America destroyed by Dems, will there be backlash in 2014?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
Or has the racial change due to mass immigration ensured Democrats can do whatever they want and there will never be any real harm to their domination of the country at the ballot box?

We know that Democrats ONLY win, in most parts of the country anyway, because of racialized voting patterns. Most people do NOT agree with them on their radical social agenda nor on most of their socialist economic policies. Non-whites vote for them out of racial loyalty or hatred toward the Republicans for perceived insensitivity on racial issues (as the media has told them to believe). They do NOT vote for them because of social issues.

Will there be a backlash against the Democrats for pushing through the radical homosexual agenda, the illegal alien amnesty, the attempted gun grabs, the socialization of the country, etc? Or will the racial voting patterns allow them to win anyway?
I know a lot of people who are quiet about it but still quite bitter about the homosexual "marriage" baloney. They come from all racial groups. Will that harm the Dumbocraps in 2014?
Always wondered why, if what obama and the dems wanted to do was so great, it had to be done in the dark of night (or under out and lies or trickery eg EPA regs), or described with euphenisms "revenue enhancement," "investment" [translation for lib readers: taxing and spending]?

If it's so great, everyone would want you to do it, no?
Obama lies all the time.


All I see is a select handful whining about how America being destroyed and they have been since before Obama took office.

You've basically become a punchline.
All I see is a select handful whining about how America being destroyed and they have been since before Obama took office.

You've basically become a punchline.

Are you seriously that blind to the extent of 0's non-accomplishments? Like the economy, unemployment rate, doubling down on GWB's domestic spying, record numbers on foodstamps, weak at best foreign policy, freefalling standing in the world, 0care disaster. Fine if you want to support him and celebrate his social progress, but best not to lie to yourself about his poor performance by all other measures.

Ps - I get that I'm a conserative poopy head, but try answering intelligently with facts instead of namecalling. Double dog dare you!
Or has the racial change due to mass immigration ensured Democrats can do whatever they want and there will never be any real harm to their domination of the country at the ballot box?

Pretty much, yeah. You'd better kill yourself, like, tonight, and, don't delay, you'll regret it if you do.
I know a lot of people who are quiet about it but still quite bitter about the homosexual "marriage" baloney. They come from all racial groups. Will that harm the Dumbocraps in 2014?

Not really, no. Rather the reverse. Because the American population includes a lot more humans than you think it does.
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Poll: Support for gay marriage hits high after ruling

I know a lot of people who are quiet about it but still quite bitter about the homosexual "marriage" baloney. They come from all racial groups. Will that harm the Dumbocraps in 2014?

USA Today July 1, 2013

WASHINGTON — A record majority of Americans approve of same-sex marriage in the wake of two landmark Supreme Court decisions, a USA TODAY poll finds...

By an unprecedented 55%-40%, Americans say marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized by law as valid, with the same rights of traditional marriage. That's the highest level of support since Gallup began asking the question in 1996. Then, fewer than half that number, 27%, backed the idea.


Gay rights is not my issue. My strongest concern is that this is the kind of issue that has hurt the Democrats since the 1960's.

Moreover, I think the Supreme Court has too much power. I do not like it when the Court overturns popular legislation that has been in effect for a long time, whether this legislation is considered to be "liberal" or "conservative."

Nevertheless, because opinion on this issue is becoming more liberal I do not think this will hurt the Democrats.

I do think it is unfortunate that divorce and illegitimacy have increased so much since 1959. Children raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony tend to do much better in life than other children.

Nevertheless, I do not see how homosexuals can be blamed for the fact that a higher percentage of heterosexuals have children before they get married, and do not stay married after they have children.
Are you seriously that blind to the extent of 0's non-accomplishments? Like the economy, unemployment rate, doubling down on GWB's domestic spying, record numbers on foodstamps, weak at best foreign policy, freefalling standing in the world, 0care disaster. Fine if you want to support him and celebrate his social progress, but best not to lie to yourself about his poor performance by all other measures.

Ps - I get that I'm a conserative poopy head, but try answering intelligently with facts instead of namecalling. Double dog dare you!

For me President Obama has been a disappointment. Nevertheless I voted for him three times. I would vote for him a fourth time if the alternative is any Republican.

He obviously underestimated the severity of the unemployment situation. He needed to deal with that before forcing through a complex health care plan that most Americans do not like. The way to deal with unemployment is to raise taxes on the rich and to increase government spending and hiring. The time to do that was right after he was inaugurated, when his approval rating was 65 percent.

