Are vague references to beastiality also forbidden?


Jan 8, 2019
I wrote a story which at one point makes vague references to beastiality in a satirical rather than a sexual way, as a method of social commentary. Are passages like the below forbidden? I hope even providing this example so I can ask my question is not forbidden as well. If it is let me know and I'll delete it.

The leading candidate, until recently, was Bernie Peaceful Agitator, the Fourth Deputy Controller of the California District. But Bernie got into a bit of a scandal recently when he was found consummating an improper relationship with a camel. Not that Connecting with an ungulate was improper; no, the Community encouraged all kinds of experimentation to produce the perfect family unit.

No, the problem was not that Bernie was Connecting with the camel, but that Bernie had seduced the camel away from its rightful owner. The camel in question was currently Connecting with one Lionel Mercedes. Bernie had improperly used his influence to insert a new SleepTalk script which made Lionel more attracted to women than camels.

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Unicorns and werewolves okay; real animals not okay, unless they're anthropomorphic human like creatures.

Even though yours are satirical, I don't think they'll fly. Particularly not since you are also toying with politics, which is also a no-no right now.
I suspect it'll be fine if Laurel is half as confused as I am.

Honestly, humour should be fine as long as you don't go too deep into the goings-on, but maybe spend your idle minutes thinking about how you might rewrite it if it gets rejected.
Unicorns and werewolves okay; real animals not okay, unless they're anthropomorphic human like creatures.

Even though yours are satirical, I don't think they'll fly. Particularly not since you are also toying with politics, which is also a no-no right now.
REALLY? Sex scenes with unicorns are OK????? (That might solve my story problem)
I never get tired of some of the thread titles people come up with here.
I have no idea what the answer to the question is.
REALLY? Sex scenes with unicorns are OK????? (That might solve my story problem)
Yes, you can sexualise mythical or sentient alien creatures. The criteria, so far as I can tell, is that your critter must have agency and awareness of self, (be able to say yes), whereas your literal beast (not literary beast), like a cat or a dog or the cow on a farm growing up, does not. There's a thread not far away with the Harkness Test, which sums it up quite nicely (a Doctor Who fan will recognise the reference).

I, for example have stories with a spider in a top hat and eight smart shoes getting it on with an elegant moth in a tight blue dress, and a mantis thief with spectacular trousers, who gets into mischief with a lady beetle. Perfectly okay, if a little odd for some readers.

It's a weird rule but it can be navigated. A few years ago I published Penis Fish, a story based on a true story about thousands of Innkeeper worms, also known as penis fish, washing up on a beach in California. In my story they washed up on the beach but they were really aliens from another planet that wanted to impregnate women (doesn't that make you want to read the story?).
It got rejected at first, but when I explained they were aliens and not anything terrestrial the site let it pass.
A passing reference is fine: "He was a disgusting man. Frankly, I'd have been happier fucking a camel" as a one-off line would probably fly, and be humorous.

Your example is a bit more involved than that. Only one way to find out. Or, as others have said, you could use a mythological animal instead, at which point no harm, no foul.
I wrote a story which at one point makes vague references to beastiality in a satirical rather than a sexual way, as a method of social commentary. Are passages like the below forbidden? I hope even providing this example so I can ask my question is not forbidden as well. If it is let me know and I'll delete it.

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I'm fairly certain that this would be in breach of the rules as it stands - but as many have said before - change camel to ravenous bugblatter beast, and you're golden.
Thanks! This discussion was very helpful. I will change them to unicorneraffes, intelligent genetic crossings between unicorns and giraffes.

It's a weird rule but it can be navigated. A few years ago I published Penis Fish, a story based on a true story about thousands of Innkeeper worms, also known as penis fish, washing up on a beach in California. In my story they washed up on the beach but they were really aliens from another planet that wanted to impregnate women (doesn't that make you want to read the story?).
It got rejected at first, but when I explained they were aliens and not anything terrestrial the site let it pass.
Bwahaha, I remember that.
From where I sit, it’s funny, not bestiality-weird.

That said, there seems to have been a shift in protocols of late and the only person with a vote is Laurel, the site owner. I would suggest you PM her and ask in advance. She’s pretty reasonable, I have found.
From where I sit, it’s funny, not bestiality-weird.

