks, KM

Thanks for acknowledging what pp was trying to get someone to admit-- that the reason Bush is going after Iraq so strongly is precisely because it's weak and isolated, and can't put up much of a fight.
Thank you.

Now further admit that Bush is not some renegade cowboy who wants to invade anybody who pisses him off, that he realizes that some times diplomacy is called for, other times outright action, and if you throw in that p_p_man is way off about him, you'll make my night. :D

The DPRK is responsiblefor part of it's famine problem.

No one is telling them to have a 900,000+ army soldiers , 3400 tanks, 10000 pieces of artillery, 2200 Armored Vehicles, 2200 MRLS (multiple rocket launcher set, 84 surface to surface missiles, 10000 surface to air missiles, 85000 Air Force personnel with 509 combat aircraft and 80 armed helicopters, 46000 sailors, 25 submarines or 420 surface warships.

The DPRK and China are not best of friends. The have the US as an enemy and that makes them allies. China has and continues to turn back starving refugees back to the DPRK. China has 25% of it's armed forces concentrated near the Korean Peninsula to prevent the DPRK from spilling over and it's interests being threatened if the peninsula goes into war.

China is pissed that the DPRK has pursued nuclear weapon ambitions again.
Right now they are doing two things p_p_man, the first I ran across in this morning's reading. We are currently reminding China that we have pressured our allies on their periphery, Taipei and Seoul to not develop nuclear weapons and now it is their turn to put pressure on Pyongyang.

The second is pure conjecture, but based on what we know of the men in charge, we are also preparing some sort of bombing mission on the North Korean reactor, in short, walking right up the ever closer line of WWIII and daring the Chinese to move first.

I think the Chinese will blink as long as North Korea decides not to reply with an attack to the South. If that happens, all bets are off and WWIII begins...
North Korea is trying to be bougt off yet again. Clinton was such the naive gullible jackass. "Hey if we give them nuclear reactors they promise not to build nuclear bombs HAHAH!!!"
Clinton's whole MO was based on wheeling and dealing rooted not in moral certainty but in personal gain. His Korean solution was as uniquely Clintonesque as most of the stuff he pulled while in office...

In short, a flim-flam man, which once recognized, can be manipulated and used by other con-men with the age-old recipe, flattery and unchecked greed. Monica wasn't the only one who was used.
Wars Wanted, Apply White House, Washington DC

p_p_man said:

So what's George going to do about North Korea?

Try to sort things out diplomatically?

I think that's what North Korea wants... ppman

Ah but ppman . . . Dubyah Shrub started the problem by reneging on the deal to supply oil in place of using the atomic reactor. Shades of WWII policy with Japan . . . and Dickie's toy Georgie Boy is hoping that he will get the same result . . . a nice full-blown Asian war for all the American college kids to get experience like he avoided . . . don't forget your bodybag when next you visit Asia . . . :)
Bush didn't stop that oil tanker just out of the Blue.

Comparisons between North Korea and Japan are kinda laughable since most people, even the North Koreans, are betting they cannot get as far as Seoul (elsewise, those lunatics would be there now starving EVERYBODY in an equally socially responsibly fashion...).

Just so you would know. The Jappos warmed up on Russia before having a go at us. We had clear warning when we cut off the oil to their war machine.

p_p_man said:
and the UN weapons' inspectors there say they are "very worried" about the situation...

Why isn't Bush preparing to invade the country?

The boy's full of bullshit...


Perhaps Bush is waiting for Europe to finally step up and show some leadership with regard to the issue.

Of course, he will be waiting quite a long time for that to happen. History has shown that Europe prefers to wait for the US to act, and then criticize the hell out of them.

My personal view is that we should let other countires deal with North Korea unless we see involvement with terrorists. The new leader of South Korea won on an anti-American platform. I say pull our troops out of there and let them deal with their cousins to the north on their own.

Of course, should that happen, the Australians can always help them out.

Don, the reactors that they are reactivating will only produce minimal electricity. They are not being forced into doing it, this is their choice.
Re: Re: As North Korea have admitted to trying to build an atomic bomb...

I have a few points to make and a few opinions.

Korea has Nukes, yes, and they're trying to make more. So? We probably are too. Korea has not invaded a country in the past 15 years, and Korea does not commit genocide on its own people.

Also... I think we've learned from the past about War on two Fronts. Naepoleon tried and failed. Hitler tried, and failed... I think we're going to step up our plans with Iraq so we can get to Korea faster.

