
Deviant but Romantic
Mar 2, 2022
We all start with that ONE story we have to get down, the one that burns our veins as it seeks an outlet, the one that keeps us up (AND UP) to a point where putting virtual letter to invisible paper is the only way to beat the sensation and stop the madness.


Most of us on here are repeat offenders. There’s probably not that gnawing feeling inside any more and if we stopped writing (STOP WRITING!) we’d probably be just fine AND have a bit more time on our hands, but we keep coming back, ensuring the 5*…4*…3.7*….4.3* shuffle and occasional nice comment, but why?

What makes you keep coming back? (Shit! I could have avoided all that fluff and just typed “as above” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️).
Nope. Once the germ of a story takes form in my mind, it has to get out. I might never finish the story, but I certainly need to write out that scene, or idea, or even a single sentence. Otherwise it will just keep milling around endlessly in my head.
Aside from the several other reasons: writing stories of any kind helps me appreciate better writers. I can see what a good writer is doing better, now that I've tried to do the things they do a few times.

It's great to take all of my favourite fantasies and get them down on paper. Sometimes they're just a single scene, other times they mushroom into a full blown novel! Either way, writing it all down gets me going and that's what counts for me. If you'd like to see the results see the BDSM Taking Control series
Nope. Once the germ of a story takes form in my mind, it has to get out. I might never finish the story, but I certainly need to write out that scene, or idea, or even a single sentence. Otherwise it will just keep milling around endlessly in my head.
Ohhh I have the same problem. I have to write that scene. It churns in my head over and over again. I build on it as a nagging dream. Until its typed out. Then poof, its gone.

Then I wait for the next one.
Writing makes me feel like I'm achieving something tangible for myself. A lot of my career so far has been about helping others to achieve their dreams and goals; that's lovely, but the outcomes aren't always clear cut and are, ultimately, other people's achievements. My writing is purely selfish and 99% my achievement. That's a nice break from my day to day.
I don't publish often here anymore. Since 2017 I've published 23 stories, and all were pieces that were for sale at one point and the shelf life wore off so I'd put them in contests here or a random entry. Partly to reward the people who have followed me for years, partly to keep a presence here that can help get eyes on paid work

Meaning my answer to the question is more in regard to selling e-books, but I think it applies here as well, and that's the game. Will it sell, will it do well here? If yes, why, if not, why? I also like the thrill of the kill. Typing the end one more time-because you never know when the time will come it could be the last time-seeing the sales come in, or if here seeing the numbers rack up.

But if I am being completely honest, a big part of the game? Is a fuck you. A fuck you to all the people who told me I was an idiot for ever thinking I could write. A fuck you to detractoris here who early on said all I could write was incest. A fuck you to my trolls on reader side, a fuck you to people I haven't gotten along with here. I have written a few pieces that were a direct fuck you to a certain author, not them by name, and not always because I totally dislike them or they were ever nasty to me, but along the lines of thinking they know it all and they're just the bestest of the best. So I write something that targets their crowd and blow their scores and numbers out of the water.

I'm the only one who knows this. I don't send them a "this is how its done" I just know, and that's enough to make me smile. That and in a couple of cases I know they score hawk and fav hawk, top list obsessed etc.. and they saw me leave them in ruins.

Heh. Yeah, the game is the best way to put it.
We all start with that ONE story we have to get down, the one that burns our veins as it seeks an outlet, the one that keeps us up (AND UP) to a point where putting virtual letter to invisible paper is the only way to beat the sensation and stop the madness.


Most of us on here are repeat offenders. There’s probably not that gnawing feeling inside any more and if we stopped writing (STOP WRITING!) we’d probably be just fine AND have a bit more time on our hands, but we keep coming back, ensuring the 5*…4*…3.7*….4.3* shuffle and occasional nice comment, but why?

What makes you keep coming back? (Shit! I could have avoided all that fluff and just typed “as above” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️).

Yes, I'm curious Em, just what does keep you coming back? ;)
We all start with that ONE story we have to get down, the one that burns our veins as it seeks an outlet, the one that keeps us up (AND UP) to a point where putting virtual letter to invisible paper is the only way to beat the sensation and stop the madness.


Most of us on here are repeat offenders. There’s probably not that gnawing feeling inside any more and if we stopped writing (STOP WRITING!) we’d probably be just fine AND have a bit more time on our hands, but we keep coming back, ensuring the 5*…4*…3.7*….4.3* shuffle and occasional nice comment, but why?

What makes you keep coming back? (Shit! I could have avoided all that fluff and just typed “as above” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️).
Appreciate all the responses. I can identify with some of them. But if I’m being honest, I’m still asking myself this same question.