Are you serious? Sandy Hook a hoax! WTF!


Northumbrian Skald
Apr 24, 2014

You folk (Yanks) actually have conspiracy nutters who deny the Sandy Hook massacre?

Saw some weirdo was convicted of threats a few days ago. And some troll was using a Sandy Hook denier as an av. But didn't think much about it. But...

This is real in the US? Sandy Hook was 'fake'!? And people like Alex Jones who push such crap are actually listened to?!

And we wonder how Holocaust deniers are so persistent.

You folk (Yanks) actually have conspiracy nutters who deny the Sandy Hook massacre?

Saw some weirdo was convicted of threats a few days ago. And some troll was using a Sandy Hook denier as an av. But didn't think much about it. But...

This is real in the US? Sandy Hook was 'fake'!? And people like Alex Jones who push such crap are actually listened to?!

And we wonder how Holocaust deniers are so persistent.

Did you know there are actually people (here) that think Obama was born in Kenya? Did you know that there is such a thing called the "interwebz"?

You folk (Yanks) actually have conspiracy nutters who deny the Sandy Hook massacre?

Saw some weirdo was convicted of threats a few days ago. And some troll was using a Sandy Hook denier as an av. But didn't think much about it. But...

This is real in the US? Sandy Hook was 'fake'!? And people like Alex Jones who push such crap are actually listened to?!

And we wonder how Holocaust deniers are so persistent.

If only we had someone like you to go in and exterminate anyone who thinks unapproved thoughts utopia would be at hand comrade!!!

Oh yeah....that Alex Jones from InfoWars (you know pals with Trump) initially said no one was killed back in 2014 and then has since retracted that statement but still minimizes the entire event as a conspiracy (all still to target gun owners). How low Megyn Kelly has sunk that this is the POS she is covering.

Oh, and I would apologize to the RWCJ who love him, but....... sorry, not sorry.
Look! There are arguments for unlimited free speech. Not good enough IMO but... this is fucking nuts!
I mean there 20 dead little bodies that can be dug up to prove it. All this does is cast supporters of the 2nd Amendment in a bad light. Bad enough free speechers marching alongside Nazis. But gun advocates are now expected to stand beside this sort of idiocy!?

Maybe we should be preparing to do battle with the Saurian Nazi supermen who control the world from within it's hollow center!

Holy fucking nut jobs!
So you actually believe this? On what basis?

That you're a bat shit Canadian nationalist socialist??

Yes, based on your posts.

I have no doubt you would fully support the wholesale extermination of human beings as long as they were the 'right' people to be exterminating like people who don't agree with you (that makes them Nazi's) and probably don't look like you or have more shit than you do.

Look! There are arguments for unlimited free speech. Not good enough IMO but... this is fucking nuts!
I mean there 20 dead little bodies that can be dug up to prove it.

Hey!! Just send the elite Hard Rom thought police to take all their shit and drag them off in the night in cattle cars, then you can ship them off to the "re-education" camps to teach them otherwise right?? :)
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That you're a bat shit Canadian nationalist socialist??

Yes, based on your posts.

I have no doubt you would fully support the wholesale extermination of human beings as long as they were the 'right' people to be exterminating like people who don't agree with you (that makes them Nazi's) and probably don't look like you or have more shit than you do.

Hey!! Just send the elite Hard Rom thought police to take all their shit and drag them off in the night in cattle cars, then you can ship them off to the "re-education" camps to teach them otherwise right?? :)

I am fully aware that we differ on politics. I am not willing to appease or collaborate with evil. If you wish to that's your albatross.

My post was meant to mean how can you believe that it is a hoax. Can you please explain why you believe it to be what(?) a government conspiracy. What is your basis for this? I admit I am stumped as to why so many Yanks buy into conspiracy theories. Sure governments are not the most trustworthy of institutions but Sandy Hook as a hoax seems a bit far fetched.

So tell me BB why do you think the Sandy Hook massacre is a hoax.
I am fully aware that we differ on politics. I am not willing to appease or collaborate with evil. If you wish to that's your albatross.

I don't appease or collaborate with evil, you think someone saying things you don't like gives you the right to be physically violent towards them to the extent of murder.

My post was meant to mean how can you believe that it is a hoax.

Can you please explain why you believe it to be what(?) a government conspiracy. What is your basis for this?

So tell me BB why do you think the Sandy Hook massacre is a hoax.

