Are you serious? Sandy Hook a hoax! WTF!

It is disgusting really. Is the tragedy being used as a war against guns? Yes, but these nuts need to stop.

Mental health matters. Take the guns away, crazies will still find a way to inflict terror.

Yes they will. But the body will be a lot less.
Now you know how many feel about the preposterous Russian collusion meme.:rolleyes:
I didn't click on Hrom's functioning link so I didn't find out until later that the nut is getting air time courtesy of Megyn Kelly's new show.
No surprise.

You folk (Yanks) actually have conspiracy nutters who deny the Sandy Hook massacre?

Saw some weirdo was convicted of threats a few days ago. And some troll was using a Sandy Hook denier as an av. But didn't think much about it. But...

This is real in the US? Sandy Hook was 'fake'!? And people like Alex Jones who push such crap are actually listened to?!

And we wonder how Holocaust deniers are so persistent.

Jones never claimed it was "fake." He says, rightly, there are anomalies and questions and its worth investigating, looking at both sides, and having a discussion.

The fact that its now considered bad to question the official story on anything is precisely what's wrong with the 21st century.

Simply unbelievable that someone would be criticized for trying to consider alternative possibilities.

Of course, that's not what this is about. Its an attempt to "get rid" of all shows the liberals/globalists don't control. And, I would hope the OP knows that is just being a parrot for the establishment rather than a complete tool.

BTW, why do you fear people asking questions about the holocaust either? There is room for questioning of everything, and doing so can actually strengthen the accepted position. Why the fear? I honestly have never understood that. Question. Everything.
Oh yeah....that Alex Jones from InfoWars (you know pals with Trump) initially said no one was killed back in 2014 and then has since retracted that statement but still minimizes the entire event as a conspiracy (all still to target gun owners). How low Megyn Kelly has sunk that this is the POS she is covering...

It was an unfair hit piece on Jones, he is not happy about it. However, the liberals won't forgive Kelly for having been on Fox News for years and being some sort of conservative, so they use this as an excuse to get rid of her new show as punishment. Once you are an enemy of the liberals, there is no rehabilitation, only retribution.

This is about Kelly not Jones.
Uh, ok, hard-rom is a RoryN alt. I don't keep up with this so I just realized it.

On to the next thread, nothing to see here.
Conspiracy nutters are enthralled by conspiracies because it means they are equal to the great powers that are doing the conspiring. They are special and smart because they have figured it out.

Interesting Rory. No, its because we are open minded and want to purge as much of their mental control over us as possible. You can't purge what you don't know about.
They are "truthers" and it makes insecure people feel more important by thinking that they somehow know the truth while everyone else is ignorant or brainwashed by MSM.

And being upset and angry at such people for doing so makes you what, secure? If this is true, why do you give more than 10 seconds note of such people? :confused:
Jones never claimed it was "fake." He says, rightly, there are anomalies and questions and its worth investigating, looking at both sides, and having a discussion.

The fact that its now considered bad to question the official story on anything is precisely what's wrong with the 21st century.

Simply unbelievable that someone would be criticized for trying to consider alternative possibilities.

Of course, that's not what this is about. Its an attempt to "get rid" of all shows the liberals/globalists don't control. And, I would hope the OP knows that is just being a parrot for the establishment rather than a complete tool.

BTW, why do you fear people asking questions about the holocaust either? There is room for questioning of everything, and doing so can actually strengthen the accepted position. Why the fear? I honestly have never understood that. Question. Everything.
Dangerous speech is not protected by the First Amendment. Schenk vs. US said that you don't have the right to yell "fire" in a crowded theater when there is none, because it creates a clear and present danger.

You don't have the right to say that a pizza parlor harbors child abusers in their basement when they don't even have a basement.

You don't have the right to tell people that MMR vaccines are dangerous when the real danger lies in the absence of the vaccine.

You don't have the right to tell people who are striving to avoid future catastrophes that the real catastrophes in the past were only made up to get sympathy for their cause.

You don't have the right to claim the climate isn't getting worse and we should change nothing, against all of the evidence that it is and that change needs to happen.

