all of a sudden passion suddenly

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MistressJett said:
Child of sun, moon and mother earth
all rolled into one...
To some you are other,
fitting neatly into neither
this box or that.

To me, darling boi,
you fill the spectrum completely
and leave me wanting
for nothing save your touch,
that sultry voice in my ear.

Let them speculate
and hate on their own damn time
'cos no force in the universe
will ever keep me
from showing my love for you.

Your strength is greater
than you will ever know;
to live out loud
and with such abandon
proves your heart's untainted.

Will you sing in my ear tonight
in that deliciously contrary
voice of hope and light,
rock me off to dreamland
'til brother sun wakes us?

Goodnight, my sweet mystery
who's known my heart
for lifetimes uncounted;
I'll see you in gossamer
dreams of ages not quite forgotten.

Very dreamy, sexy and dang right great. I love the genlte flow with the soft heated imagery. Nice write my friend ~~


(here I came to write, no way I can get passed this one) :eek:
a quiet place to sit and visit
with myself.

It's not oft that I get the chance
to relax and count words like spices in a rack
awaiting the shaking, a lil sprinkle
to make a full blown gourmet meal
outta garlic and lemon ...

~~~~ Free thought it out my friends. My lil plant for today ~~~

Would you know he was Bluebeard if he shaved?

The feel of your hands in my hair
The knowledge of strength, but not too tight
(Be bold, be bold)

The smell of the crook of your shoulder
The place where I rest my head
(Be bold, be bold, but not too bold)

The weight of your name on my heart
The suggestion of a smile when you speak mine
(Be bold, be bold, but not too bold,
Else your heart’s blood may run cold)

The trust of your key in my pocket
The fear of the freedom it brings
(Be bold, be bold, but not too bold)

The length of the white road before me
The trail that I’ll follow you down
(Be bold, be bold)
Monsoon Season

She likes to swallow hurricanes
for breakfast, coughing up
their silvery fingers in the mid
morning break. For lunch, rain
is her favourite food, occasionally

chomping on thunderclouds with
a hint of lightning that makes her
teeth fizz and crackle. Everybody
enjoys watching her dissolve that.
Earthquakes are difficult to digest

she tells me, they make her bones
shake deep down and nearly make
her split. There are always people
ready with the krazy glue and nails,
always waiting, never praying.
fucking mad

we dont make love anymore
and I dont know why
it s just a fuck here and there
sometimes nothing at all
but we dont make love, anymore

dont get me wrong, I like to fuck
but there are times I miss your holding me
and crave the way my heart would race
as the hands on the clock approached
quitting time

maybe I am asking for too much
when I want something more than a touch
from gritty hands, finally home 2 hours late
from work. I want passion
and a man that wants me back

I want to hear groans coming from me
begging for thrusting more and more
and I want to hear you say
you love me some other time than when
you ask for a blow job

fuck it, lets just fuck
maybe I dont LOVE you
Raindrops rolling down the window
leave a bending path.
They fork, altering the view,
making November's grays melt
into gold and orange.
That is for now; when it stops,
it will be back to every color again,

I need her fix

A moth closes its eyelid
as she tries on her latest
dress: lake blue, the cigarette
burn on the hip neatly
concealed. It is flawed,
burnt and cheap.

Poetry oozes from its fabric,
I lap it up
and beg her to give me more.

I need the material,
she doesn't.

The moth dies. This story
doesn't have a happy ending.

happy is a whore's moan
bought and paid for
it is a fantasy. false
yet paid for with hard
earned cash, spent
on the spur of the moment

happy is ignorance
of life's solitary state
whether temporarily masked
by a human bandage
which will one day
either be ripped off
or come undone

or explained away
by the inevitability
of the ever expected soul
mate who magically appears
all ears to your agony
all answers to your questions
all things to all men

ahem...let me clue you in
the shit that you've been smellin'
isn't something
you've stepped in
it's the dream they've been sellin'
come 'round to its natural state

Grandmother's house was full of relics:
a pair of magpie dolls, wooden skulls
stuffed with foam sweets, plastic
daisies that sang with summer's
solstice, an old dog that chewed

polystyrene cups. When she left,
we kept everything in its place.
Nothing could be sold. If anything
was moved, her atmosphere would
be gone. I knew that as soon we left

she would come back to do the duties
we forgot about, ignoring her relics.
And in the morning we would see grass
mowed, tables polished, floors mopped.
The relics knew what happened, silence
their key between her world and ours.
Tongue biter
hold what you say
Everything negative and bad
take its spite sublingual

The poison is more bitter
than any pill
but it eases the pain

Killer of spirits, numbing
