Now We Know Why These People Need To Be Institutionalized


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

COVENANT JOURNAL REVEALED: Shooter Said Being Female Was A ‘F***ing Curse,’ That She’d ‘Kill’ To Have Had Puberty Blockers​

Pages hidden from public provide thorough illustration of shooter's mental state in weeks ahead of deadly shooting

By Brent Scher

Jun 12, 2024

The Covenant School shooter obsessed in her private journal over her desire to be a man, fantasizing about having an “imaginary penis” and lamenting that so-called gender affirming treatments weren’t available to her, according to images of her journal obtained by The Daily Wire.

The shooter’s handwritten journals, recovered by authorities at the scene of her deadly attack, have been hidden from the public for more than a year now, leaving unresolved questions about her motive to attack the private Christian school in March 2023. Images obtained by The Daily Wire from a source familiar with the Covenant investigation provide perhaps the most thorough illustration of her mental state in the days leading up to the shooting.

The images, first revealed Wednesday by Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, show the shooter was driven in part by anger over her gender identity as she wrote a three-page journal entry called “My Imaginary Penis.” The journal entries from March 11, 2023 — less than three weeks before the transgender-identifying shooter’s horrific attack — reveal both a fixation on her desire to be a man and anger at forces she believed stood in her way, including Christianity and her parents.

One can read her mental regurgitations here:
The attempt to vilify all of LGBTQ via this incident is one of the more desperate campaigns I've seen from Deplorables - and that's saying a lot.

It's amusing that they don't think it smacks of effort to everyone else. When they get a single instance of something that suits their narrative, they practically start pissing themselves.

Meanwhile, the Left gets something to prove the truth almost hourly from the MAGAt whackadoodles. How frustrating for them. 😎

COVENANT JOURNAL REVEALED: Shooter Said Being Female Was A ‘F***ing Curse,’ That She’d ‘Kill’ To Have Had Puberty Blockers​

Pages hidden from public provide thorough illustration of shooter's mental state in weeks ahead of deadly shooting

By Brent Scher

Jun 12, 2024

The Covenant School shooter obsessed in her private journal over her desire to be a man, fantasizing about having an “imaginary penis” and lamenting that so-called gender affirming treatments weren’t available to her, according to images of her journal obtained by The Daily Wire.

The shooter’s handwritten journals, recovered by authorities at the scene of her deadly attack, have been hidden from the public for more than a year now, leaving unresolved questions about her motive to attack the private Christian school in March 2023. Images obtained by The Daily Wire from a source familiar with the Covenant investigation provide perhaps the most thorough illustration of her mental state in the days leading up to the shooting.

The images, first revealed Wednesday by Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, show the shooter was driven in part by anger over her gender identity as she wrote a three-page journal entry called “My Imaginary Penis.” The journal entries from March 11, 2023 — less than three weeks before the transgender-identifying shooter’s horrific attack — reveal both a fixation on her desire to be a man and anger at forces she believed stood in her way, including Christianity and her parents.

One can read her mental regurgitations here:
So something in common with you, having an imaginary penis. Did the AI select that story for you… it’s starting to really get to know you.

You will start seeing shirtless Daddy Vlady stories next.
Once again Rightguide defeats his own argument and doesn't even know it.

While this is an extreme case, it does show what it does to people who don't get the treatment they need, essentially because it makes the bigots uncomfortable.
Once again Rightguide defeats his own argument and doesn't even know it.

While this is an extreme case, it does show what it does to people who don't get the treatment they need, essentially because it makes the bigots uncomfortable.
He gets to visit his Daddy Vlady on a romantic trip to Italy to fulfill all of his needs, not everyone needs something so elaborate-but wrong guide is a lonely dude. (His personality leads to that…but we digress)

Everyone needs to fill the tank somehow.
She was institutionalized. Almost every kid in the US gets a twelve year sentence in the school system. Many prisoners come out of that so deeply traumatized and angry that they go back with guns.

The trans medical lobby has done an outstanding job of pitching transition as a solution to all gender issues while glossing over the risks and costs. As the surgeries and lifetime drugs become less affordable and less available, androgynous people will need to find other solutions and learn to accept the bodies they have.
The trans medical lobby has done an outstanding job of pitching transition as a solution to all gender issues while glossing over the risks and costs.
What risks and costs? "I don't like it" doesn't count as either.
As the surgeries and lifetime drugs become less affordable and less available, androgynous people will need to find other solutions and learn to accept the bodies they have.
I don't see why they should have to do that, when treatment is available.
What risks and costs? "I don't like it" doesn't count as either.
Dying in surgery, complications and undesired results leading to more surgeries, lifetime drugs damaging organs, etc., and all of that is at US healthcare's insanely high prices.