That said, there seems to have been a shift in protocols of late and the only person with a vote is Laurel, the site owner. I would suggest you PM her and ask in advance. She’s pretty reasonable, I have found.
I'm told she's very busy and edits hundreds of stories a week. I'd rather not get noticed unless I have to.

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I'm told she's very busy and edits hundreds of stories a week. I'd rather not get noticed unless I have to.

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I PMd her a couple years ago about a dog-on-dog scene I was looking to write. She's more than willing to work with people who are courteous, and have honest questions. I wouldn't hesitate to broach this with her. "Getting noticed" for this is not in any way a "bad thing."
Personally: I don't see a problem with it. No graphic detail and definitely not written to be titillating.

That said, I don't run the site.

I'd say submit it and see what happens, as long as you don't mind the potential delay if it gets kicked back.
I wrote a story which at one point makes vague references to beastiality in a satirical rather than a sexual way, as a method of social commentary. Are passages like the below forbidden? I hope even providing this example so I can ask my question is not forbidden as well. If it is let me know and I'll delete it.

The leading candidate, until recently, was Bernie Peaceful Agitator, the Fourth Deputy Controller of the California District. But Bernie got into a bit of a scandal recently when he was found consummating an improper relationship with a camel. Not that Connecting with an ungulate was improper; no, the Community encouraged all kinds of experimentation to produce the perfect family unit.

No, the problem was not that Bernie was Connecting with the camel, but that Bernie had seduced the camel away from its rightful owner. The camel in question was currently Connecting with one Lionel Mercedes. Bernie had improperly used his influence to insert a new SleepTalk script which made Lionel more attracted to women than camels.

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I just wrote a whole story about me fucking a octopus. OK it was a giant, telepathic, levitating space octopus, but still.

I just wrote a whole story about me fucking a octopus. OK it was a giant, telepathic, levitating space octopus, but still.

Yes, this problem is solved. Unicorns, plenty of unicorns. Unfortunately my other problem remains. I have a great coming of age novel [Redacted] (is this considered promotion? How can I explain what it is without explaining what it is?), which talks about a young telepathic girl's coming of age who has the kinds of natural issues about body changes growing up as a teenager. I see no way to publish it on this site which is very frustrating since it is my most character driven story, 300,000 words about coming of age and growing into an adult... unless I can somehow turn her into a unicorn or other magical beast, which I don't think would work here.

[Please do not add links to offsite stories in posts. When the content most likely violates Literotica submission standards, such links shouldn't be posted anywhere on Lit. - AH Mod]

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You are on the wrong site, hun.

You wanting to publish it means squat.

I'm told she's very busy and edits hundreds of stories a week. I'd rather not get noticed unless I have to.
I expect she is and that she does. That said, two things to consider.

First, it seems likely that the site runs submitted stories through some sort of computer screening programme. If yours is even mildly questionable, it’ll get bounced by that.

Secondly, it’s a reasonably good bet that some high-collared priss will hit the story’s Report icon of there’s anything near the line and then you will definitely be noticed.

As Voboy notes, she’s pretty patient. I have PM’d her like this a couple of times and she’s always responded with solid advice.

As to ‘coming of age’ tales, it would depend on what happens. A young woman stating that she grew breasts at 13 or began to menstruate a year earlier would not necessarily get the story barred, provided such things were not dwelled in or mentioned in any prurient fashion. They’re just part of growing up, like a boy growing his first whiskers. Mentioned and passed by, and there should be no worries.

Let a shadow of sexuality be attached to those things and it would be a different thing entirely. And mentioning that she and a classmate kissed and fondled at 15 would be a red flag. The bottom line is that under-18 sexual characters having any interaction whatever with sexuality (including hearing their parents’ bed squeaking) is O.U.T.
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Yes, this problem is solved. Unicorns, plenty of unicorns. Unfortunately my other problem remains. I have a great coming of age novel (is this considered promotion? How can I explain what it is without explaining what it is?), which talks about a young telepathic girl's coming of age who has the kinds of natural issues about body changes growing up as a teenager. I see no way to publish it on this site which is very frustrating since it is my most character driven story, 300,000 words about coming of age and growing into an adult... unless I can somehow turn her into a unicorn or other magical beast, which I don't think would work here.

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...yep... this ain't the place for that, and it's long as fuck. Could probably be a telepathic unicorn centaur girl, and it still might not fly, because she's under eightteen.

I never understood why people want to write stories so long, they make the bible looke like a novella. Is it just one book, because that's like several romance novels.