the brain
the body will soon follow

Your words only hurt you
strawberries and cream combined
with witty words as I go down
down for the last lick.
a day I shall never forget.
rain poured, your shirt drenched
a glove fit, outlining your smile
penciled in from a moist mouth
going down
down with those tight fitting levi's
as twin seats dimpled from overexposure
and whirlpool visions swirl
taking me down
to cotton fields spread wide
before the eyes
awaiting the masters hand
mouth and, tongue to partake
forsake, give it all
to go down

night light covered
braille the darkness.
softly folded fingers, fidget
forming words through actions
touch, emotion ringing
singing alto in whispered rushes
as curves bend
broadcasting possession
in the ultimate form of a mating call.
echoing down spine, hips, deep into
hidden sanctuaries as suctioning thumbs
tremble along, casting letters in circles
forming vowels into moans.
When Doves Cry

Your self-fulfilling prophecy
is a white mourning dove floating
face down in a sea of black.
All what you feared has came to be,
became host to your broken soul.

We are sorry.

If we could, honey, we'd breathe for you
until you were able without
the pain that holds you down.
Hold you up, until your sorrow dried,
let you fly when you mended.

We would,

we would, because we know
when doves cry, they're reminding us
how tangible the unimaginable,
how very precious life really is.

Brown hen clucks loudest
she knows the end is coming

coming by the way the farmer
lays the feed

in consistently larger, larger piles
from one day to the next


Brown hen took the longest
to make into dumplings

Granny lost her ring
in the gooey dumpling dough

as the bald man on the news
prepared us for bird flu


Brown hen's feathers
made a nice pillow, mama said

the coughing ensued
in two days mama was dead

buried near the pasture
where she played as a kid


New brown hen doesn't cluck
doesnt cluck

and we havent had dumplings
in years

we have biscuits with mustard
by mamas grave in the pasture

in the pasture

He splits her open the way
he eats a banana, slitting open
her casing to reveal the curled
up pod inside. A couple of crows
add music to the scene as she

Her stitched up belly will be a black
box tonight, recording the telemetry
of every word, of every movement
made by her lover's arms.

There will be no music to accompany
this, just silence.
what do you want to be when you grow up

rhyming book who can of you can be
an fireman wireman guns for hireman
she stood in white of course always in white
among the vets and docs
strongmen bending locks and no multiple choice about it
you too can grow up to be a bride

make sure you make a really thick scrapbook
and video tape the whole thing
hope you get lots of envelopes with checks
because it is a one day gig little sister

maybe what do brides want to be when they grow up
is volume two
The Sinner's Remorse

She slips off her desire,
letting it hit the floor

without sound. I take
off my last remaining

sins and throw them
across the room. There

is nothing left on my
body anymore. Images

are scrubbed off by air
and her dreams entering

my head as I sleep next
to her, thinking only of


It took you a long time to die,
but even then, the coroner
still did not believe you were
dead. Pockets of thermal heat
showed up on his monitor,
remnants of volcano explosions
on your chest. Your last material
possessions were found buried
underneath the rubble: a copy
of Time magazine with your face
smiling at the camera, a pack
of Lucky Strike, a pistol (used once)
and your watch - its face stuck
on 8.15 am, 6th of August, 1945.
The coroner found a prayer etched
in the whites of your eyes, even
now we aren't sure whether it was
Choking Only Makes It Better

The sea starts yawning as we walk
along the beach, its fingers dragging
back a couple of bottle caps, wave
lines long as the groynes collapsing
like your eyes. Arms follow, gravity
completing the surreal sequence,
dragging you to the earth. I am
silent as I watch you imitate the sea,
your lips creating waves of spit,
ending with a coughing up of driftwood
from your stomach. Even now,
I see you out on the waves alone,
slowly drowning in everything you
Today, my eyes are green.
color of poison
pulsing beneath my skin
about to shred my serenity.

a vicious binding
barbed wire
about my heart
bleeding me with every breath

eating me
from inside
acid rain seeps from my pores
stench of insecurity

you love her
can't leave her
truest love of your life

I love you
can't leave you
truest love of my life

does she still want you?
no one can say
it's... complicated
to say the least

living in the space between
waiting for the tide to turn
knowing that you love me
but never sure

is it me you hold?
my green eyes you see?
my voice that makes your day?
or hers?

is she there
when we turn out the lights?
lying beside you in my bed
where I hold her place

until she realizes
what I already know
that you are the gift
of a lifetime

and what happens until then?
we wait.
we live.
we love.
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