Alter native Black women. Racist asshole's need NOT reply


:) I have similar preferences, and I pretty much used that line on a past girlfriend.

She had really big, perfect breasts, and when I first saw her naked, I saw that her nipples were pierced. Of course I didn't say anything negative in the heat of the moment, but later we were talking and I had to be honest. I said 'You know, it's not really my thing--it's kind of like painting a mustache on the Mona Lisa."

She laughed and said that she just got bored with them. Then I said I was worried that I'd get my tongue caught in them, and she said "Yeah, that's the point, dummy."

As I recall, the relationship went downhill from there. :)

Back on topic--I've never been with a black woman, but it's very high on my fantasy list.

New words? Alter? I have been with a couple of FINE black women, no tats. Just very sexy old fashioned dames. The one from New Orleans kept me hard for 3 hours, sweet as honey! If there were an idiot racist dude here, I could straighten him out with one pic.

... "Yeah, that's the point, dummy."

Back on topic--I've never been with a black woman, but it's very high on my fantasy list.

LMFAO!!! I take it that you never got to see her vaginal lips...I venture a guess that they were also pierced. Think about it. :eek:

Keep in mind, though, that black women excel at many things not just sex.
This thread is overdue some love, though. And it's not for dim-bulb bigots playing word games: it's for beautiful Alt Black Women, so let's do this.








Such beautiful woman