You assume I think it was a hoax.....just like you assume so many other things.
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I don't appease or collaborate with evil.

You assume I think it was a hoax.....just like you assume so many other things.

Call it living peaceably along side if it makes you feel any better. Just stop deflecting and answer the question.
Call it living peaceably along side if it makes you feel any better.

Your propensity to be violent to the extent of murder towards those you disagree with or just have nicer/more shit than you do, that I don't share with you, isn't me living peaceably alongside evil, it's you being teh gestapo :D

Just stop deflecting and answer the question.

Try asking a question that isn't based upon your assumed falsehoods first. ;)
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Look! There are arguments for unlimited free speech. Not good enough IMO but... this is fucking nuts!
I mean there 20 dead little bodies that can be dug up to prove it. All this does is cast supporters of the 2nd Amendment in a bad light. Bad enough free speechers marching alongside Nazis. But gun advocates are now expected to stand beside this sort of idiocy!?

Maybe we should be preparing to do battle with the Saurian Nazi supermen who control the world from within it's hollow center!

Holy fucking nut jobs!

You probably think Ezra Levant is a fairly dangerous man.
You probably think Ezra Levant is a fairly dangerous man.

If he wasn't such a whack job. Amazed he hasn't emigrated to the US yet. Doesn't get near the air play up here as he would down there. Levant has been successfully sued for libel on two separate occasions, while apologies and retractions were issued by him or on his behalf on three other occasions. He could probably save himself some money too.
Ezra Levant's libel appeal denied by Supreme Court

In the original ruling, Judge Wendy Matheson said the blog posts were "motivated by malice."

"I find that the defendant's dominant motive in these blog posts was ill will, and that his repeated failure to take even basic steps to check his facts showed a reckless disregard for the truth," Matheson wrote in her decision.

*typical hater blogger, refuses to check facts and whole agenda is based on malice*

So you see it is not just me. It is an entire judicial system. Ask around how many Canadians look up to him. I'm not some fringer. I represent a very middle of the road opinion up here. Nazis, racist and haters have no place in Canadian society. And if limits to free speech must be imposed then it is for the good of society. Think what you want but no getting up on a soapbox and rant about fags, N******, Jews or Muslims. Because no one wants to have their peace disturbed by some ranting hater spouting lies.

I've even voted Conservative once or twice. Voted NDP too.
Your propensity to be violent to the extent of murder towards those you disagree with or just have nicer/more shit than you do, that I don't share with you, isn't me living peaceably alongside evil, it's you being teh gestapo :D

Try asking a question that isn't based upon your assumed falsehoods first. ;)

Do you believe National Socialism is evil?

Do you believe racism is evil?

Do you think National socialism and/or racism has a place in American culture and society?

If you answered No to last question, what steps do you think should be taken to eradicate racism and neo-Nazism from US society?
You folk (Yanks) actually have conspiracy nutters who deny the Sandy Hook massacre?

This is real in the US? Sandy Hook was 'fake'!? And people like Alex Jones who push such crap are actually listened to?!

And we wonder how Holocaust deniers are so persistent.

Sandy Hook, obama the Kenyan, 9/11 was an inside job, Al Gore created the internet, NSA wiretapping, a few other mass shooting, Ruby Ridge, Waco TX, FBI sting operations to set up jihadists ops in the US, etc. Some are "known" to be BS, some are "known" to be true, but will we ever know?

For years I'd heard of people laughing at the possibility of the 'warm cuddly teddy bear" of the US government would do anything remotely evil.

Oops, then came Wikileaks with official documents listing huge amount of illegal and/or immoral activities. Whistleblowers made bombshell revelations. Bad news became public, and the US tried to deny ever having a part in it.

I'm not saying any or all of the bad things that happen are fakes, but sometimes the preponderance of evidence, or the lack thereof, makes things look really bad for the US. Just because you don't want to believe something because it's appalling doesn't mean it wasn't set up by the Feds.

The Wikipedia links above I believe are fairly accurate, based on the supporting references. It's a reminder that yes, the benevolent government can be serious assholes and try to discount their horrid behavior for the reason of "idiots are trolling".

For the OP, I've read and watched a stupid amount of hours of both sides of the equation. Sandy Hook doesn't make sense based on the way it's been reported. Is it a false flag event staged by Uncle Sam, or due to the ravings of a lunatic? I don't know and I never will, but there's too many coincidences and loose ends to look like a legit shooting by a stand-alone idiot with stolen guns.

