Are you fucking kidding me 2


Really Experienced
Jul 2, 2012

OK, so all women are idiots to vote republican-- That was the pretense in the original AYFKM post.

For clarification here:--- I never said how I was voting. I did say the guy who made the rape comment is an ASS.

But what the fuck is with the Lena Dunham ad equating voting with first time sex. My daughter called me to ask me if I had seen that. Losing one's virginity is like voting the first time and she did it for Barack. Oh isn't she sweet.

OMG Is THAT what this is all about? Is that what a president approves in a tight election cycle. Is that what we as women voters want to see/hear/know about? Is that the ad you want your teenage daughter to see about this election? I know if my daughter was still in high school I'd not want her to see that crap about a fucking election. IS that what you, what WE, what I, as a female voter am looking for right now? Am I, are we, not smart enough to make decisions or have thoughts about jobs, debt, economy, war, all these other things too?

With all this shit is going on in the country right now it's all about the "first time?" Or rape and pregnancy. Come on, be ABOVE this crap and look at the realities of all this...

Let the arguing begin I know, but while the rape comment is asinine and the guy a putz, what of this other garbage?

I guess I grew out of a lower income family and made it through law school to better myself so it might one day come down to this crap. With this demeaning crap no one would realize that I am, that WE ARE, more than a set of tits, but that we have a brain to go with them.

I have a son and a son-in-law on their 4th and 5th tours in Afghanistan, trying to stay alive, fighting terrorism, for what? this shit? (call the war what you will, but they are there damn it, and I'd like them home). One has even been in the hospital for wounds. I'd like them to be able to find jobs and get home with my grand kids and support themselves. But in a time of brutal unemployment and other issues they are trying to influence us as women by rape horseshit and losing one's virginity ads. Who thinks less of whom?

Women are doctors and LAWYERS and CEO's etc... We run banks, schools, own businesses and such. Are we really idiots if we vote Republican? Can't a woman possibly believe there's more than some assholes rape comments to consider when voting? But if she does she is an idiot?

I've not spoken against abortion or women s health issues. Just against being labeled an idiot because I think there's more this election that some asshole and his rape comments.

SO I ask you again, Are you or are you not more than your lady parts?

I know this will open this all up again, but my initial point was simply for someone to say that any woman that votes republican is an idiot was pretty damn short sighted and shows a very real lack of understanding or worse-- Disagree with me if you want, but to lump women into that category because YOU are mad is not really meaningful. After that rape comment we are ALL mad after all... But being mad doesn't change the realities.

(FOR THE RECORD, I am NOT a civil lawyer, I'm a criminal lawyer. So if granny spills her coffee I can't help you, so please, spare me the shark jokes, I have unfortunately heard them all, mostly from my kids when they were growing up!! LOL

So now, I guess I'll sit back and await my beatings as I'm sure they will come...
Hmmm I would say that is WTF worthy.

Funny to see this when I got home today because I was discussing the election with my wife earlier.

Maybe its always been there and I missed it or maybe its being made a bigger deal of now, but since when have the Republicans truly become this blatantly insensitive to women's rights?

Before Mourdock's ridiculous statement Paul Ryan had said something similar, but not as harsh.

Now you have this virgin comment. When the hell did common sense go out the window here? When did it become impossible to not offend the female voters.

And even if the comment isn't perceived by everyone as offensive to women who the hell is okaying that analogy? Voting is like losing your cherry? ARe you kidding?

Maybe this was a plant to show dems are as ignorant and stupid as Republicans.

sad to say they still lose by a long shot. Mourdock's comment still has a far more "WTF" effect that this one does. His will haunt him and his party for a long time to come.
Link to the offending commercial? (Which does sound boneheaded. On the other hand, it could be a myth.)

Democrats are being offensive here in Central Virginia too. Stealing Romney signs. Apparently not aware of just how blanketed the country is with surveillance cameras these days.
And even if the comment isn't perceived by everyone as offensive to women who the hell is okaying that analogy? Voting is like losing your cherry?


A lot of anxiety...a bit of a wait...a step into a tight place....sticking something into a slot. Then it's all over. You pull a handle and the curtains open and you hope the worlds changed but it hasn't.

From a guys point of view this kinda works....shrugs.

Probably a guy who gave it the okay.


