ALL you fucking little newbies that think you are so fucking kEwL...


In her dreams I hope
Jul 10, 2001
can kiss everyone else's ass!

I'm not speaking for anyone but me, but I'll say that I'm tired of seeing YOU tell everyone else what they need to do, i.e. - which avs we HAVE to do... or things like being pissed because our post totals don't equal thousands in less than one month, etc.

There's no longer a "challenge" to get 10,000 posts here anymore. It used to be hard to get 5,000 & then 10,000. NOw it's nothing, becuase some are coming in, and posting 10,000 in a matter of months.

You shouldn't be getting recognized by shock value, via a name or having been fisted or whatever... your reputation comes from (sometimes) spending "quality" time at the board, intereacting with everyone, not just "your kind".

You want to talk about Cliques, that'd be quite a few newbies lately.

I know not every newbie falls into this lumping, some will say it's unfair, and it is, but the ones doing this crap, know perfectly well who they are. The rest shoudln't ahve to worry, unless you feel guilty about something...

Uncle Lo
Uncle Lo you seem a little tense.... bend over darlin and unpucker... I'll have you relaxed in no time... :kiss:
T.H. Oughts said:
Uncle Lo you seem a little tense.... bend over darlin and unpucker... I'll have you relaxed in no time... :kiss:
He does seem to have had a drink from something bitter, eh?
TH~ I love it! Ass fucking the cure all.:D

I'll have you know, Lo... I worked my ass of flirting around this place to get my 10,000 posts.:p
that's fine, just joke, I don't care anymore.. thanks anyway...
Perhaps Lo is tired of the childish attmepts to one-up each other all the time. The immaturity, fluff-posts, and repetition of a large number of the newbies is one of the things that has driven many of us "old timers" away.

Of course, what do I know? Hell--I took the time to read things here while racking up my number of posts.

.............. BlondGirl "Queen Bitch for Today"

I dearly love both of my children, the one here hugged tight every day and the one far away who was adopted.
Age, developmental maturity, and residence should never be legal reasons to destroy any person.

"My Personal Ad"
lobito said:
that's fine, just joke, I don't care anymore.. thanks anyway...

Me thinks Uncle Lo is more than a little pissed... better get the icecubes out also.... :eek: :p
Newbies get a little overwhelming. So many people register, post a few times and vanish it's hard to tell who is going places and who is just passing through. Then these people with thousands of posts come out of no where and it catches you completely off gaurd.

I don't consider myself "ordered" my newbies, I'll do what I damn well please, but if the game is fun, why not? :)
T.H. Oughts said:
Me thinks Uncle Lo is more than a little pissed... better get the icecubes out also.... :eek: :p

That, and I better contribute an expensive bottle of Tequila.
I think I may be in trouble!
lobito said:
that's fine, just joke, I don't care anymore.. thanks anyway...

Look, lobito...don't you remember how it was when YOU first started here?

Everyone is a newbie once...they post along various lines of conversation until they feel comfortable stepping outside of their box. Some may never step outside of their box but that should be okay as well.

The world is a very diversified place...this place is a tiny representation of the outside world.
T.H. Oughts said:
Uncle Lo you seem a little tense.... bend over darlin and unpucker... I'll have you relaxed in no time... :kiss:

Hmm...sounds to me like there's already something in there. ;)
I think I threw oil in to the fire... :eek:

I didn't mean to upset you more then you already ware...

Nobody's ever suggested to me that I haven't read enough threads before posting, and no...I don't think Blondgirl was talking to me specifically with her remarks.

I post a lot. Mostly on the fluffish side. If anyone doesn't like it that's their problem, not mine. I'm here to please myself, not anyone else. (<--and leave openings like that one for stupid come-backs!)

Lobito, I think you're totally within your rights to spew about this if it's bugging you, but it ain't worth getting all cranky over if people disagree with you. And they will.

Isn't that the underlying tradition of this board?
Nora said:
I post a lot. Mostly on the fluffish side. If anyone doesn't like it that's their problem, not mine. I'm here to please myself, not anyone else. (<--and leave openings like that one for stupid come-backs!)

heh I was waiting for a flaw in your logic! ...As long as you can do it in front of me ;)
Summery said:
TH~ I love it! Ass fucking the cure all.:D

I'll have you know, Lo... I worked my ass of flirting around this place to get my 10,000 posts.:p

Is that all I was to you?!?!? :mad:
Lo, I'm really curious to know who you're specifically referring to. Being a newbie can mean someone who's here anywhere from 1 day to 1 year.
Zmey said:
heh I was waiting for a flaw in your logic! ...As long as you can do it in front of me ;)

Do what in front of you?