Just because the truth isn't comfortable doesn't mean it's a lie.

ETA: I'm not trying to sound like my tin-foil hat is on too tight, I'm saying I tend to not believe everything that's reported. I don't believe most politicians' speeches, and I don't believe (without question) someone that insists their truth is the only one because they have special acronyms before or after their name.
I tend to not believe someone is "helping" me just because they say so. Actions speak louder than words, so I'll wait for proof. Of that 'proof' looks suspicious, especially when coming from a source of known liars, I won't give absolute belief. I've been burned before, so the "trust me" phrase, without good proof, from any government, is subject to disbelief.
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If he wasn't such a whack job. Amazed he hasn't emigrated to the US yet. Doesn't get near the air play up here as he would down there. Levant has been successfully sued for libel on two separate occasions, while apologies and retractions were issued by him or on his behalf on three other occasions. He could probably save himself some money too.
Ezra Levant's libel appeal denied by Supreme Court

In the original ruling, Judge Wendy Matheson said the blog posts were "motivated by malice."

"I find that the defendant's dominant motive in these blog posts was ill will, and that his repeated failure to take even basic steps to check his facts showed a reckless disregard for the truth," Matheson wrote in her decision.

*typical hater blogger, refuses to check facts and whole agenda is based on malice*

So you see it is not just me. It is an entire judicial system. Ask around how many Canadians look up to him. I'm not some fringer. I represent a very middle of the road opinion up here. Nazis, racist and haters have no place in Canadian society. And if limits to free speech must be imposed then it is for the good of society. Think what you want but no getting up on a soapbox and rant about fags, N******, Jews or Muslims. Because no one wants to have their peace disturbed by some ranting hater spouting lies.

I've even voted Conservative once or twice. Voted NDP too.

My point of reference was a video of Levant debating with some pissy woman about something he said or wrote that, I believe in this case, pissed off some Muslims.
I'm pretty sure you'd side with the Muslims in that situation as well.
Of course we all know there are no nut jobs in Kanuckistan who say and do all sorts of stupid shit. It's a good thing, too, because it would reflect poorly on your country and make everyone look like an idiot.

And take your moronic second amendment lecture and shove it up your ass. The thought police have infected your country beyond belief. The right not to be offended has supplanted freedom of speech. If that's not bad enough you can be fined up to $250,000 by referring to someone by any words other than their pronouns of choice. I could be arrested for calling you an it (which wouldn't be entirely incorrect).

Congratulations to Hard Rom on being the third recipient of the Frodough Dodo Award.

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When they find hard rom dead at his computer after a neighbor notices a (new) putrid smell from his house.... this could be the thread that finally finished him off.
When they find hard rom dead at his computer after a neighbor notices a (new) putrid smell from his house.... this could be the thread that finally finished him off.

His fingers will still be typing away but his head will have decomposed into an indescribable goo.
Oh yeah....that Alex Jones from InfoWars (you know pals with Trump) initially said no one was killed back in 2014 and then has since retracted that statement but still minimizes the entire event as a conspiracy (all still to target gun owners). How low Megyn Kelly has sunk that this is the POS she is covering.

Oh, and I would apologize to the RWCJ who love him, but....... sorry, not sorry.
Actually I'm glad she's interviewing him. I think everyone should know about the kind of people our President listens to and uses as a source of his opinions.

My hope is more people learn what a complete nut job and how unfit for office our president is.

The people railing against her interview of Jone have it 100% backwards.
Of course we all know there are no nut jobs in Kanuckistan who say and do all sorts of stupid shit. It's a good thing, too, because it would reflect poorly on your country and make everyone look like an idiot.

And take your moronic second amendment lecture and shove it up your ass. The thought police have infected your country beyond belief. The right not to be offended has supplanted freedom of speech. If that's not bad enough you can be fined up to $250,000 by referring to someone by any words other than their pronouns of choice. I could be arrested for calling you an it (which wouldn't be entirely incorrect).

Congratulations to Hard Rom on being the third recipient of the Frodough Dodo Award.


We have them. Just look at Ezra and the Quebec shooter. We just don't put them on a pedestal or fall fawning at their feet. Or elect them to high office. There are places in this world were being a racist hateful stupid fuck is still a bad thing to be.