Are any of the facts we are told are true are actually true?

Spin piece that doesn't actually source the original studies and doesn't even source the study they refer to.

Neat.....I'm sure they're right though.
You are lazy, the source is in there. You just chose to ignore it cause its not to your spin.
A prior meta-study looking for racial bias in juvenile criminal sentences, for example, also found no statistically significant evidence of racism. Yet the Northeastern University professor who was its lead author, writing in the Journal of Criminal Justice, did not make that finding the paper’s takeaway. Instead, he disputed his own evidence, writing: “However, simple claims that race does not matter are also not supported by existing knowledge,” concluding the situation was “nuanced,” because, in certain sub-categories, the numbers differed slightly by race—even though if racism were actually to blame, such factors would be across the board, and all in one direction.

“Overall, the criminal justice system appears to be remarkably neutral, at least as relates to these issues, either when compared to the historical US criminal justice system, or historical systems throughout history,” the authors of the new study found.

They said that progressive academics who misrepresent their own data — whether due to incompetence, the prioritization of ideology over social science, or the desire to publish a paper with a dramatic finding — may be causing real harm to society.
Spin piece that doesn't actually source the original studies and doesn't even source the study they refer to.

Neat.....I'm sure they're right though.
You are not a serious person.