Are the three leaders meeting in the Azores because...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
when the baloon goes up in the next few hours, they'll be safely out of harm's way...

Or is that carrying paranoid suspicion a bit too far?


G.W. thought it was the Ozarks.

He kept asking Rumsfeld why they were flying over all that water...
Thomas Paine said:
G.W. thought it was the Ozarks.

He kept asking Rumsfeld why they were flying over all that water...

Thomas Paine,

You must be:

1. Bored out of your mind.

2. In a masochistic mood.


3. Drunk

to be posting here. :)
It was meant to be a menage a trois...

However, the US Congress banned the use of that phrase on Friday on the suggestion of Ted Kennedy that it now be called "American Pretzel Love".
The Azores somehow doesn't have the same tone of gravitas.
lavender said:
Thomas Paine,

You must be:

1. Bored out of your mind.

2. In a masochistic mood.


3. Drunk

to be posting here. :)

None of the above. I think it was endorphins -- I had just come back from the gym. Don't worry, I won't make a habit of it...*g*
No its so George can drink and celebrate Saint Patty's day early being in a different time zone and all.
The Azores are really cool. Kind of the like the Sargasso Sea only different.
KillerMuffin said:
The Azores are really cool. Kind of the like the Sargasso Sea only different.

I'll bet it was held there just so everyone who attended could get fridge magnets.
Worm said:
No its so George can drink and celebrate Saint Patty's day early being in a different time zone and all.

Has Ireland even signed on yet? If not, why are people still planning on celebrating St. Patrick's day?
70/30 said:
Has Ireland even signed on yet? If not, why are people still planning on celebrating St. Patrick's day?

Because it involves alcohol!!
Lasher said:
It was meant to be a menage a trois...

However, the US Congress banned the use of that phrase on Friday on the suggestion of Ted Kennedy that it now be called "American Pretzel Love".

Can't be. Bush would veto the pretzel reference.
KillerMuffin said:
The Azores are really cool. Kind of the like the Sargasso Sea only different.

You mean it's full of old wrecks?
