Am I gay??


Apr 14, 2011
Hi I don't find men attractive at all but every now and then I find myself going down to the local cruise spots to find someone I can give oral to, I'm married and love my wife very much and love women very much but just can't give in to the temptation to go visit another guy-fat,old,skinny,young,ugly I dont care as long as I can suck their dick. Am I gay/bi??
I love the feel of the warm pool they leave when they cum in my mouth.
When I was young I think I was sexualy abused by my brother and his friend, I say "think" but when I think back I think I liked it, I was about 9 or 10 at the time and I had to suck their cocks.......
Hi I don't find men attractive at all but every now and then I find myself going down to the local cruise spots to find someone I can give oral to, I'm married and love my wife very much and love women very much but just can't give in to the temptation to go visit another guy-fat,old,skinny,young,ugly I dont care as long as I can suck their dick. Am I gay/bi??
I love the feel of the warm pool they leave when they cum in my mouth.
When I was young I think I was sexualy abused by my brother and his friend, I say "think" but when I think back I think I liked it, I was about 9 or 10 at the time and I had to suck their cocks.......

NOPE!! you are a queer
I have the same urges. the abuse could be a reason biut I wasn't abused however I love the idea of giving oral to a man.
the abuse could be a reason biut I wasn't abused however I love the idea of giving oral to a man.
Hi I don't find men attractive at all but every now and then I find myself going down to the local cruise spots to find someone I can give oral to, I'm married and love my wife very much and love women very much but just can't give in to the temptation to go visit another guy-fat,old,skinny,young,ugly I dont care as long as I can suck their dick. Am I gay/bi??
I love the feel of the warm pool they leave when they cum in my mouth.
When I was young I think I was sexualy abused by my brother and his friend, I say "think" but when I think back I think I liked it, I was about 9 or 10 at the time and I had to suck their cocks.......

Since you desire sex with men and women, then you are definately bisexual.

Simply, no.
Being gay isn't about just sex, it's more significantly about the need for an emotional connection and bond.

Sounds like you are changing the definition. So a guys that has sex with only men, while having no emotional bond/connection, is not Gay?

EDIT - I do not want to come across as argumentative. But I think the definition is sex between people of the same sex. There does not have to be love, feelings, etc.
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Sounds like you are changing the definition. So a guys that has sex with only men, while having no emotional bond/connection, is not Gay?

EDIT - I do not want to come across as argumentative. But I think the definition is sex between people of the same sex. There does not have to be love, feelings, etc.

Please re-read my post. No where do I exclude sex. But to answer your query: yes, there are many gay men who don't have sex. And as you state, there are men who exclusively have sex with other men who feel no other emotional bonds, but likewise I don't exclude that either. (but neither situation is pertinant to this thread) So no changing of any definition however that may be commonly understood and perceived.
Being gay is about the way you react towards one sex or the other. A gay man simply does not react to women in general, the way he reacts to men in general. When he walks down the street, he sees a lot of men, a few women-- the ones that step on his toes, maybe.
Nope your not gay.....everyone has a fetish. Your happens to be a little more risky than others. Sounds like you might like the "I might get caught sucking cock fetish"
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Hi I don't find men attractive at all but every now and then I find myself going down to the local cruise spots to find someone I can give oral to, I'm married and love my wife very much and love women very much but just can't give in to the temptation to go visit another guy-fat,old,skinny,young,ugly I dont care as long as I can suck their dick. Am I gay/bi??
I love the feel of the warm pool they leave when they cum in my mouth.
When I was young I think I was sexualy abused by my brother and his friend, I say "think" but when I think back I think I liked it, I was about 9 or 10 at the time and I had to suck their cocks.......
Probably the most famous study of human sexuality was the Kinsey study. Kinsey suggested a scale of sexuality from complete heterosexuality to complete homosexuality. There were a lot of problems with Kinsey's studies certainly but the basic idea of sexuality as something more complex then even Gay, Straight, Bi I think is a good one. If anything Kinsey was probably to simplistic not acocunting for gender identity and other considerations. The main point I"m getting at is that sexuality isn't so simple you shouldn't feel the need to pigeon hole yourself into a single catagory.
Cool I'm not gay

This is a good thread for me right now because I want to suck a dick. But not as bad as I want to suck pussy and make a women squirt all over my face and chest.
It seems like you have two issues here: being abused and being worried that you've caught gay.
You'd probably find seeing a therapist to talk through what happen as a child would be useful, because it would help unravel the feelings you have about men/cock/guilt. Your brief mention of your early experience is still haunting you and feeling guilt and a need to revisit it, isn't unusual for victims of trauma.
Or you could be gay or bi.
Either way, if it's something that's eating you up ( no pun intended ) then a spot of therapy, with someone used to dealing with PTSD, might answer your questions. :rose:
This is a good thread for me right now because I want to suck a dick. But not as bad as I want to suck pussy and make a women squirt all over my face and chest.

You'd better not suck a cock then because they're addictive. You'll probably soon like that more than eating pussy.
It seems like you have two issues here: being abused and being worried that you've caught gay.
You'd probably find seeing a therapist to talk through what happen as a child would be useful, because it would help unravel the feelings you have about men/cock/guilt. Your brief mention of your early experience is still haunting you and feeling guilt and a need to revisit it, isn't unusual for victims of trauma.
Or you could be gay or bi.
Either way, if it's something that's eating you up ( no pun intended ) then a spot of therapy, with someone used to dealing with PTSD, might answer your questions. :rose:

You seem pretty smart about things, Stickygirl. Sound like the type of person I might need to talk to sometimes myself about...stuff. lol Or maybe take the advice you gave about a "spot of therapy" with someone...
You seem pretty smart about things, Stickygirl. Sound like the type of person I might need to talk to sometimes myself about...stuff. lol Or maybe take the advice you gave about a "spot of therapy" with someone...
There are folks here with far more knowledge about sexuality than me but if it's about gender ID I'll try and answer as best I can. Have look at some of the discussion on my thread and see if any of that hits the spot :)
I'm not sure I believe the OP but if you were sexually abused as a child, your desire now most likely has nothing to do with that childhood experience. It's been proven over and over again sexual abuse as a child does not make one more likely to be lesbian, gay, trans or bi than someone who hasn't been sexually abused.

