Anxiety Disorders and Depression


Mar 12, 2002
Anxiety Disorders and Depression
I'm interested in learning about them. One of my roommates has a history of depression, and another one has anxiety attacks. I don't know much about either condition, though I have had a few talks with the one who has the history of depression.

Is there anything that you guys could tell me about either? About what depression does to a person, about what anxiety attacks really ARE? Please, if you're not comfortable talking here in the public board, please PM me if you have any info to offer.

Thank you.
My family has a history of depression. 4 out of the 5 of us have/are on medication. Basically, depression affects your eating (you tend to eat less and lose weight OR gain weight) and sleep patterns as well as the level of serotonin (happy things) in your brain. People with depression tend to sleep late at night when most people are awake and spend a lot of time in their rooms. They will either lose interest in everything OR become obssessed with something to an extreme.

Depression can make you deathly paranoid, thinking that your friends/family are plotting against you and it tends to make you feel very alone. Therefore, anything a depressed person says should NOT be taken seriously as they might be having paranoid delusions that you're out to backstab them etc.

Unlike what most people think, depression isn't about being sad all the time, it's about extreme of moods thus depressed people are hard to spot sometimes - they can be extremely happy and hyper around other people but depressed only when they're by themselves.

People who are depressed tend to cry alot especially amongst those who they've told about their situation and are very good at hiding it and pretending to be better when they're not. It also erodes your common sense so normally sensible people can and will hurt themselves (warning signs include even just small cuts or burns) or, at extremes, commit suicide.

Best thing to do about depression is to be supportive when the person is crying (don't let them cry it out themselves). Try and make them do things. Encourage exercise (can't say this enough!) and regular sleep and eating patterns.

Hope this helps!

this is a site that will help you find out more about anxiety disorders and will probable be more helpfull than any of us can as a person that suffers from both anxiety and depression the best I can do is tell you to always be there for this person and be supportive friends are hard to come by and they can be the best medicine for anyone

here is you a site on depression hope they help

best of luck to your friends and you vixen lots of love
I'm still at the early stages of sorting out my own depression (and anxiety attacks). My first step was to consult my doctor who advised councelling, which I'm yet to get sorted.

One aspect of depression can be that of, well, lethargy. The unwillingness to get out and do something, which it is in my case.

I'm lucky to have friends around me to are there for support and to get me off my ass and sort myself out.

My depression isn't too bad, and I'm not always in an unhappy state of mind, but it really doesn't help my already low self esteem.

Being around people who are carrying on like nothing is wrong actually helps me a lot. It puts into a perspective of what's normal, social behaviour and how I feel I should be acting rather how I felt I had to act.

Hope that made sense.

But yeah, that's just my personal experience and I'm fully aware that I'm a mild case.

Good luck.
Ram Unreal said:
My depression isn't too bad, and I'm not always in an unhappy state of mind, but it really doesn't help my already low self esteem.


Why the low self esteem Ram?? I think you are simply wonderful!!:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: I'm sending you a PM asap :)

Sorry for hijacking this thread but I just had to throw kisses at Ram!
Ram Unreal said:
I'm still at the early stages of sorting out my own depression (and anxiety attacks). xxx

Oh babe, not you too. :(

I'm Bipolar type 2... which means I'm Manic Depressive.. but suffer more from depression than mania's.

My depressive symptoms include sleepiness, irritability, reduced short term memory, confusion, lack of self esteem, lack of motivation, anxiety, panic attacks, and frequently the feeling that I'm standing on the edge of a black hole, looking down.. and trying not to fall in.

I haven't attempted suicide, but have been seriously suicidal.

Like many I hide my symptons. I've found that the only people who really understand are fellow sufferers. I don't dwell on my situation, I manage to remain positive and optimistic most of the time... but it's not easy.

If you have a friend who suffers these symptoms, please don't change your behavour to her in any way. I hate being made to feel different, and hate it when friends and family won't bring their problems to me as they would have once... for fear of how it would affect me.

Just watch your friend for symptoms.. you'll soon be able to identify them, and then take as much pressure off her as you can. But most importantly of all.... be understanding.

I think you're wonderful for starting this thread to find out more... it shows just how much you care. Thank you.


I have both bipolar and anxiety conditions. Others seem to have covered the depression pretty well, so I will speak to the anxiety.

For me there was always this lingering sense of doom that could happen at any time. The first snowflake that would fall would not be beautiful -- it would set me to thinking that someone I love would die in a horrible car crash because of the weather. I could easily get stuck on horrible thoughts for hours on end. It was not until I got medication for the bipolar condition that the anxiety went away. There are a few SSRI's that are used to treat this condition (the group from which Prozac comes). I recently had to go off of the medication because I was pregnant and it was a living nightmare. I would only sleep about two hours and then spend the rest of the night convinced that I would end up financially ruined and living in my car. I even had a couple of panic attacks where it felt like I could not breathe. I had hoped to go the whole pregnancy without the medications, but the doctors OK'd going back on in the second trimester. I was getting close to a life or death choice for me.

