Anyone else having issues posting Word 2010 Docs?


WWJD4AKlondike Bar?
May 2, 2011
For two stories in a row I have had reject issues because of the Litbots not reading Word 2010 docx posts. I tried copying and pasting to notepad but it says I have to code Italics and various marks i.e. <>* as HTML which I just don't know how to do. Any ideas or suddestions?
I am using Word 2010 and I haven't had that issue, but then I copy and paste directly from Word into the submission form.
For two stories in a row I have had reject issues because of the Litbots not reading Word 2010 docx posts. I tried copying and pasting to notepad but it says I have to code Italics and various marks i.e. <>* as HTML which I just don't know how to do. Any ideas or suddestions?

try saving the file as an .RTF
I would just copy and paste by using select all you;re only talking about taking an extra few seconds and the paste method always works.

The only thing is if you have any formatting like italics or bold you have to use HTML or lit won;t pick it up.
Save the file without the X. Save it as a straight .doc file and you should have no problems.
For two stories in a row I have had reject issues because of the Litbots not reading Word 2010 docx posts. I tried copying and pasting to notepad but it says I have to code Italics and various marks i.e. <>* as HTML which I just don't know how to do. Any ideas or suddestions?

The other suggestions are good ones and the little bit of HTML you need to underline, bold or italicize something is darn easy to add to your work. Best to apply the HTML directly next to the words you want to apply it to.

For bold, it's <b>the word you want bold</b>
For italics, it's <i>the word you want italicized</i>
For underlining, it's <u>the word you want underlined</u>

The key to HTML is putting the instruction in front of the word between <> and then turning it off by using a forward leaning slash before the instruction </>

Careful or you'll become a code writing monkey before too long!