Any love potion ideas out there?


Feb 2, 2003
Hi! Anyone have ideas for a GOOD love potion/aphrodisiac type story-seems to be a dearth of them lately around here! Was a GOOD fairly realistic one just on 2-1 [LOVE DRUG]...was done halfway 'instant' lust or anything..but was still very...ahem stimulating! Would be nice to see more like it - especially with Valentine's Day coming up! Email me and maybe we can put our minds together and come up with something! Lou :D
How about a take pff on the movie Love Potion #9 ( which was sandra Bullock pre- Speed)?

Guy accidentally dopes the ugly duckling instead of the bland blonde babe. Lives happily ever after.
nystoryfan said:
Hi! Anyone have ideas for a GOOD love potion/aphrodisiac type story-seems to be a dearth of them lately around here! Was a GOOD fairly realistic one just on 2-1 [LOVE DRUG]...was done halfway 'instant' lust or anything..but was still very...ahem stimulating! Would be nice to see more like it - especially with Valentine's Day coming up! Email me and maybe we can put our minds together and come up with something! Lou :D

I don't suppose you've ever seen the porn video "Randy, The Electric Lady" starring Deseri Coustou (sp). It won all kinds of erotic film awards in the 1980's. It actually had a "plot" - sort of. Some "scientists" (some good, some evil, of course) are running a "Sex Institute" to help "non-orgasmic" women attain "full, satisfying and frequent" orgasms. As a result of an "accident" they discover an incredible "elixier" that they call "Orgasmene"... an aphrodisiac that in anything more than very small doses, causes the users to literally "fuck themselves to death...

One of the best porn movies I've seen...

That sounds very interesting.

I've heard about the date rape drug on the news, but haven't seen it around, personally. I actually don't know the street name for it.

It seems to be the drug of choice. It seem like it would be the best drug to use in a story to give it a realistic feel. Roofies, is what I think its called. I can see stories driving out of this.

One that comes to mind is a man having sex with his relutant wife after months with no sex.

The man would have to obtain the drug. Readers would see through anything that wouldn't be realistic in obtaining it and possibly discard the rest of the story.

more ideas....
Potion stories are interesting, and certiantly have their following. But what plot twist would you be looking for? Guy invents potion to have women have fantastic sex with him is tired and over done. "Love Potion #9" is a good movie and all, but doesn't offer much, IMHO.

I have read a story where some young kid bought an elixer to fuck his sister senseless, and enjoyed it's benefits, until his mother accidentally found it while he was at school and inadvertantly had the young lad submit to his mother's sexual whims. As all oversexed stories go, there was a threeway with the three in the end, but it was still a fun read.

Otherwise, what takes would one take on it? Ethical implications? Vampire/werewolf/non-human effects? Vouyer? Gay?

Honestly, the porno where women "fuck themselves to death..." from Orgasmene (nice take on the polymer word structuring) might be the best read if detailed and well written.
Anyone know "A Midsummer Night's Dream"? That would hot up nicely, I think.

And isn't hypnosis/mind-control the 21st Century love potion?
Living dangerously....

Sexy, but bitch of a wife hold back sex from her devoted, but meek husband. His good job affords her luxiers, which she demand. She also has a daughter from a previous marriage who is a mirror image of herself, but younger.

While watching a news cast, the man learns about the "date-rape" drug and its affect on memory. He realized soon after their marriage that his wife was only after his money. In fact, after sex on their honeymoon, she has given him one reason or another why they couldn't have sex.

He suspected that she was having affairs, and a brief investigation proved his suspicions.

He wants pay back for all the money she has spent. The news about the date-rape drug would be his instrument that he would use.

He is going to pimp her and her daughter out to recover all of his money that she has spent, before kicking them out on the street.