A lot of anxiety...a bit of a wait...a step into a tight place....sticking something into a slot. Then it's all over. You pull a handle and the curtains open and you hope the worlds changed but it hasn't.

From a guys point of view this kinda works....shrugs.

Probably a guy who gave it the okay.


Trust me, I write porn I get the analogy.

But what I get here is not what should be cast about in a campaign.

Maybe the republicans could counter with:

Voting for one of us is like being raped, if you don't want to do it we'll make you!

Then refuse your right to abortion and make you have our child.
I agree with LC68 concerning the Republican party's apparent lack of sensitivity towards women and women's rights. I also realize there remains a large, fundamental Christian element out there who seem to be the woman's role is to serve her man. I don't get that, either.

I feel very sorry for anyone who believes the country could be doing better and the Republican/Conservative approach has a better chance of improving the economy or making us less oil dependent on the middle east or Obamacare is bad or a myriad of other core Republican/Conservative beliefs. It must be tough for those people to hold fast to their core beliefs in the face of people like Todd Akin or Mourdock. It leaves them with the frustrating choice of holding their nose as they vote for the issues they believe in at the potential expense of issues they don't believe in.

A few of us are single issue voters. There's a very nice, well reasoned woman who works for me that cannot support a Democratic candidate because she's devotely anti-abortion due to her Christian faith. I've never asked if her view is as extreme as I perceive Akin or Mourdock's. I don't want to know.

We each have our checklist of issues we think matter the most. Even the candidates can't sign off on every one of their party's platform issues.

What's going to grow the economy and shrink the budget deficits is getting people back to work. The tax cuts Bush shoved down our throats were supposed to do just that. It didn't happen. Money isn't moving around the way it needs to move around to drive the economy. The people who have the money aren't spending it, so the people who <i>need</i> the money aren't getting it. For that reason, I can't endorse the Republican idea of more tax cuts. Nor can I buy the myth that tax cuts would be revenue neutral for the wealthiest Americans. I don't believe Romney has the political fortitude to make that part of the equation happen. I think the Federal Reserve has done all they can to encourage lending with record low rates. Without greater investment creating new jobs, the economy remains stagnant.

I believe the stimuli's was a good answer, though not a perfect one. For one, it was too small.

I don't believe it requires believing in global warming to recognize the value of green and renewable energy. A) It reduces our dependence on foreign resources. B) We have the opportunity to become the supplier of green/renewable energy to the world - creating a new, industrial sector. But supporting green/renewable energy seems to carry the stigma of "Oh, you believe in global warming?" (Personally, I've been convinced to worry about it. And much like my faith in God, I have less to lose by believing and being wrong than I have to lose by choosing NOT to believe and being wrong.)

Finally, I blame an obstructionist Republican party for more of our woes than I do the failed policies of the president. Things we could have or should have done didn't happen because Republicans were too busy playing politics.

As for Obamacare - I don't see how anyone can tell me the medical insurance system we had was working. It wasn't. It was a broken system in need of greater regulation, new rules and a new system. Is Obamacare the answer? No more so than the first versions of Medicare or Social Security were the best answers. But we have to start somewhere. To vote against Obamacare's mandate that everyone needs to have insurance as somehow being anti-American is foolish to me. Everyone does need to have insurance and everyone needs to pay into the health care system if we want to see lower costs for the too few people who do pay into it.

But those are my opinions and it's why I helped Obama raise $1 billion with my own money. It's why I've been canvassing Obama leaning voters here in Florida to get the hell out and vote for him - because he needs Florida to win.

I don't understand people like the woman I mentioned earlier who won't vote Democratic because of a single issue when I believe there's more at stake.

And I continue to feel sorry for people who don't believe in my conclusions about the economy that they're stuck in bed with people like Mourdock and Akin.
Again, a link to an actual commercial, please. There's so much dirty tricking going on that I can't work up a mad about a rumor or something somebody's Aunt Hazel claims having seen.
In fact-- yes indeed we are SO MUCH more than our lady parts. We are SO MUCH more than reproductive machines. Which is why it's stupid to vote for ANY politician who has the audacity to say ANYTHING about women that reduces us to cattle and chattel. Or, to vote for a party who includes a big fat plank that will promote the loss of reproductive autonomy for women.

