Another BB Vanquished?

I'll second that, but as we all know by now...he'll be back. He always does.
If he didn’t come back you guys would have less to complain about. You guys love complaining too.

I’m assuming Rightguide isn’t him since he wasn’t listed, or is anyone you disagree with a bb alt automatically?
While there are plenty of people that use multiple screen names on here; No, Rightguide and the current peili/beuairadair guy are not the same person.

Rightguide actually used to have a few different screen names: Vetteman, Counselor706, Sugardaddy1, and Renard Ruse are some of the ones I remember, but I think he just sticks with "Rightguide" these days.

You can usually tell a busybody (BB) screen name by his posting style: Start five or six threads a day that will link to an article (usually something about minorities, trans people or gays) with a short one-sentence comment. And his screen names change about once every 2 weeks.
You can usually tell a busybody (BB) screen name by his posting style: Start five or six threads a day that will link to an article (usually something about minorities, trans people or gays) with a short one-sentence comment. And his screen names change about once every 2 weeks.
And he always whines about how liberals are destroying his way of life. (Rightguide does that too, but he has a different style.)
If he didn’t come back you guys would have less to complain about. You guys love complaining too.

I’m assuming Rightguide isn’t him since he wasn’t listed, or is anyone you disagree with a bb alt automatically?

To them you're either a BB or a BB sock puppet.
What are the odds that Alcatraz (or whatever the fuck his name is) is BotBoy?

I'm about 75% on it.
I thought VinnieVeritas was actually the current incarnation of the Botany Boy/GothTalk/AsmodeusPrime/etc. guy but I could be wrong.

Icanhelp1, Chobham, and Hisarpy are the same sad sack, and he has a few other screen names he occasionally uses as well. He will vigorously deny it of course, which would be amusing if it were not so...UNamusing, and it's sad that he has nothing better to do but troll these forums.
I thought VinnieVeritas was actually the current incarnation of the Botany Boy/GothTalk/AsmodeusPrime/etc. guy but I could be wrong.

Icanhelp1, Chobham, and Hisarpy are the same sad sack, and he has a few other screen names he occasionally uses as well. He will vigorously deny it of course, which would be amusing if it were not so...UNamusing, and it's sad that he has nothing better to do but troll these forums.
AJ is not BotBoy.

Chobs a icanhelp and Rapey aren't the same.
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And he always whines about how liberals are destroying his way of life. (Rightguide does that too, but he has a different style.)
My life at present is all I want it to be. I don't allow the left to ruin my life. I take decisive action against their destructive policies by refusing to take part. I moved to a more traditional part of America where civility and freedom still ring.
My life at present is all I want it to be. I don't allow the left to ruin my life. I take decisive action against their destructive policies by refusing to take part. I moved to a more traditional part of America where civility and freedom still ring.
Then why do they ruin your life every single thread you create? Lifelong victim tells everyone how he's not a victim.
AJ, Spearcatcher, Wrongturn, VinnyVerducci ....

Ish, CounselBore, DawnODay, DawONight, SubHumanTroll ...

Hasgtag, dishrag, mayfly,

BB to the infinity, including the two or three current ones I mentioned above.

Arpy is a village idiot of one.

Can't, ChoppedHam ....
. I moved to a more traditional part of America where civility and freedom still ring.
That won't be the case much longer, if more people like you had their way. But: Thankfully the majority of good, loyal, kind and patriotic Americans don't share your toxic, hateful and totalitarian, anti-freedom views, and will stand up to people like you. It's what good Americans have always done, and always will.