Anyone in Florida?

It was either as of Friday or Saturday that we had two days in a row without hitting 80 degrees. That hasn't happened since March. :eek:
daytona area

:( well all got there wish sort of,,,, raining like a bi**h around here. & still cant turn the a/c off
a/c heat

Well I like to run around naked in my fenced back yard, or out on the boat, so I dont mind the heat?sun(outside!!),,,, but when it cools off,,, I hope for it to get low enough can open the windows & have the house cool enough to be comfy but not cold. & I'm an x new jersey guy so I can put up with a bit of cooler temps.
thats my thing
Panhandle has been quite pleasant this week -- in the 70's with a nice breeze and cooler at night. Open window weather ... and still nice enough to walk on the beach.
north central fl.

looking for a female chat friend, north central, someone with a sensual nature.
Woke up to 53° outside. So excited to finally feel the cool air!
Have an awesome day Florida buddies!
It a nice break but loosing 30 degrees over night was a little shocking this morning.

Hi Starry, We also got hit with some cold weather down here - I think upper 60s, maybe low 70s, this morning. :rolleyes:

I threw on shorts and a t-shirt and about froze my ass off. But it's not as bad as up North ... so I stuck with them. ;)

Tom, Difficult to believe it ever gets cold where you are considering the pics you post. :devil:
It was so nice stepping out of my front door this morning and feeling the coolness in the air!