Anyone in London (aka shithole on thames) 9 May 2013 fancy some live gunfire?


Gods rep on Earth.
Nov 10, 2003


Should be fun.
indeed, . i have to visit shithole on thames 3 times that week, the guns had better be good.

if the weather's not going to be too crap, i might book the 9th off and head on into town for the kick-off. i've never been to a live music event like this (only stuff with fireworks and fire-jugglers) and . . . well, it has a certain appeal. i'll have to see about getting the time off. i could come straight from work, but i hate rushing about and my feet would be aching after being on them all day already. yeah yeah, i'm fragile :rolleyes:
How are they going to get the Belfast into the Galleria? :confused:
How are they going to get the Belfast into the Galleria? :confused:

They don't need to. HMS Belfast's guns have a range of (25 miles) - corrected - 25 kilometres.
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They don't need to. HMS Belfast's guns have a range of 25 miles.

no-one mentioned they'd be firing live rounds

are they good shots? only i may have to postpone my visit to a less inauspicious date :cool:
The clue is in the word Belfast.

I had a mate that was in 7 RHA, they're the ones that get to fire off all the big shit at ceremonial events. Anyhoo, they were tasked with being the cannons at a performance of the 1812 for some big bash. Set up, all ready to go then someone realised they hadn't brought any blank rounds with them. Had to send a gazelle from Aldershot.
I had a mate that was in 7 RHA, they're the ones that get to fire off all the big shit at ceremonial events. Anyhoo, they were tasked with being the cannons at a performance of the 1812 for some big bash. Set up, all ready to go then someone realised they hadn't brought any blank rounds with them. Had to send a gazelle from Aldershot.

oh. my. god

you said 'anyhoo'
I had a mate that was in 7 RHA, they're the ones that get to fire off all the big shit at ceremonial events. Anyhoo, they were tasked with being the cannons at a performance of the 1812 for some big bash. Set up, all ready to go then someone realised they hadn't brought any blank rounds with them. Had to send a gazelle from Aldershot.

When Og was young, I lived on Gibraltar.

Apart from the 6 am, Noon and 6 pm gun, there was gunnery practice on Wednesday afternoons.

When they fired the big guns, the Rock of Gibraltar would shake. Not as much as when we had an earthquake, but enough that I could feel it through my feet.

They were firing practice rounds, not blanks.
They don't need to. HMS Belfast's guns have a range of (25 miles) - corrected - 25 kilometres.

Seriously gnarly.

When was the last time H.M.S. Belfast's guns were fired? I have no doubt that somebody has thought this through. Wikipedia suggests that her 6-inchers have a range of 12½ miles (~20 kilometers).
...To emphasise the range of the ship's armament, the forward six-inch guns of A and B Turrets are aimed at the London Gateway service area on the M1 motorway, some 12½ miles away on the outskirts of London...

oh. my. god

you said 'anyhoo'

I use anyhoo all the time. My da used it, too. It's a way of checking the attentiveness of listeners and breaking up the monotony.

Seriously gnarly.

When was the last time H.M.S. Belfast's guns were fired? I have no doubt that somebody has thought this through. Wikipedia suggests that her 6-inchers have a range of 12½ miles (~20 kilometers).

The 6 inch guns fitted to HMS Belfast had a range of 23 km at 41 degree elevation. In action that range could be exceeded by heeling the ship to provide a greater elevation. During WW1, monitors bombarding the Belgian coasts were routinely counterflooded to provide greater range.

But now? I wouldn't want to fire guns that old.
Seriously gnarly.

When was the last time H.M.S. Belfast's guns were fired? I have no doubt that somebody has thought this through. Wikipedia suggests that her 6-inchers have a range of 12½ miles (~20 kilometers).

Probably the year of decommissioning or thereabouts. Last time in anger would have been during the Korean War.
The 6 inch guns fitted to HMS Belfast had a range of 23 km at 41 degree elevation. In action that range could be exceeded by heeling the ship to provide a greater elevation. During WW1, monitors bombarding the Belgian coasts were routinely counterflooded to provide greater range.

But now? I wouldn't want to fire guns that old.

The guns used by the RHA are I think WWI, although they only use blanks. TA artillery regiments were using 25pdrs in the 1980s.

And I reckon, given the state of the RN, Belfast's guns will soon be fired during the Korean War 2.2
The guns used by the RHA are I think WWI, although they only use blanks. TA artillery regiments were using 25pdrs in the 1980s.

And I reckon, given the state of the RN, Belfast's guns will soon be fired during the Korean War 2.2

I would imagine that the guns New Jersey class BB's are still safe to fire. There is not much that can go wrong with them. The explosion that sidelined those BB's occurred in the magazine, not the gun. I would imagine that Belfast's guns are in the same shape.
If you're on Princes Street, Edinburgh, at 1pm any day, you can tell the locals from the visitors. Visitors jump. Locals check their watches.

It's the one o'clock gun on Edinburgh Castle.
I would imagine that the guns New Jersey class BB's are still safe to fire. There is not much that can go wrong with them. The explosion that sidelined those BB's occurred in the magazine, not the gun. I would imagine that Belfast's guns are in the same shape.

Yup. Barrel and breech are designed and built for the pressure. Provided you use the appropriate propellant.

Now try saying that without this much gin on board.

(You should have seen this without spell check.):eek: