Nashville school shooting... parents of kids in the school don't want shooter's writings released


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
A group of Tennessee parents whose children attend The Covenant School, where a deadly shooting in March took the lives of three 9-year-olds and three adults, filed a motion Wednesday seeking to keep the shooter's writings from being released to the public.

“The Parents see no good that can come from the release and wish to contend that the writings — which they believe are the dangerous and harmful writings of a mentally-damaged person — should not be released at all,” their filling reads.
Their motion comes just days after more than 60 Tennessee House Republicans called for the writings to be released.
The parents are being backed by the school and the church the school belongs to.

the lawmakers are arguing for full release, citing they need to know in order to help their decision-making in keeping guns away from the mentally ill.

while certain key members should, perhaps, be privy to the writings, i see no need for a full public release, not right now at least.
The school filed suit. I'm glad it is still in the courts so interested parties can be heard.
The school filed suit. I'm glad it is still in the courts so interested parties can be heard.

i believe this is a further filing, in response to the suits mentioned below?
In addition, three conservative groups had previously filed lawsuits seeking to force Nashville police to turn over the records. The Covenant parents are seeking to intervene in those cases, which were filed by The Tennessee Firearms Association, Star News Digital Media and the National Police Association, a nonprofit that says it works to educate people about how to help police departments.
The public has a right to know exactly what motivated the little asshole.
The public has a right to know exactly what motivated the little asshole.

We already know what that was, mental illness. The specific illogical reasons spawned by that mental illness are irrelevant.

Interestingly enough, I don't have a problem with the public seeing the document. I have a problem with blaring it all over the front page of the news so that every copycat nutball out there can read it and decide they want to be famous too. So, have it available for anyone who wants to see it can PHYSICALLY go down to the PD and read it for themselves. Beyond that, no publication or dissemination of the manuscript in whole or part.