Am I really the only person out here that hates...


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
When people use the word retarded to insult someone?

I despise the word retard.

Do you think I'm stupid for thinking it is cruel?
Eumenides said:
When people use the word retarded to insult someone?

I despise the word retard.

Do you think I'm stupid for thinking it is cruel?

I use it, always have. Picked it up as a kid and it stuck.

You re-re.
No I can understand that.

I have the same feeling when someone uses the word gay to insult something.

I hang around a lot of online gamers and 'gay' or 'gay ass' or common insults to throw around in those groups.

Really irks me sometimes.
It is cruel. It's meant to be cruel.

People tend to use it when they have a limited vocabulary or when they are angry.

I'm not proud to say I've used it in anger, not often but occasions have arisen.

You gotta problem with 'tard, fucktard, or retard? Geez, if you gotta problem with the misuse of a word, you join the mom that had the teacher fired for using a proper "n" word. If it doesn't apply, don't raise your blood pressure over it. I do retarded things all the time!

Main Entry: 1re·tard
Pronunciation: ri-'tärd
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French retarder, from Latin retardare, from re- + tardus slow
Date: 15th century
transitive senses
1 : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment

if the word is used at a person, yes that's bad (exceptions are ppman/redwave/donkeylick)
if the word is used at an inanimate object, not bad justa poor choice of words.

I hate the word, it's so insulting and behind the times.

I prefer to use 'special needs' to describe a person with a physical or mental disability.
Ladybird said:

I hate the word, it's so insulting and behind the times.

I prefer to use 'special needs' to describe a person with a physical or mental disability.

I don't mean to slam you in any way Ladybird,this ranting is not directed at you,but the words "special needs" are two that I hate.
They're used to give you a mental image of pity and that you ought to support and understand the poor unfortunate.

Thus it can be twisted in ways unimaginable.Some serial killers/rapists are not able to get an erection unless they live out their "sexual fantasy" which includes the pain,suffering and in the case of serial killers, the victims death.
So they have the definition of a disability and can be said to have a "special need".
Lets give them support groups,"treatment" and lots of pity instead of locking them up forever,seeing them for the incurable monsters they are.

Never call a spade a spade,an African Amercian make take offense since the word holds negative imagery for him.

It's all in how the word is said and used.

Though done with the ranting and foaming at the mouth I have to say,yes when used as an insult it is cruel but that's the point of an insult.

I myself would never call someone a cunt or a pussy.
bluespoke said:
People tend to use it when they have a limited vocabulary or


No seriously good point.

If you do not have the vocabulary to insult someone without resorting to dated bigoted terms of abuse shut the fuck up.

I think there is scope for the reclimation of words .

Ian Durys Spatisticus Articulus, Gay pride but as people with learning difficulties are the least well equiped to defend themselves this way, to call some one a retard demeans the caller the word and anyone who has struggled to get along in a society where difference is often shunned:(
I have a HUGE problem with this word.

My next-youngest sister is neurologically impaired. We're not entirely sure why; anoxia was ruled out and we suspect it may be due to a thyroid medication my mom was given when she was pregnant, but can't prove this conclusively. Anyway. Every day of her life at school my sister and I heard this word used purely for the purpose of cruelty. I spent the better part of my recesses in the principals office for fighting because I would hear these kids taunting, taunting, taunting her until she cried (her tears were their prize, those little shitbird motherfuckers) and I would go into a rage and not stop punching until I was physically pulled off by teachers. My poor sister couled never understand why she was so hated, she only ever wanted to make friends and she couldn't see herself as 'different'. It is making me tear up now just thinking back on it.

As an adult now I cringe when I hear it and my fists clench. Sometimes it really really takes all the self control I possess not to just fucking haul off and slug the pathetic bastard who dares use it in my presence.

Anyone who uses this word with regard to an individual casually is at best ignorant, and at worst deliberately cruel. And can fuck right off.
I tend to use alternative swear words that really aren't swear words, as well as alternative derogatory terms.

For instance, words like bastage, forkhead, numnads, re-tread etc....

They sound bad, but really aren't. But I do get weird looks when I use them in public.
Peachy, I hear your pain.

I don't like the word. Don't like short bus jokes either. But maybe that's because my son rides one and is in special ed. He's different and if I ever catch wind of another student calling my son a retard, I'll personally show up at his door and have a talk with mom/dad about it.
peachykeen said:
I have a HUGE problem with this word.

I spent the better part of my recesses in the principals office for fighting because I would hear these kids taunting, taunting, taunting her until she cried (her tears were their prize, those little shitbird motherfuckers) and I would go into a rage and not stop punching until I was physically pulled off by teachers.

This was me to a "t" except it was because of a neighbourhood friend and he had Down's Syndrome. My mother would get a call that I was in the principal's office and she would ask who I pounded the shit out of. This was a routine thing until everyone learned not to taunt Terry because he had a fiesty little girl protecting him. :kiss:

Its a word that kids use, the only time it phases me is when I hear or see so called adults use it. Really to the dipshit adults that use it, its time to grow up and use bigger words, like stinkypoopypie.
Eumenides said:
When people use the word retarded to insult someone?

I despise the word retard.

Do you think I'm stupid for thinking it is cruel?

Oooh I've ALWAYS hated that!! ALWAYS...totally lacks creativity when you are trying to be insulting. There are far far better words to use than retard.


You are a frightfully subliterate slattern and a maladjusted, halitosis-infested abomination of humanity.
dorkhead makes an all to frequent appearance in my house. I really need to stop teaching the boys insults. :D
brokenbrainwave said:
dorkhead makes an all to frequent appearance in my house. I really need to stop teaching the boys insults. :D

Are you teaching them while dorkhead is in the room?:D