Now-- that's not the only issue in this election, not by a long shot. But it's kinda-sorta concerned with sex, in kinda sorta a way, or anyway-- with lady parts, which to a lot of guys IS sex, which is why lovecraft brought it here.

If you want another barometer for your voting, check out your candidate's party's voting history on G.I support, the VA, wages, spousal insurance etc.
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Putting it very simply, Bucky, you're judged by the company you keep.

There are Republicans who are as offended as anyone else over Mourdock's remarks. Sadly they will all be held accountable, is it fair? Hell no, is it human nature? Hell yes.

BUt as I said, it seems more "out there" even going back to Santorum running for the republican candidacy, he doesn't believe in birth control, abortion and thinks the devil is eating away at the US.

Religion scares people when it comes to their leaders. No one wants a zealot.

I do not believe in God as a loving caring God, I have my theories about what he is, but will keep them to myself. No need to offend the majority or mock people's faith.

What I will say is that even I was offended by Mourdock's claim Rape is something God intended. The remark seriously is one of the most offensive ill thought out things I have ever heard.

And as I said, this close to the election it is bound to have a bad impact on the rest of his party.

For me, I had been on the fence since day one. I am sad to say this swayed me. I would rather have my daughters have a right to their own body and birth control and not be called sluts or portrayed as whores if they are on it, than for them to get what? A job and better economy that the republicans can't possibly deliver anyway?

Sorry, the women in my life are to dear to me to vote for the barefoot and pregnant campaign.
Gee, we've heard that word a lot today... :D

I find it fitting for the person we're talking about.

An ignorant asshole standing there with phony tears in his eyes discussing the will of God?

Shades of Swaggart and the rest of those hypocrites.
That's OK. I went and found the campaign ad myself:

On a "does this offend me?" scale with rape being God's plan for a woman being a 10, I'd rate this ad as, umm, maybe a .0000001.

Try again Marie. I can assure you that there most likely are Democratic Party issues that offend me. I noted one here myself.
And, see, Stella just can't not appear on a political thread on the AH. :D
Again, a link to an actual commercial, please. There's so much dirty tricking going on that I can't work up a mad about a rumor or something somebody's Aunt Hazel claims having seen.

AS you say all the time, google is your friend.

Stop sitting there going "link please" like the spoiled brat you are and get off your lazy ass and look for it yourself.
AS you say all the time, google is your friend.

Stop sitting there going "link please" like the spoiled brat you are and get off your lazy ass and look for it yourself.

Gee, you probably should have been quicker with your backbiting reflex. It would have saved you sitting here with that egg all over your face. :D:D:D:D
AS you say all the time, google is your friend.

Stop sitting there going "link please" like the spoiled brat you are and get off your lazy ass and look for it yourself.

I guess he prefers others to do the work for him.... (okay, cheap shot and a reference to another thread - but it made me smile.) For the record, he found it himself and I'm an ass.
Why, yes you are. Really petty of you both, wasn't it?

Well, you can certainly be that way if you like. It's very instructive. :D
Putting it very simply, Bucky, you're judged by the company you keep.

Agreed - but I think that's what MarieWriter is lamenting. I think she perceives other value to the Republican ticket that may be swaying her - thought I don't recall her stating explicitly that she's voting Republican.

What I will say is that even I was offended by Mourdock's claim Rape is something God intended. The remark seriously is one of the most offensive ill thought out things I have ever heard.


For me, I had been on the fence since day one. I am sad to say this swayed me. I would rather have my daughters have a right to their own body and birth control and not be called sluts or portrayed as whores if they are on it, than for them to get what? A job and better economy that the republicans can't possibly deliver anyway?

Sorry, the women in my life are to dear to me to vote for the barefoot and pregnant campaign.

I can't fault your decision. Clearly that issue has risen to the top of your checklist.


I'm NOT trying to offend YOU. I said I was offended. Two different things. If you're not offended that's your business. I was. That's good enough for me.
And as far as suggesting that Marie cite the link, newsflash. It was a suggestion she should have checked it out herself before using it as criticism fodder. There's no indication from what she posted that she did. It appeared she was following the old tested "put something fake out there and watch it blossom" ploy.
Lovecraft: Hello, hello? :D:D:D

(Each and every time you demonstrate what a jackass you are is fine with me.)
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