Really Experienced
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- Jul 2, 2012
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OK, so all women are idiots to vote republican-- That was the pretense in the original AYFKM post.
For clarification here:--- I never said how I was voting. I did say the guy who made the rape comment is an ASS.
But what the fuck is with the Lena Dunham ad equating voting with first time sex. My daughter called me to ask me if I had seen that. Losing one's virginity is like voting the first time and she did it for Barack. Oh isn't she sweet.
OMG Is THAT what this is all about? Is that what a president approves in a tight election cycle. Is that what we as women voters want to see/hear/know about? Is that the ad you want your teenage daughter to see about this election? I know if my daughter was still in high school I'd not want her to see that crap about a fucking election. IS that what you, what WE, what I, as a female voter am looking for right now? Am I, are we, not smart enough to make decisions or have thoughts about jobs, debt, economy, war, all these other things too?
With all this shit is going on in the country right now it's all about the "first time?" Or rape and pregnancy. Come on, be ABOVE this crap and look at the realities of all this...
Let the arguing begin I know, but while the rape comment is asinine and the guy a putz, what of this other garbage?
I guess I grew out of a lower income family and made it through law school to better myself so it might one day come down to this crap. With this demeaning crap no one would realize that I am, that WE ARE, more than a set of tits, but that we have a brain to go with them.
I have a son and a son-in-law on their 4th and 5th tours in Afghanistan, trying to stay alive, fighting terrorism, for what? this shit? (call the war what you will, but they are there damn it, and I'd like them home). One has even been in the hospital for wounds. I'd like them to be able to find jobs and get home with my grand kids and support themselves. But in a time of brutal unemployment and other issues they are trying to influence us as women by rape horseshit and losing one's virginity ads. Who thinks less of whom?
Women are doctors and LAWYERS and CEO's etc... We run banks, schools, own businesses and such. Are we really idiots if we vote Republican? Can't a woman possibly believe there's more than some assholes rape comments to consider when voting? But if she does she is an idiot?
I've not spoken against abortion or women s health issues. Just against being labeled an idiot because I think there's more this election that some asshole and his rape comments.
SO I ask you again, Are you or are you not more than your lady parts?
I know this will open this all up again, but my initial point was simply for someone to say that any woman that votes republican is an idiot was pretty damn short sighted and shows a very real lack of understanding or worse-- Disagree with me if you want, but to lump women into that category because YOU are mad is not really meaningful. After that rape comment we are ALL mad after all... But being mad doesn't change the realities.
(FOR THE RECORD, I am NOT a civil lawyer, I'm a criminal lawyer. So if granny spills her coffee I can't help you, so please, spare me the shark jokes, I have unfortunately heard them all, mostly from my kids when they were growing up!! LOL
So now, I guess I'll sit back and await my beatings as I'm sure they will come...
OK, so all women are idiots to vote republican-- That was the pretense in the original AYFKM post.
For clarification here:--- I never said how I was voting. I did say the guy who made the rape comment is an ASS.
But what the fuck is with the Lena Dunham ad equating voting with first time sex. My daughter called me to ask me if I had seen that. Losing one's virginity is like voting the first time and she did it for Barack. Oh isn't she sweet.
OMG Is THAT what this is all about? Is that what a president approves in a tight election cycle. Is that what we as women voters want to see/hear/know about? Is that the ad you want your teenage daughter to see about this election? I know if my daughter was still in high school I'd not want her to see that crap about a fucking election. IS that what you, what WE, what I, as a female voter am looking for right now? Am I, are we, not smart enough to make decisions or have thoughts about jobs, debt, economy, war, all these other things too?
With all this shit is going on in the country right now it's all about the "first time?" Or rape and pregnancy. Come on, be ABOVE this crap and look at the realities of all this...
Let the arguing begin I know, but while the rape comment is asinine and the guy a putz, what of this other garbage?
I guess I grew out of a lower income family and made it through law school to better myself so it might one day come down to this crap. With this demeaning crap no one would realize that I am, that WE ARE, more than a set of tits, but that we have a brain to go with them.
I have a son and a son-in-law on their 4th and 5th tours in Afghanistan, trying to stay alive, fighting terrorism, for what? this shit? (call the war what you will, but they are there damn it, and I'd like them home). One has even been in the hospital for wounds. I'd like them to be able to find jobs and get home with my grand kids and support themselves. But in a time of brutal unemployment and other issues they are trying to influence us as women by rape horseshit and losing one's virginity ads. Who thinks less of whom?
Women are doctors and LAWYERS and CEO's etc... We run banks, schools, own businesses and such. Are we really idiots if we vote Republican? Can't a woman possibly believe there's more than some assholes rape comments to consider when voting? But if she does she is an idiot?
I've not spoken against abortion or women s health issues. Just against being labeled an idiot because I think there's more this election that some asshole and his rape comments.
SO I ask you again, Are you or are you not more than your lady parts?
I know this will open this all up again, but my initial point was simply for someone to say that any woman that votes republican is an idiot was pretty damn short sighted and shows a very real lack of understanding or worse-- Disagree with me if you want, but to lump women into that category because YOU are mad is not really meaningful. After that rape comment we are ALL mad after all... But being mad doesn't change the realities.
(FOR THE RECORD, I am NOT a civil lawyer, I'm a criminal lawyer. So if granny spills her coffee I can't help you, so please, spare me the shark jokes, I have unfortunately heard them all, mostly from my kids when they were growing up!! LOL
So now, I guess I'll sit back and await my beatings as I'm sure they will come...