Are there sexual things you won't talk about even in AH?


Literotica Guru
Feb 19, 2021
I've had masochistic fantasies ever since pre-latency, with a mournful pause during latency. As far as I can remember I've never hinted about them to a single soul. I expect eary on I felt guilty, just because. But pretty soon, at least in early adulthood, I stopped feeling guilty. But I continued to keep quiet and to hide my purchases of erotic literature.

But then I entered the world of writing erotica and online erotica forums and found myself shedding every intellectual inhibition possible. My real life is still strictly vanilla (a happy and fulfilled vanilla). But online I can say anything, where I used to refrain of even thinking words like masochism. It's amazingly liberating. Who'da thunk????

I'm wondering if the rest of you feel the same lack of inhibition? Or are there still things you won't talk about even under the cloak of anonymity? Of course I'm not asking what those things are, just if they exist.
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It might not make sense to some, but I distinguish the fantasies and desires that I "really" have from what I like to write about or read at Literotica. There's overlap, but they're not the same thing. I don't share everything about what I'm really thinking, desiring, and fantasizing about, and I never will. But I don't have any qualms about sharing and discussing topics I like to read and write about, no matter how twisted.
Interesting question. I write mostly from IRL experiences amplified into "lifestyle" situations, in both definitions of "lifestyle". Quite a bit of fantasy especially relative to romantic polyamory and frequency, but nonetheless situations that might be possible given the right set of circumstances.

There are things that cross my mind relative to extreme fetishes and sometimes I'll commit the thoughts to electrons, but those go no further than the computer they live on.
I don't mind people knowing I'm kinky, but I'd rather not, that they know how kinky, and the things I have done and will do. So in my stories, I reflect on them with my hero, but shy away from being honest online.
It might not make sense to some, but I distinguish the fantasies and desires that I "really" have from what I like to write about or read at Literotica.
This makes perfect sense. It's just the kind of perspective I was looking for.
Or are there still things you won't talk about even under the cloak of anonymity?
I limit what kind of and how much personal stuff I discuss here, because it is likely that that anonymity will be broken eventually. And Google knows.

But any likes or preferences I might have that could technically rise to the level of a kink or a fetish are so tame and boring that everybody here would probably giggle about how sheltered I must be.

Some preferences obviously filter into my stories, but not directly. I find a lot of things interesting that aren't things I fantasize about. I tend to usually write from intellectually derived themes that are humanized through fiction.
It might not make sense to some, but I distinguish the fantasies and desires that I "really" have from what I like to write about or read at Literotica. There's overlap, but they're not the same thing. I don't share everything about what I'm really thinking, desiring, and fantasizing about, and I never will. But I don't have any qualms about sharing and discussing topics I like to read and write about, no matter how twisted.
When I'm reading my stories to the redhead, I sometimes have to remind her that there's a difference between fantasy and imagination.
This one time, I was licked to death by kittens - but I can't talk about that, for multiple reasons.

Are there sexual things you won't talk about even in AH?​

I don’t have any hidden kinks that I’ve neither talked about, nor written about here. And - unlike some - my authorial and IRL kinks are pretty much the same, or at least adjacent.

So, tentacle porn, I don’t masturbate thinking about octopuses ravishing me. If I think about octopuses it’s “aw! so cute 🥰” But I get turned on writing my tentacle porn stories because they are adjacent to IRL. There are bondage aspects, tentacles holding the FMC, cuffs holing me IRL [historically]. The depth of tentacle penetration, well that’s playing with large insertions and depth training [again historically].

I’ve featured pregnancy sex (in the same stories as the tentacle porn), that is something I’d like to experience IRL and it does feel like an unrealized kink, then I can do something about that 😬.

I’ve written [shape-shifting related] sex with a horse. That’s in no way an IRL kink, but I wrote it as basically relating to using large dildos (no I don’t own and have never tried a horse cock dildo).

I’ve written FFF which was always a dream of mine, one that I never realized. But even there it’s an extrapolation of FF and elements of MFF / MMF (please ignore the order of letters, I don’t understand the “code”).

So, basically no, I don’t have any secret stuff that I’m too scared to write about.

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This must be a rhetorical question, right? If we won't discuss it here, why would we say what we won't discuss?
Its not entirely a lack of inhibition for me (though it does help). In a story, if I want a stroker, I can write something in the most idealized setting using poeple who have nothing to do with me, and they always say and do exactly the perfect thing to keep that kink, well, kinky.

But really, I'm attracted to strong emotions. Whatever the physical act is doesn't matter to me all that much when writing. It's just the effect, not the reason behind the story.
Yes, there are lines I won't cross in my writing.
Because this is the Internet and it's not as anonymous as we'd like to believe it is, my rule of thumb is, if my mother ever discovered my stories, would I still be able to look her in the eye? If the answer is no, I leave it out of the story.
No, I'm an open book. There isn't anything that I have buried or suppressed regarding sexuality, either in my writing or in my discussions online and in person.
That I don't see how I can comment on them in any way as, obliviously, I haven't anything I wouldn't and haven't said on the forum. I've admitted to being abused by my birth father, ran away from home and became a streetwalker, and have been raped more than one time. There is also the admitting to the terrible things I've done as whore, stealing, participating in BDSM in a sexual manner for hire. I'm a married lesbian. What else could I admit that is worse than what I have said? For me, I considered it a rhetorical question; if there is something worse than what I've admitted to, I can't imagine myself doing it.
Did you read this part?

And this, too. I'd love to know what message you're trying to convery.
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I never talk bad about my ex's.
Hell, I'm friends or on friendly terms with all but 2 of them.
Even the ones that did me wrong.