Alternative Boards

modest mouse

Meating People is Easy
Oct 21, 2001
This one is on hiatus, or something.

Some boards I have posted to in the past. FOr those with a jones to read and perhaps share soem thoughts but find Lit to be wandering the morgue looking for a bed.

Music and shit. Not much traffic, at all, but worth a view now and then.

Excellent magazine.
Good site.
Solid board. Be prepared for some long-winded posts but some surprisingly good thoughts are tucked into this board.

Can't think of too many else offhand but feel fre to share.

Oh yeah, the Snopes board sucks. I got rejected for reasons unknown. They could tell I was a jackass from my Email?
i post on too many to mention including my own, but lit is the only one having to do with anything sexual that i post on.
Ahhhhm, cause sex is all that matters. Sex is the simplest of things. If you wanna share a good board, do so, non-sexual or otherwise.
So, I was thinking....

While the board here at Lit is in some kind of funk, the site itself is runing smooth. No server errors in ages. More stories to read than anyone could possibly keep up with, and some of them are great pieces of erotica. More audio stuff than ever and I get a kick out of it myself.

is it a factor of volume that is changing the tone and feel of the forums? I think it is. It becomes more fast paced and thus more readily appealing to a chat crowd. The small change compunds as people who liked the more laid back, expressive forum leave for elswhere. Yeah, perhaps some of the cycle stuff is in play but things are a bit different than ever before.

Maybe the board deserves less time and the stories and masturbation deserve a more focused and dilligent exploration.

There have been times when this GB was alive like few other places online. Its a high standard to hold its current incarnation too and perhaps that is unfair.

Its still free, which is damn cool.
modest mouse said:
Ahhhhm, cause sex is all that matters. Sex is the simplest of things. If you wanna share a good board, do so, non-sexual or otherwise.

well none of them are censored if thats what you mean, just different boards with different themes. they all have their own niche
modest mouse said:
is it a factor of volume that is changing the tone and feel of the forums? I think it is. It becomes more fast paced and thus more readily appealing to a chat crowd. The small change compunds as people who liked the more laid back, expressive forum leave for elswhere. Yeah, perhaps some of the cycle stuff is in play but things are a bit different than ever before.

You know, I hear that a lot, and there's nothing that can be done about it. This place grew because it is so amazing, and the bigger it gets, the faster things are going to move. It's not as intimate as it used to be, it's not as anonymous either. (These are things I'm told as I wasn't here then).

What would you change?

But something doesn't feel right about posting links to other forums. It just feels...wrong.
sunstruck said:
You know, I hear that a lot, and there's nothing that can be done about it. This place grew because it is so amazing, and the bigger it gets, the faster things are going to move. It's not as intimate as it used to be, it's not as anonymous either. (These are things I'm told as I wasn't here then).

It more anonymous in the daily goins on, due to size. But for me it is lessanonymous in my own info that floats around, willingly or not. Thats a factor of time but nonetheless amkes this place less welcoming.

What would you change?
Not sure that I would change anything. Its an evolution that was ongoing when I found the site and i can only comment on my brief window. Its a matter of volume, tone, and what is available. The board has developed alongside a site which has expanded immensely since its original incarnation.

Its much different but can only be changed by those who post and the changes that Laurel/Manu implement.

I would like to see a 'media' forum in whihc to talk about music, movies, etc; of a sexual and non-sexual form. Merely to give such discussion a breath in the time-frame of the GB. A news forum would fly but would bleed into other areas and finds its needs filled as a componenet of the GB.

I dont think its negative to think about changes or what is shaping the current state of the board.

[/quote]But something doesn't feel right about posting links to other forums. It just feels...wrong. [/QUOTE]

The Atlantic Monthly and Free Jazz are in no way competing with Literotica for hits. They have some common viewers,a t least one, but have vastly different content.

Do you think people seek out any old forum rahter than one linked to froma site they read? Thats a view which is simply not borne out by internet habits.

If someone fromt his forum decides to read and/or post to either forum I mentioned, then great. I find it unlikely that it will replace time they would spend at Lit.

If I post links to EroticStoriesBetterThanLit , then you might have a point.


Another thought about Lit:

The Forum is essentially a customer service. It doesnt support advertising to pay for servers and bandwidth, like the rest of the site does. Its a free area within an ad supported free site.

Its difficult to think of another realm with such traffic that is free (I consider advertising to be a tax on my time and thus not actually 'free').