COVENANT JOURNAL REVEALED: Shooter Said Being Female Was A ‘F***ing Curse,’ That She’d ‘Kill’ To Have Had Puberty Blockers​

Pages hidden from public provide thorough illustration of shooter's mental state in weeks ahead of deadly shooting

By Brent Scher

Jun 12, 2024

The Covenant School shooter obsessed in her private journal over her desire to be a man, fantasizing about having an “imaginary penis” and lamenting that so-called gender affirming treatments weren’t available to her, according to images of her journal obtained by The Daily Wire.

The shooter’s handwritten journals, recovered by authorities at the scene of her deadly attack, have been hidden from the public for more than a year now, leaving unresolved questions about her motive to attack the private Christian school in March 2023. Images obtained by The Daily Wire from a source familiar with the Covenant investigation provide perhaps the most thorough illustration of her mental state in the days leading up to the shooting.

The images, first revealed Wednesday by Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, show the shooter was driven in part by anger over her gender identity as she wrote a three-page journal entry called “My Imaginary Penis.” The journal entries from March 11, 2023 — less than three weeks before the transgender-identifying shooter’s horrific attack — reveal both a fixation on her desire to be a man and anger at forces she believed stood in her way, including Christianity and her parents.

One can read her mental regurgitations here:
Who are "these people" though? You've not identified the populatio you're referring to. Just citing someone else' words is laziness and cowardice of the highest order. So...who are "these people"? I'm intensely curious!
The attempt to vilify all of LGBTQ via this incident is one of the more desperate campaigns I've seen from Deplorables - and that's saying a lot.

It's amusing that they don't think it smacks of effort to everyone else. When they get a single instance of something that suits their narrative, they practically start pissing themselves.

Meanwhile, the Left gets something to prove the truth almost hourly from the MAGAt whackadoodles. How frustrating for them. 😎
They do it regularly, pluck a single case out of the ether and then condemn a whole demographic based on that.

Or pick a single individual to support and prove their argument.
Goddamn...reading people's..."thoughts" is depressing as fuck. Opinions are fine, everyone has them, but for chrissake please caveat as needed by stating the absolute lack of understanding you have? Have you heard of the Dunning Kruger effect? I'm not elevating myself, ok? I know very little about very little...and nothing about the rest. But I do have a bit of expertise in this area science, generally. I'd better I'm a goddamn scientist to scientists! So I can't...replace the calipers on your car's pistons, ok? I can't speak to the change in caliber on a semi-auto rifle when applying a bump-stock! OK, that one is a joke...stupid gun policy makers who don't know shit about firearms...but I do know more than a bit about not only the literature...scientific literature not Forbes or Psychology Today...peer-reviewed scholarly journals...AND...beyond that, I am a fucking monster when it comes to evaluating the methodology, analysis and findings of a study for reliability and, more importantly, the many types of validity some of which are absolutely quantifiable and dammit, I quantify! (I also qualify, haha, no really, qualitative research which...yes, this is my bias....meh).

It's one thing to read a study, it's another thing to be able to evaluate the study and science is really, really, really...difficult to do correctly. Which is why so many fail. Question: How many doctoral dissertations have you completed? I did one...for my degree. Just one, I'm neither stupid nor a masochist. Hold on...I'm thinking about my "stupid" claim...highly controversial. Never mind. Since then? Oh, about...200? That is outside the studies I assist researchers with that are straight up for publication, the odd master's thesis...yeah. I'm the guy the content experts come to because they are, yes, experts in their field of study but ignorant of how to design a study, analyze the data and report the results. Let's see the last published research article that I was involved in was published in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Do you know how much I know about prosthetic dentistry? That...that's the mouth, right? know...teeth-n-such? Am I close? I think so, let's see (remembering the Xmas special..."I want to be a dentist" "A DENTIST?!")...ok, yeah, pretty sure we're talking the teeth and surrounding platelets.

I wish people realized the wisdom in acknowledging one's ignorance. It's good to know what you know, a truly intelligent person has an understanding and appreciation of what they don't know!

That's all I want to say, goddam my head hurts, fuck me...YES, I see the door and...I can let MYSELF out, thank you very much...(wanders out mumbling..."stupid ATF fucking...'magazine clips'...")
Who are "these people" though? You've not identified the populatio you're referring to. Just citing someone else' words is laziness and cowardice of the highest order. So...who are "these people"? I'm intensely curious!
I didn't write the article, so those thoughts are not mine, but generally speaking the author is referring to a woman hating trans person born Audrey Elizabeth Hale. So the "population" in question is the microscopic demographic we refer to as "Trans" or the "mentally disturbed."
Dying in surgery, complications and undesired results leading to more surgeries, lifetime drugs damaging organs, etc., and all of that is at US healthcare's insanely high prices.
So, like any other risks with surgery, as well as any number of side effects that come with prescription drugs.

Most insurance companies cover gender affirming care.