Are ALL Canadians MORONS? Or just some?


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Christmas Coming Under
Fire In Canada As Not PC
Have Yourself A Merry Little Holiday?

TORONTO (Reuters) - Christmas is becoming an endangered word in parts of Canada in a rash of politically correct behavior -- such as renaming a Christmas tree a "holiday tree" -- that even non-Christians dismiss as silly.

Toronto city officials began the flap last week when they called the 50-foot tree set up outside City Hall a "holiday tree." That sparked much derision and prompted the city's mayor to set the record straight.

"Our special events staff went too far with their political correctness when they called it a holiday tree," said Mayor Mel Lastman. "They were trying to be inclusive and their hearts were in the right place, but you can't be politically correct all the time."

The mayor plans to introduce a motion in city council this week that will officially put the word Christmas in front of the word tree in all future city documents.

The name change led to complaints from Christians and left many non-Christians wondering what all the fuss was about. "To take a generic term, slap it on a symbol that really only has significance to one religion...and then say we're being multicultural does not really fit," said Anita Bromberg of the Jewish group B'nai Brith Canada. "Whatever you call it, it's still a Christmas tree."

"You're not being inclusive when you try to apply one religious symbol to everybody. You call it what is."

Toronto has become the most multicultural city in Canada, with communities from around the world and residents who speak more than 100 different languages.

"I'm not sure what they're trying to achieve," Ahmed Shoker of the Canadian Islamic Congress in Saskatoon said on Monday. "Everyone has the full right to celebrate in their own way."

Toronto is not alone in its efforts to stress a holiday spirit rather than talking about Christmas.

The Royal Canadian Mint has a commercial in which it changes the old holiday standard "Twelve Days of Christmas" to "Twelve Days of Giving." But Mint spokesman Phil Taylor said the wording was merely meant to "position coins as a great gift for the holidays for whatever faith."

"It's the same kind of over the top political correctness," said Bernie Farber, Ontario executive director of the Canadian Jewish Congress. "There seems to be a fear within certain circles in Canada that people are going to react to Christmas in a negative way. But it's not the case.

"It's time to sort of get on with life, accept everybody for who they are and revel in their holidays as opposed to look for ways to deny people's holidays. It's just plain silly."
Another fascinating post by the poster child for intellectual peasants.
Coolville said:
Another fascinating post by the poster child for intellectual peasants.

I like that!

"Intellectual peasant"

Umm may I borrow that from time to time, please?

And I thought you are telling us something about Francois Ducros, calling GWB a moron at NATO's Prague summit lately.

Meanwhile Canadian PM Jean Chrétien accepted her resignation.
I was just about to ask if anyone had seen the resignation news but I had to do something funny first...

Another Canadian Official was reported to have called Bush and Idiot in a report. News at 9:00.
MissTaken said:
I like that!

"Intellectual peasant"

Umm may I borrow that from time to time, please?


Sorry, beat you to it :D !

Look down...

BNow, seriously....

if calling Bush a moron or idiot is thta serious, p_p_man is actually on his way to a desert island assisted vis a vis deportation!


As for the holiday tree?

Some people on both sides of the border get a bit carried away with what is politically correct.

Hell! If they are going to have a holiday a tree, shouldn't any city funded menorrah (sp) be called "Holiday candles?"

In any event, the demographics of Toronto are very mixed. It is much like NYC in that it is a melting pot of cultures, races and religions.

So, I guess the article is no big surprise.
Most politically appointed Bureaucrats are Morons, & Canada has no monopoly. How else is a moron gonna get a job?;)
Fact: The whole "happy holidays" thing you people have going in the States is a result of the Jewish population wishing equal footing. One greeting for everyone. Same thing as the holiday tree.
Nothing wrong with that.
patient1 said:
Most politically appointed Bureaucrats are Morons, & Canada has no monopoly. How else is a moron gonna get a job?;)

Everyone knows that Morons got jobs in politics :rolleyes:

Perhaps when Ramadan comes round again, they could make it an 'inclusive' event by calling it 'famine empathy month'

Just a thought.
Changing Christmas tree to holiday tree isn't all that bad. Birmingham City council (UK) 'abolished' Christmas and replaced it with 'Winterval'

Still, what else can you expect when you vote clowns into office.
I am canadian and we arent morons! OK fine BF claims his dog obeys better then I do but whatever I am not a dog so LOL all that implies that I dont listen.. but we arent morons. we are open minded and alot more peaceful then other countries.
Rex1960 said:
And I thought you are telling us something about Francois Ducros, calling GWB a moron at NATO's Prague summit lately.

Meanwhile Canadian PM Jean Chrétien accepted her resignation.

He didn't at first, but the backlash she received was too much for her to do her job anymore. Awww...poor baby!

Now the idiot Chretien won't apologize to Bush for the comments. :confused:
Pamela said:
Just the government.

Nah.. Calling the people who are in government a bunch of morons is letting them off easy. They are much worse than that.
Coolville said:
One greeting for everyone. Same thing as the holiday tree.
Nothing wrong with that.

It's not a big deal, but I don't agree with that part of what you posted. As the article pointed out, a Christmas tree has no significance in any religion other than Christianity. There is no place for a tree in the Hanukah celebration. There is no place for a tree in the Kwanzaa celebration. While the tree wasn't part of the story of the birth of Christ, it has been associated exclusively with Christmas for hundreds of years.

I certainly hope no Christian would expect Jews to rename their Menorah.

It's one thing to call the season by a more generic name due to the fact that many religions and cultures have celebrations during that time, but to try to make one religion's symbols into generic symbols isn't an intellectually or socially ethical goal.

just one man's thoughts.
SINthysist said:
I was just about to ask if anyone had seen the resignation news but I had to do something funny first...

Another Canadian Official was reported to have called Bush and Idiot in a report. News at 9:00.

Just for the fact that they have gotten it right twice, I, an American, think that Canadians are geniuses.

Bush is a moron in a monkey suit. *shrugs*
"Are ALL Canadians MORONS? Or just some?" says the american . . ?

LMAO, oh, the irony.