Amputation of healthy limbs?


Literotica Guru
Sep 18, 2010
Should people be allowed, if they so choose, to have healthy limbs amputated for whatever reason? This is a real issue. It seems to be the next extreme example after self mutilation like tongue splitting (to make a long look like a serpent's tongue).

What do you think? Good idea, or do these people need counseling?
Kidding me, right? A forum with so many opinions and no one has an opinion if people should be allowed to have limbs amputated (forearm, lower leg, etc) if the limb is healthy and poses no threat to health?

Good God!!! Maybe I am in the wrong forum.
Hey, one guy in Oz did it so he could get a handicapped parking space sticker, no shit! A few years ago, but it was true.

Then think of it, you can get disability from the SS admin, and 2 yrs later medicare, and if you aren't working medicaid, which gives you free medical.

Then again isn't is less painful to just walk up to a policeman, hit him, and go to jail where you have no bills, free medical care, free rent, free food, free telephone, free television, free laundry?

If you are born male you can't even get breast implants without jumping through psychiatric hoops, same thing for mtf sex change operation, if you do it in the US, UK, or Canada; unless you pay for everything yourself and then you still have to have an OK on it.

Mine are real, not implants, but I am Borg. I have been assimilated, I have this metal thing in my chest and implants in my eyes.
I am not really focused on sex change operations. But I believe that's one reason why the tread is quiet. I am focused on elective amputation for cosmetic reasons.

Some like the like of a missing lower leg. Some like the idea of "stumping" a sex partner with a forearm that is missing a hand.

It's these people I am focused on. It is normal? Should they undergo counseling before the elective amputation occurs, and if so, how much?
Is the procedure or their disability status going to cost me anything?
I can't imagine any 'good' doctor willing to do this on purpose.
And a puddle seems "deep" to an ant.

All things are relative. The problem I am asking you to all to solve would have made people's heads spin in the 1500s. And in the future, say in the year 2200, the issue may be no more controversial than getting a tattoo.
I am not really focused on sex change operations. But I believe that's one reason why the tread is quiet. I am focused on elective amputation for cosmetic reasons.

Some like the like of a missing lower leg. Some like the idea of "stumping" a sex partner with a forearm that is missing a hand.

It's these people I am focused on. It is normal? Should they undergo counseling before the elective amputation occurs, and if so, how much?

Changing one's gender is not a deliberate attempt to limit someone's physical capabilities

Amputation for cosmetic reasons would be

so yeah, if you try that arguement later , it won't work
If I were a doctor I would absolutely refuse to amputate a perfectly healthy limb. Even if some other doctor said the person was sane.

I find the issue totally different than body modification. One is changing things around and later if you change your mind you can do something about it. Once you cut off a piece of your body there is no going back.
so your real question is..

would we be able to negotiate through the risk/benefit scenario of elective amputation? Put that out there.. what do you see as the risks? what do you see as the benefits?
Changing one's gender is not a deliberate attempt to limit someone's physical capabilities

Amputation for cosmetic reasons would be

so yeah, if you try that arguement later , it won't work

This thread is not focused on sex change.

But I disagree that elective amputation is a deliberate attempt to limit a person's physical capabilities. Have you seen the state of the art of prosthetics? The Olympic runner? 50 years ago, I'd agree with you. Not today with today's prosthetics.

So you can argue about sex change and penis/breast amputation. Falls on deaf ears in this thread.
This thread is not focused on sex change.

But I disagree that elective amputation is a deliberate attempt to limit a person's physical capabilities. Have you seen the state of the art of prosthetics? The Olympic runner? 50 years ago, I'd agree with you. Not today with today's prosthetics.


So you get something cut off to replace it with a modern day prosthetic? I am not following you at all.
So you get something cut off to replace it with a modern day prosthetic? I am not following you at all.

My point was that a person could have a prosthetic if they decided after the amputation that they made an error.

But I also did not elaborate to BBS in the interest of brevity. A person missing a lower leg is not disabled. Are they limited physically? Maybe, maybe not.
My point was that a person could have a prosthetic if they decided after the amputation that they made an error.

But I also did not elaborate to BBS in the interest of brevity. A person missing a lower leg is not disabled. Are they limited physically? Maybe, maybe not.

Please expand.
This thread is not focused on sex change.

But I disagree that elective amputation is a deliberate attempt to limit a person's physical capabilities. Have you seen the state of the art of prosthetics? The Olympic runner? 50 years ago, I'd agree with you. Not today with today's prosthetics.

So you can argue about sex change and penis/breast amputation. Falls on deaf ears in this thread.

the olympic runner did not chose to amputate his limbs in order to become a runner

that's the difference
Should people be allowed, if they so choose, to have healthy limbs amputated for whatever reason? This is a real issue. It seems to be the next extreme example after self mutilation like tongue splitting (to make a long look like a serpent's tongue).

What do you think? Good idea, or do these people need counseling?

I cut off my own pubic hairs, does that count?