A wise suggestion for all the women who get mad at "Not all men"


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
If you ever need proof that men hate women, just watch how violently and how angrily and how indignant they act when a woman says “my personal experiences combined with the experiences of my female loved ones have made me afraid of you collectively”.

“Fuck you, that’s stupid, not every man is like that.”
Maybe not, but you clearly are.

When men say this, it has nothing to do with making women feel safer or changing women’s minds about men. It has everything to do with silencing women through insults and fear. It is an entirely self serving act when a man tells a woman not to fear men. They don’t care about women’s safety or peace; they care how women’s suspicion going into any interaction with them is affecting a man’s ability to do what he wants with her later.

I have never seen a man say “not all men” and come from a place of “I want women to feel safe because I want them to be happy”. It always comes from a place of “I want women to feel safe because their fear is inconvenient to me; it prevents them from going on dates with me, it makes them question my intentions when we are alone, it makes them more apt to notice when they are being treated unfairly, it makes them less likely to leave themselves vulnerable to me emotionally and physically, and it makes me uncomfortable that I may have to tell other men to behave, so I’d rather continue to harass the women who are already afraid of me by silencing them.”

Allow me to translate that into Stormfront speak.
If you ever need proof that blacks hate whites, just watch how violently and how angrily and how indignant they act when a white person says “my personal experiences combined with the experiences of my white loved ones have made me afraid of you black people collectively”.

“Fuck you, that’s stupid, not every black person is like that.”
Maybe not, but you clearly are.

When black people say this, it has nothing to do with making white people feel safer or changing white people’s minds about black people. It has everything to do with silencing white people through insults and fear. It is an entirely self serving act when a black person tells a white person not to fear blacks. They don’t care about white people’s safety or peace; they care how white people’s suspicion going into any interaction with them is affecting a black person’s ability to do what they want with white people later.

I have never seen a black person say “not all black person” and come from a place of “I want whites to feel safe because I want them to be happy”. It always comes from a place of “I want whites to feel safe because their fear is inconvenient to me; it prevents them from going on dates with me, it makes them question my intentions when we are alone, it makes them more apt to notice when they are not being treated preferentially, it makes them less likely to leave themselves vulnerable to me emotionally and physically, and it makes me uncomfortable that I may have to tell other black people to behave, so I’d rather continue to harass the white people who are already afraid of me by silencing them.”
Isn't it funny how feminist speech sounds so similar to what Stormfront says all the time?


Here's the deal, though. We sane men don't care if women like that don't date them. In fact, we'd all rather that if you feel this paranoid, that you do not date men. Stay away from men. Stay away from us because you’re too fucking toxic and paranoid to be out in the open. Go find yourself an all-female village to go hide in. But don’t go begging for men to come help you the way other all-female villages do. After all, you fear teh evil gender, remember?

You’re no different than the Stormfront racists and the Conservative Islamophobes - to Stormfront, every black person is a potential welfare leech and criminal, to Conservatives, every Muslim is a potential terrorist, and to women like you, every man is a potential rapist/murderer.

Please, take your fear of men and go find a hole to hide in. We're not going anywhere so it's you bigots who are going to have to high-tail it.