if you were the parents of missing Madeleine McCann, wouldn't you want everyone who claim to be her checked for a DNA match?


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
Apparently Scotland Yard, using age progression modeling, don't think this latest woman coming forward claiming to be the missing child is genuine. Her pictures look very much like the child. Scotland Yard says her age is off by two years, but where's the proof her "parents" told her the truth or even knew it? She's thought to be 21, 2 years older than Madeleine would be now if she's still alive.

Unless there's irrefutable evidence to prove she is dead, as a parent, wouldn't you demand to see DNA testing after seeing her picture? What's there to hide? Better the relatively small cost of a DNA test to rule out the possibility, surely, than leave loved ones and (quite probably) the woman in question living with the hurt of doubts. If the woman's disturbed, or simply really doesn't know who she is but believes she's Madeleine, better to confirm things once and for all.

from the article:

I have lived a very hard life and suffered a lot of trauma, my abuser was a German paedophile who was a suspect in the Madeleine McCann investigation,” she said. “I had not heard of this case until I started asking my parents questions about my childhood as I have little to no memory of it. The memories are all very blurry and when I have had conversations with my parents, things don’t seem to add up and they always try to change the subject.”
Sounds reasonable. I don’t know who this is. If she is royalty or something like that, I’d think a dna test would be insisted upon.
Sounds reasonable. I don’t know who this is. If she is royalty or something like that, I’d think a dna test would be insisted upon.
it's hard to believe that someone has never heard of the case of Maddy, even in America... or lacks the intellectual curiosity to type in her name to discover for themselves. But then there's you and it all falls into place.
Is it intellectual to be curious about a random missing person? If it didn’t happen in America…it didn’t happen.