That would have worked, just as it worked for FDR. From the elections of 1932 to 1934 unemployment declined. In 1934 the Democrats won seats in both houses of Congress. In 1936 Roosevelt was reelected by a landslide. That gave him the power to push the GOP aside and to do what needed to be done.
All I see is a select handful whining about how America being destroyed and they have been since before Obama took office.

You've basically become a punchline.

President Obama has failed in some of his goals. This is not a failure of policy, but of competence. The only thing "radical" that he has done is to introduce a health care plan that is almost the same as the plan Mitt Romney introduced in Massachusetts, and which is popular there.
If there is a thing called karma...

...2016 would see Rick Perry elected President.

I cannot imagine anyone else who'd cause the progressive statists to blow mass gaskets like Obama has caused the conservative statists to do the same.
If there is a thing called karma...

...2016 would see Rick Perry elected President.

I cannot imagine anyone else who'd cause the progressive statists to blow mass gaskets like Obama has caused the conservative statists to do the same.

Ps - I get that I'm a conserative poopy head, but try answering intelligently with facts instead of namecalling. Double dog dare you!
Such things are unknown among conservative poopy heads.
If there is a thing called karma...

...2016 would see Rick Perry elected President.

Are America's sins so great and horrible and wicked as to merit such cruel punishment?! :eek:

Don't answer that.
I know a lot of people who are quiet about it but still quite bitter about the homosexual "marriage" baloney.

Boo-fucking-hoo. Cry me a mother fucking river, build a bridge and get over it.

I know a lot of Gay Christians who are quiet about being denied equality, driven out of churches broken and confused, and forced into so-called reparative therapy that doesn't work and causes extreme damage, that in a lot of cases can't be undone. Then there are ones who survive the bullying and beatings, only to come to such despair that they kill themselves.

You can deny it all you want, but their blood is on your hands.

And we are far, far, far from "quite bitter"

We're fucking pissed the fuck off, and many of us, like me will never be pushed back into silence.
Boo-fucking-hoo. Cry me a mother fucking river, build a bridge and get over it.

I know a lot of Gay Christians who are quiet about being denied equality, driven out of churches broken and confused, and forced into so-called reparative therapy that doesn't work and causes extreme damage, that in a lot of cases can't be undone. Then there are ones who survive the bullying and beatings, only to come to such despair that they kill themselves.

You can deny it all you want, but their blood is on your hands.

And we are far, far, far from "quite bitter"

We're fucking pissed the fuck off, and many of us, like me will never be pushed back into silence.

Cry me a river. I could give a fuck about the people and feelings described.:D
Or has the racial change due to mass immigration ensured Democrats can do whatever they want and there will never be any real harm to their domination of the country at the ballot box?

We know that Democrats ONLY win, in most parts of the country anyway, because of racialized voting patterns. Most people do NOT agree with them on their radical social agenda nor on most of their socialist economic policies. Non-whites vote for them out of racial loyalty or hatred toward the Republicans for perceived insensitivity on racial issues (as the media has told them to believe). They do NOT vote for them because of social issues.

Will there be a backlash against the Democrats for pushing through the radical homosexual agenda, the illegal alien amnesty, the attempted gun grabs, the socialization of the country, etc? Or will the racial voting patterns allow them to win anyway?

Obama won 43 percent of the white vote. Is that part of your 'racialized voting pattern'--whatever the fuck that means.
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Or has the racial change due to mass immigration ensured Democrats can do whatever they want and there will never be any real harm to their domination of the country at the ballot box?

We know that Democrats ONLY win, in most parts of the country anyway, because of racialized voting patterns. Most people do NOT agree with them on their radical social agenda nor on most of their socialist economic policies. Non-whites vote for them out of racial loyalty or hatred toward the Republicans for perceived insensitivity on racial issues (as the media has told them to believe). They do NOT vote for them because of social issues.

Will there be a backlash against the Democrats for pushing through the radical homosexual agenda, the illegal alien amnesty, the attempted gun grabs, the socialization of the country, etc? Or will the racial voting patterns allow them to win anyway?

So basically if you don't count Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, young people, or women as humans then the GOP would be doing just fine.

And racial minorities vote out of race loyalty, huh? What if I told you that White people often do the same thing?
Pretty much, yeah. You'd better kill yourself, like, tonight, and, don't delay, you'll regret it if you do.


If there is a thing called karma...

...2016 would see Rick Perry elected President.

I cannot imagine anyone else who'd cause the progressive statists to blow mass gaskets like Obama has caused the conservative statists to do the same.


Sarah :cool: boo fuckin hoe