Basically both conditions are pure hell when left untreated, and still need a lot of work after treatment starts.
all cases of depression are different, and they depend largely on the person and how they treat their depression...this is my opinion and please don't get on my back about it. I was diagnosed as clinically depression about 7 or 8 years ago, I was in 6th grade...and I wanted to die. when you're young it's terrible, I can't speak for someone older than me tho, I longed to have friends but I was no fun to be around. I absolutely hated myself, I still do sometimes... and I also got obsessed with a guy, for 5 years, and I was determined that there was something wrong with me becuz he never fell in love with me. I was very suicidal, and made many half-assed attempts at it. the people I grew up with were not supportive, and even now it's hard to find people who are supportive and understand you. but anyway, enough about I said it's largely dependant on the person, what meds they are or aren't taking. (certain meds I took made me want to sleep even more than I used to, or an even bigger bitch) you just need to be careful what you say directly to them, or about them...cuz I tend to be overly sensitive...treat them like normal people mostly...I don't know, just love them, hehe that always works for get loved makes me happier.
Jesus christ,where do i start.

Depression,for me,is kinda cyclical.
Roughly once every 3 months,i go on a downer.
I only said to someone the other day,it's kinda like standing beside a swirling black pool of nothing.
And not being sure whether you should jump in and see where you end up,or run away kicking and screaming.

i indulge in destructive behaviour.
I'm married,quite happily for the most part,but seem to surround myself with men who are physically attracted to me.
I have no intention of screwing these men,it's mostly an ego trip for me.Once they realise i'm going to have sex with them,they'll avoid me and then *The rejection* sends me on another downward spiral.

I tend to drive people away with my mood swings,i think i have a handful of friends who *get* me and understand that maybe tomorrow,Awesome will be back to normal.

You never can tell though.
Having both and being on medication to remedy them...

Anxiety made me very closed up...I couldnt approach people...paying for gas made me want to hyper venallate. It is very unnerving. It really takes away your life and opportunities to try new things.

Depression is like a big vaccume that sucks up any happiness that may come into your life. It is a big, black void. Depression is very hard to deal with...everything is awful and bad...I always wanted people to be as sad as I was, so I usually tried to make that happen too....Made me very negative

Both need treatmen...I know it isnt very clinical...but it is a more realistic description....
I've had a few go-rounds with depression. Particularly what's called Seasonal Affective Disorder, an ailment related to lack of exposure to natural sunlight. It's frequent among those who live in northern/cloudy climes, as well as night shift workers, miners, submariners, etc.

Since I'm in Seattle and work the graveyard shift, I can't avoid it. Winters, especially Feb/March, tend to be very blah times for me. I have a full-spectrum bulb in the lamp over the computer desk, and have periodically gone on antidepressants. Better living through chemistry!

I just wanted to thank you all for your input.. it must have been difficult to post your feelings and thoughts publicly, and what you've written has given me something to think about, and a few new ways to approach thinking about my roommates' difficulties.

Thanks again.
I hope tis not too late to add,

I have PTSD (not nearly as bad as most) and when I have trouble the best thing for me to have is friends who will help me deal with it ie talk through what im feeling and why, for the depression is usually triggered by nightmares, which can be triggered by a variety of things, but usually by contact w/ the person who abused me. Hope its helpful. A good therpist is also very helpful, if they don't see one.

And I have PTSD too... very typical, and I have triggers and nightmares, too. So I get that. I understand that part of things.
panic attacks are truely no fun. Nothing like going to the grocery and have a cart full of food and have to leave before you check out or put the stuff back. It sucks cause I've been there done that. I will have to say that I have not had an episode in almost a year and a half. I am even medication free. There is a good site you can look at. I believe it is It explains alot about it and even offers chat. My panic attacks were brought on by a sibling that was terminally ill with cancer. Anxiety can come from out of nowhere. I do not have a family history of it. My doctor explained it like this...... Your body can only handle so much stress then it finds ways to release it. Good luck on your search.
So true 2play, I've had to leave a full cart many a times in a grocery store. Once I almost passed out while standing in line. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. One of my biggest fears has always been driving down the highway and having to pull over because of an anxiety attack. But what scares me is someone stopping to help me, taking one look at me, and running away screaming because of the way I look in the throws of an attack. Now I'm on medication that is an absolute life saver (literally). It took a long time to find the right combination of meds, but once we got it right, it made all the difference in the world. So never give up. A lot of people start taking a med, and when they start experiencing the side effects they stop taking them. You've got to tolerate the side effects and they will eventually pass. So stick with it! :)

Vixen, I am very sorry about the brutal rape hon. I was raped by a "friend" when I was a 17 year old virgin. But it wasn't "brutal." But my heart goes out to you that you had to experience something so horrific. :rose:
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your honesty is wonderful

Just wanted to say you people deserve so much credit! It is refreshing to see such honesty.I have dealt with my ex's mother's depression/bipolar disorder/paranoid schitzophrenia for over 13 years and once she was finally on the right meds it is so much easier to interact with her.It used to be such a nightmare,had quite a few scary episodes.It was hard for me to accept and deal with.Caused a few problems between us.She is a truly wonderful person as you all seem to be also.It seems to be hereditary to a point,so I will be watching my daughter as she gets older as her Aunt on her father's side is on paxil for anxiety attacks and depression also.:rose: