Anonymous Secrets Thread

Male - 30s

A New Year's Eve secret...

Over the last month, it has become apparent that I am in love with a woman from Lit. I doubt she feels the same way about me and I know that nothing will happen between us because of circumstances but I am going to enjoy the ride. We talk almost constantly and when we don't talk, I think about her. I wake up in the middle of the night and wonder if she is awake too. She is everything that I have ever wanted in a woman. I absolutely adore her. I would do anything for her. I would give anything to spend the rest of my life with her without any reservations. I recognize that this longing is impossible but I don't care. She makes me feel more alive than anyone ever has in my entire existence. The odd thing is that for the first time in my life, I don't feel sad knowing that nothing will come of this. Just seeing that I can have this kind of deep connection with someone again fills me with hope and because of that, I am looking forward to 2014 and what it may bring.

Aww :heart:
30s female

When I was in my 20s, I went to see a death metal band touring at a local hotel. I hadn't heard them before but my two female friends loved them. We were pulled onstage for the final songs and invited back to see the band after the gig. It ended up with we three females and the four band guys in one seedy hotel room. One girl and the drummer had the relative privacy of the floor while the rest of us were on two single beds pushed together. My friend was sucking off the guitarist and the singer was going down on me, with the bass guitarist taking photos and lending a hand wherever he felt like it. Sound great? It wasn't as fantastic as it sounds because, despite the guy's assurances that he loved giving girls head, he just couldn't get me there. So I did what I swore I would never do and faked it, figuring that it was kinder to the guy for me not to critique his technique with an audience of five others.

Chivalry is alive! :D

But seriously...poor girl - what pressure. :(
36 male
My marriage is slipping and I have a choice. I think I know what I’m going to do about it.
I’ve been married for 12 years, we met in college, and for her sex and touching was a way of making her guy stay. So when I stayed not for the sex, but for the rest of her, the sex dried up. It wasn't an over night thing, but as soon as I asked her to marry me, she started having problems with sex. Yes she was on meds, for which I do understand the side effects. I'm not talking about just sex I mean any form of intimacy I need doesn't happen. She got off her meds, got cousoling for the abuse she suffered as a kid. It isn't a body image thing either. Since she got off her meds she now looks better than she did at 20. and that's after two kids.
The problem is that we have opposite love languages. Her’s is doing, mine is touch. I do things for her. We have a very 50/50 marriage. I am the one that stays with the kids when they are sick. I’m the one they run to when they get hurt. I’m the one to patch them up and send them back out. I take them to soccer and scouts. I’m the family chef. I work full time and have a good job. I try to make a romantic gestures that she will notice. I work out and take care of myself mostly. (scotch and cigars are awesome every now and again)In other words I am a good looking guy, and a good guy.
But she doesn’t touch me. I know the date and circumstance of every time she has kissed me in the last six months, because it was twice. It is incredible hurtful to be continually rebuffed even politely.
To those whose first reaction is to say “WELL TELL HER, DUMBASS.” I have. I admit I went dark about a year ago, and we had a huge row after a vacation where I felt especially neglected. She called me on it, and I used the words “I don’t feel loved, I need you to touch me more.” And she did for exactly a month, then her job became stressful, and after several more fights on the same subject I am still waiting for her to touch me.
So what am I going to do? I’m going to keep at it. Why?
Because I love the way she walks into a room. The way she laughs and the gleam in her eyes when she finally finds a way to goose me. I love the way she dotes on our kids, she is a good mom. I love the way she flits around the house, because sitting is evidently optional. I love the way her brow crinkles when she is thinking deep thoughts. I love how intense and motivated she is with her job. I love how competitive she gets over minigolf. In short I’m going to keep at it because I love her……
Sometimes love sucks.

This made me smile.....I hope that you continue to find things to love about your wife. Good luck!!!
30's F

I have finally found the one that is my other half. Now, if things would be easy to break things off with the one that I married, it'd be perfect!

Most people will never know how we met. But our closest friends will/do. This man knew me better than my own spouse after a very short time of us meeting. It scared the shit out of me....not because I was scared he was a creeper, but because he knew how I felt, what I was thinking. He was answering questions that I hadn't yet voiced.

With this man, I have found someone that I can truly be my true self. No matter what I have thrown at him, he continues to be head over heels with me. Trust me, I have some weird stuff that I do, too. We have had many many conversations about serious topics and many more are to come.

Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would be the person that has a happily ever after kind of thing happen to them! But fairy tales do come true...and for me, I will have my happily ever after, with my prince charming.
Male, 55

When I was in my 20's, I was in a mixed sports team. One of my team mates was a woman who everyone thought was lovely. A male team mate asked her out, but she wasn't interested. Though I thought about it, I kept finding reasons not to ask her out. Looking back now, I think the real reason is that I was just too shy to take a chance.

As it turned out, I wouldn't have been taking a chance at all. Some time later, a mutual friend told me she would have gone out with me - all I had needed to do was ask.

Belatedly, I did ask her, but it was too late. She'd met another guy who she ended up marrying.

Since then though I've had a number of relationships, I've never been in love and I've never met anyone I'd want to spend my life. So I blew it. As some ancient English dude once said: Faint heart never won fair lady
Jeez talk about living in the past, might have only lasted a few months anyway. Very Walter Mitty head in the clouds attitude to think that all would have been hollywood with someone you never even dated.
"Very Walter Mitty head in the clouds attitude to think that all would have been Hollywood with someone you never even dated."

I.e., a fantasy.

You do realize what site you're on, don't you?
Love This Thread!

I cannot believe I just found this. I am on page 6 and I may be up all night catching up here.
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"Very Walter Mitty head in the clouds attitude to think that all would have been Hollywood with someone you never even dated."

I.e., a fantasy.

You do realize what site you're on, don't you?

You do see the difference in that and what he wrote though yeah?
Yesterday someone contacted me about this secret: -31, Female - My Last wedding anniversary I spent the day making love to another Litster instead of my husband

They threatened to "come find you in real life and beat the shit out of you" if I didn't tell them who sent it in.

Heh. Probably someone trying to find out where the Hell his wife was last anniversary!
How is this thread dormant?

~one of the best threads EVER~
I haven't seen Kudram around lately, and Neruda is apparently even longer gone.

Fundamentally, the thread needs a trusted moderator to be active.

And preferably not one looking for a handy on the side while they kept your secret. :rolleyes:
I haven't seen Kudram around lately, and Neruda is apparently even longer gone.

Fundamentally, the thread needs a trusted moderator to be active.

No surprise that Neruda went *poof* again. He had time in his Christmas vacation and now he doesn't. :rolleyes: Kudram is well, but real life has him particularly busy.

And preferably not one looking for a handy on the side while they kept your secret. :rolleyes:

lol....amen to that sister!

Ladies, I would appreciate a PM if there is something I should know. :cool:
It takes a special person to carry the burden of other's secrets. Remember? Not all the secrets are sunshine and rainbows.
Hi Brad, I'm Honey :) *waves*

I was just this morning telling a friend that I'd thought I'd heard you were leaving Lit.
Is that not so?

Hi Honey,

Nice to meet you. *wave back* I am leaving. And I'm never coming back. Here's where I made my declaration --
See You Tomorrow. You may have to read the whole thread to really get the joke.

~ Me