These all create clear and present dangers. People have died from other people simply saying these things.
Dangerous speech is not protected by the First Amendment. Schenk vs. US said that you don't have the right to yell "fire" in a crowded theater when there is none, because it creates a clear and present danger.

You don't have the right to say that a pizza parlor harbors child abusers in their basement when they don't even have a basement.

You don't have the right to tell people that MMR vaccines are dangerous when the real danger lies in the absence of the vaccine.

You don't have the right to tell people who are striving to avoid future catastrophes that the real catastrophes in the past were only made up to get sympathy for their cause.

You don't have the right to claim the climate isn't getting worse and we should change nothing, against all of the evidence that it is and that change needs to happen.

These all create clear and present dangers. People have died from other people simply saying these things.

Not worshipping in your Church of Holy Climate Change is yelling fire in a theater?

I wish we could have a nice little temperature anomaly outside of the margin of error just so that I could watch you lose your shit. I absolutely treasure the anxiety that this stuff causes you.
Not worshipping in your Church of Holy Climate Change is yelling fire in a theater?

I wish we could have a nice little temperature anomaly outside of the margin of error just so that I could watch you lose your shit. I absolutely treasure the anxiety that this stuff causes you.
I would welcome any evidence that global temperatures returned to average levels, or that global glacier mass made long-term gains, or the oceans became less acidic and shallower.

You be sure to let me know when it happens.
I would welcome any evidence that global temperatures returned to average levels, or that global glacier mass made long-term gains, or the oceans became less acidic and shallower.

You be sure to let me know when it happens.

No you wouldn't.

I would welcome any evidence at all that the Earth is not between ice ages.

It is hilarious that you are wide awake, worrying that winter will not come this year.
Dangerous speech is not protected by the First Amendment. Schenk vs. US said that you don't have the right to yell "fire" in a crowded theater when there is none, because it creates a clear and present danger.

You don't have the right to say that a pizza parlor harbors child abusers in their basement when they don't even have a basement.

You don't have the right to tell people that MMR vaccines are dangerous when the real danger lies in the absence of the vaccine.

You don't have the right to tell people who are striving to avoid future catastrophes that the real catastrophes in the past were only made up to get sympathy for their cause.

You don't have the right to claim the climate isn't getting worse and we should change nothing, against all of the evidence that it is and that change needs to happen.

These all create clear and present dangers. People have died from other people simply saying these things.

LOL....won't somebody please think of the children!!! :D
Routinely said by people that will glady pay on thursday with money from future generations for a hamburger today.

And every (R) leftist who wants to prohibit/strictly regulate my leisure and commercial activities because they can't control their fuck trophies any better than any other control freaks who have their nose all up in everyone else's bidnizz.
Dangerous speech is not protected by the First Amendment. Schenk vs. US said that you don't have the right to yell "fire" in a crowded theater when there is none, because it creates a clear and present danger.

You don't have the right to say that a pizza parlor harbors child abusers in their basement when they don't even have a basement.

You don't have the right to tell people that MMR vaccines are dangerous when the real danger lies in the absence of the vaccine.

You don't have the right to tell people who are striving to avoid future catastrophes that the real catastrophes in the past were only made up to get sympathy for their cause.

You don't have the right to claim the climate isn't getting worse and we should change nothing, against all of the evidence that it is and that change needs to happen.

These all create clear and present dangers. People have died from other people simply saying these things.

Posts like this are a clear and present danger to all of humanity.
Alex jones recorded the conversation he had with Megan Kelly when she pitched the interview. He released it last night.

He also recorded the interview and will be releasing it, too.

This gonna be good!
I would welcome any evidence that global temperatures returned to average levels, or that global glacier mass made long-term gains, or the oceans became less acidic and shallower.

You be sure to let me know when it happens.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Like Fox Muldar said, the truth is out there.
You spelled Mulder wrong.

You spelled murder wrong.

You spelled Mordor wrong.

Sauron's plan to subjugate Middle Earth is just propaganda put out by the false gods beyond the Western Sea. He is just fighting for his right to self determination. And refusing to bow to these false gods. All know that Melkor is the true ruler of Middle Earth.
