Another Literotica Member lost


Just an old dog
Dec 12, 2004
We lost Campus77. He hadn't been here long, but he made a huge impression on me. He was one of those guys that made you think, "Why couldn't all of my readers bee like that?" He's one of the very few readers that I have met, we spent a day together a few weeks ago and had a great day-long conversation about stories, writing, and life in general as we toured my neighborhood and dined at the beach. He was a fighter but not all fights can be won, or survived, and I'm proud to have been able to call him "Friend."

Thank you Campus77 for the time we spent together, your passing is a huge loss, but it is more than offset by the joy of meeting you.
I’m really saddened to hear about this. He made a point of commenting on everything of mine that he read (which was a lot) - including even my RJT alt. He seemed to be a lovely and enthusiastic guy. I wholeheartedly endorse what you say about him being the type of reader you dream of. Insightful, understanding, supportive, and with a sense of joy in other people’s creations. Really sad.

R.I.P. Campus77

Aw. So sad; thank you for letting us know. His comments were always incisive.
Campus77 made nine comments on my stories between Sep 4 and 5. Nine! In two days!! I’m not saying which ones, as this is about him as a reader, not me as a writer.

Who does that? No one, right? We all bitch about a lack of feedback. Campus77 was a very welcome exception.

When he liked something, he was so enthusiastic, and made you feel great about what you had done. Made you feel like you’d made him happy. I can recall the warm glow still.

It was only four days ago I last heard from him. It feels kinda unreal that he’s gone.

Definitely one of the [very] good guys. I’ll miss his cheerful, yet perceptive, comments a lot.

Campus77 made nine comments on my stories between Sep 4 and 5. Nine! In two days!! I’m not saying which ones, as this is about him as a reader, not me as a writer.
Sounds like he was reading right up until the end, too. That's the way to do it!
Sympathies to his family. Its always sad to see a good person pass. Also, a lit version of real life where it seems the decent folks go, but evil nasty anonymous will live forever...for they are legion.
I wasn’t fortunate enough to have had any interaction with Campus77, but all of your complimentary musings (especially @Duleigh & @EmilyMiller) led me to click on his Lit page. Obviously he was someone who received joy from giving compliments to others, but he did publish one story of his own titled Wendy’s Lingerie Show. It’s not long but it’s a fun E/V story that currently sits at 4.48. I encourage you to give it a read, a comment (as he would have done), and a vote. Let’s get it above 4.5 and provide him with the eternal joy of the little red H.
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I wasn’t fortunate enough to have had any interaction with Campus77, but all of your complimentary musings (especially @Duleigh & @EmilyMiller) led me to click on his Lit page. Obviously he was someone who received joy from giving compliments to others, but he did publish one story of his own titled Wendy’s Lingerie Show. It’s not long but it’s a fun E/V story that currently sits at 4.48. I encourage you to give it a read, a comment (as he would have done), and a vote. Let’s get it above 4.5 and provide him with the eternal joy of the little red H.

Done. I don't believe I had the pleasure of finding a comment by him but he was respected by many of you, and I think that merits recognition.
Mine's in. Says 4.48 now, but that's probably lagged. Good idea!
It now says 4.52 on the story itself, but his story page still says 4.48, I agree it’s lagging. I know this may feel strange posthumously to some, but we shouldn’t care, let’s get the score as high as possible so it remains red for however long his page is on the site!
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Sorry for your loss, he sounds like he was a really good friend. Look forward to reading his story