In the strictest since of the word you are bisexual but if you're only desire is to suck another man's cock, I'd say you have a fetish.

Was I gay? That was yesterday
Now my man is gone he's gone, I'm asking you
Am I blue?


Can I play too?

Ma Rainey - Prove It On Me Blues
Being gay is about the way you react towards one sex or the other. A gay man simply does not react to women in general, the way he reacts to men in general. When he walks down the street, he sees a lot of men, a few women-- the ones that step on his toes, maybe.

Stella, I am going to have to remember this one, because it's funny!

Many years ago, my doctor asked me who or what did I fantasize about while masturbating? He said, if exclusively men, then that is a strong indicator of homosexuality.

I'm sure things have changed. But I do exclusively fantasize about men, but Stella, I confess to peaking at some women's shoes or her cute outfit! And no, she doesn't have to be stepping on my toes...
I just realised IdahoRandy has pulled a thread 18mths old :rolleyes:
Lets keep it real guys :cool:

Nice tunes btw :)

btw, does fantasising about men and women make you bisexual or greedy or indecisive? ;)
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shyguy76;41720853[I said:
]Hi I don't find men attractive at all but every now and then I find myself going down to the local cruise spots to find someone I can give oral to, I'm married and love my wife very much and love women very much but just can't give in to the temptation to go visit another guy-fat,old,skinny,young,ugly I dont care as long as I can suck their dick. Am I gay/bi??
I love the feel of the warm pool they leave when they cum in my mouth.
When I was young I think I was sexualy abused by my brother and his friend, I say "think" but when I think back I think I liked it, I was about 9 or 10 at the time and I had to suck their cocks.......[/I]

outside of playing Russian-roulette with your life, family and marriage... What difference does it make if you label yourself...either way it's a choice..
Since you desire sex with men and women, then you are definately bisexual.

Sounds like you are changing the definition. So a guys that has sex with only men, while having no emotional bond/connection, is not Gay?

EDIT - I do not want to come across as argumentative. But I think the definition is sex between people of the same sex. There does not have to be love, feelings, etc.

You were more accurate when you stated "desire." Simply having engaged in sexual activity with someone does not define heterosexuality or homosexuality, or even bisexuality. There is a distinction between sexual behavior and sexual orientation (the attraction). If there were not, then the many gay and lesbian people who have engaged in sexual activity with the opposite sex would all be bisexual...even the ones who only did so because they were trying to live a heteronormative life and therefore please others instead of themselves.

Yes, there are people who identify as gay or lesbian who are sexually attracted to both sexes, just like there are people who identify as heterosexual but are sexually attracted to both sexes, but there is much debate when it comes to defining bisexuality...even among researchers. Some people, including researchers, define bisexuality as equally sexually attracted to both sexes, though studies have consistently found that equal sexual attraction to both sexes is rare (well, people who self-identify as equally sexually attracted to both sexes). And some people, including researchers, define it as any bit of sexual attraction to both sexes. Then there are the people, including researchers, who state that bisexuality does not exist at all because no one is 100% sexually attracted to only one sex, and that therefore sexual orientation is usually about what a person is predominantly sexually attracted to.
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I do not believe inlabeling other people. You are you. What you like is what you are. My guess is you are bi, but Kinsey categorized, I think it was 17 levels of bisexuality between straight and gay.

Kinsey also found that among those surveyed, the majority of men and women had had at least one same sex experience in their lives. I think probably if we could eradicate all homopobia, everyone might be bi. Certainly everyone has the physical ability to respond to both sexes.!, for example am bisexual, because I have the same craving for cock you describe, but have also been in acommitted realtionship witha woman for 30+ years.

This relationship only started, however, after I had tons of experiences with men and women, so giving up all homoeroticism is not much harder than giving up heteroeroticism. Love is a decision one makes in ones head and 'heart'.
The homosexual side of my nature, for now, is exhibited in the fictional fantasies i write for here and on smashwords. See "Making Me"
One thing that I want to point out is that though it's always stated that the Kinsey scale mostly represents different types of bisexuality, Kinsey, as this scholarly source (page 158) shows, disliked the term bisexual to describe sexuality; he used the term to refer to a hermaphroditic or intersex state, relaying, "Until it is demonstrated [that] taste in a sexual relation is dependent upon the individual containing within his anatomy both male and female structures, or male and female physiological capacities, it is unfortunate to call such individuals bisexual."

That's why you don't see the word bisexual on his scale. Other researchers, however, have taken liberty with it to refer to the area in the middle (everything not at the very end of both points) as bisexuality.
Kinsey's scale didn't have a lot of stages it was 0-6 with X for no sexual contact. In the years since his study a lot of researchers have expanded on his work offeirng more detailed scales. There's also been some work attempting to factor in the questions of gender identity which the original scale doesn't really address. I think though the main point here is that sexuality isn't as simple as straight or gay. Just because you feel an attraction to your own gender or a desire to preform a blow job on another guy that doesn't make you gay.