Are there any original ideas left??



Or has it all been done before??

This is so Deja old I fully expect it to be burried by the time I can peek back here.

Feel free to encourage me that there are new ideas waiting to be discovered out there, and not all threads are going to be retreads.

And please refrain from the obvious one word reply of "NO" to this thread. It's all about original ideas ;)
Every so often one will come around. But inspriation and downright copying go on waaay to much. I should know, I'm a media student
There are always new ideas out there. :)

Some are bold and come forward with them.
Others contemplate what they think; maybe a
new idea and keep it to themself.

There is always a fresh approach to old ideas/threads
/opinions as no two people are exactly alike.

IMHO? There is no such thing as it has ALL been
done before. :)

We are always learning, evolving, creating. :)
Yes & yes

I remember reading a long time ago that there are only something like 20 story plots in the whole world, and all stories are variants on these plots.
I differ from most of the people on this site in that I don't think plot is all that important. I think what's important is the author's "take" on the plot. Great authors (to me) reinterpret the same old stories and make them new by their insights. The author's gift is to see things that most of us don't see, and tell us about them.
On this site the basic plot is people making love. Think of the number of variations on that them. There's as many versions as there are authors.
So in that respect, I would say that you're asking the wrong question. Take the basic story of boy meets girl and find a way to tell it that makes us see it anew, and whoneeds new plots?

Yes. I have one that I'm holding back for when it's my turn at 15 minutes of fame...
Think about all the music you listen to each day. If there was nothing new to be created then how could new stuff keep coming out? New ideas/new people, folks that have been around that are experiencing change in their lives - these are all catalysts. There's always something new to discover around the next bend, under the rock that hasn' been tipped over, or through the eyes of someone you don't know.

You just have to be able see "the opportunities" are all around you.
"Originality is merely undetected plaigarism." - (?)

Don't worry about it. Just try not to make like something else you've read or seen.
I don't care what you say, but Robin Williams is STILL damn funny...
I bet no one thought of dipping naked woman, attached to a bungee cord, in paint and pushing them off of a building into a giant canvas erected on the side of the building so that their bodies can splat on the canvas.

and yes...there would be a cushion under the canvas...
SINthysist said:
The cushion part is original...

there you go...

and plunger people...there was an idea!
Plungers with that you can slam them down and rock back and forth...distorting the face.

Sort of an aggression release item.

you could use one...
I have a better idea. Step over here so's I can whisper it into your ear...
SINthysist said:
I have a better idea. Step over here so's I can whisper it into your ear...

Nope, he is coming to my house and I will do more than whisper.

Sorry, I just slipped out!:p
Hey shameless!;)

I'm an original, it's just that no ones thought of me yet.:)

I'd answer seriously, but I like what most everyone else said, and will just ditto it.
ShamelessFlirt said:
And please refrain from the obvious one word reply of "NO" to this thread. It's all about original ideas ;)


Now does that get me a spanking or what? ;)

There are no original ideas, really.

But the good news is, that once you put your particular slant to them, it makes them new again.

Ok, back to bed for me.
Novelty butt plugs in the form of political leaders.

Imagine the add campaign:

"With the new Tony Blair (tm) Butt Plug, you too can feel like the president in a meeting with the British Primeminister."

Lots of potential there I think.
That's kinda funny.

How about a line of plugs where you can submit a picture your face for the plug so you can pull your head out of...

Well, I'm SURE that's been done!

Would Osama Bin Laden be a big seller?

"Hey I know where he's Bin hiding.... <SCHLUUUUURRRRPPPP POP!>"