Iraq will put up NO resistance whatsoever. their army and their tanks mean nothing when we can destroy them before we're even on their radar. Korea is different. The have a large army, and they are MUCH better equipped and trained then Iraq. If/when we go against Iraq, we will suffer few if any casualties. If we go against Korea... the USA will be victorious, but we will suffer huge losses. Also, Korea has the ability to strike our mainland, something Iraq cannot do.

I think while we are dealing with Iraq and Saddam, We'll be talking to Korea. Korea is not run by a homocidal psychotic, and is probably infinitely more reasonable. ALSO, Korea is beaing refreshingly honest about what they are doing. I think that speaks well for what's going to happen. They know we'll open negotiations, and they know we'll give a lot to have them shut their plants and labs down, and that's what they want.
Dantetier said:
I have a few points to make and a few opinions.

Korea has Nukes, yes, and they're trying to make more. So? We probably are too. Korea has not invaded a country in the past 15 years, and Korea does not commit genocide on its own people.

Also... I think we've learned from the past about War on two Fronts. Naepoleon tried and failed. Hitler tried, and failed... I think we're going to step up our plans with Iraq so we can get to Korea faster.

Iraq will put up NO resistance whatsoever. their army and their tanks mean nothing when we can destroy them before we're even on their radar. Korea is different. The have a large army, and they are MUCH better equipped and trained then Iraq. If/when we go against Iraq, we will suffer few if any casualties. If we go against Korea... the USA will be victorious, but we will suffer huge losses. Also, Korea has the ability to strike our mainland, something Iraq cannot do.

I think while we are dealing with Iraq and Saddam, We'll be talking to Korea. Korea is not run by a homocidal psychotic, and is probably infinitely more reasonable. ALSO, Korea is beaing refreshingly honest about what they are doing. I think that speaks well for what's going to happen. They know we'll open negotiations, and they know we'll give a lot to have them shut their plants and labs down, and that's what they want.

Actually, Korea is committing genocide against their people, in the form of starvation. While thousands have starved to death, North Korea still maintains their large millitary as well as diverting tons of food from their people to feed their army.

As for the war on two fronts, I think World War II dispelled that myth pretty effectively.

Foxinsox - Good to see you gorgeous! That was more of a little hello to Don K. Brain than anything else.
I really try to understand the reason people still support the current administration so strongly.
This is a government that has demonstrated a total lack of regard for its own laws. Where it hasn't been able to do that, it replaced those laws with more convenient ones.
We have homeland security. The patriot act.
Spy on your neighbors. Report them to "authorities" if they do anything suspicious, illegal or immoral. That one's loaded. Take away the personal freedoms that great people have fought and died for.
There is a quote that has been attributed to several American patriots, (Jefferson, Franklin, and others)so I'm not sure who said it, but it is as relevant today as it ever was... "Those who would give up freedom for security deserve neither one."

The US government has adopted a policy of worl bully. "Preventive war". That's a good one.
Most of us who were raised in families and communities with strong moral values, such as the ones Bush and his cronies like to tout, were taught that violence was never truly right, and only used as a last resort in self defense or defense of another but never to strike the first blow.
It appears that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld may be the true axis of evil. Or at least just another cheap copy.
Though not cheap.
Rule by chaos.
They keep the non thinking public busy with tittilating thoughts(gives most guys a nice hard on) of war while diverting attention from the real issues facing America, such as economic crisis. A nation that will spend billions of tax dollars to destroy innocent, faceless people in far away lands, but won't even provide money for precription drugs and good medical care for our own elderly or those not fortunate enough to afford health care.

This nation may ultimately need to go to war. Our government has already decided to do so. They have not proven their case

Think. That is truly patriotic.

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Wasnt north Korea supposed to get a reactor or soem kind of engergy producer from the USA for stopping nuclear boms making. they stopped for years but USA never gave them teh reactor.

Since USA never lived up to its end of deal why should they?
I think they are just pissed over not getting M*A*S*H* re-run royalties. Either that or they have seen Lorretta Switt lately....
there never was an end to the korean war, just a truce. it is the north koreans who have not lived up to the deals brokered by Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. but once again it is all americas fault. incredible. im all for removing american troops from the south, they would be nothing more than sacrificial lambs anyway. the current president elect of south korea was elected on an anti-american platform let him deal with the mess.:)