Aliases and AKA's


a long way up
Apr 17, 2002
There is obviously many split personalities on the board as well as lots of Phoenix from the ashes

Following on from the MIA thread - where people seem to have been born again as a different nick -

Being very a nosey and curious person who are the most obvious and is there a lit type file I can acess - sort of like an FBI 100 most wanted .

OK I think this would be a good place for every one to know -

Some of our more historic posters need to pass this knowledge to the rest of us
Remember we want some shocking revelations here like

Bratcat is Lavender

That sort of thing - and it must be verifiable , well if possible

Thanks so much
*bratcat* said:
I am actually Marxist.

Can I quote you on that ?

Come on Bratcat - you must know who is who around here
well this is working well

I mean stuff that was well known to the board but has now been forgotten

like is Svedish Chef Jim_Henson ? - as quoted on a thread earlier

Nosey people like myself like to know these things
You're never going to get a straight answer around here. I think most have lost the ability to actually answer a serious question.

This is a place where mocking is high art. :rolleyes:
April said:
You're never going to get a straight answer around here. I think most have lost the ability to actually answer a serious question.

This is a place where mocking is high art. :rolleyes:

Well you can always ask !!

East coast wakes up properly soon , might get some better response then
Indigo.Rose said:
i am gord. pheer my name changing abilities.

Please to meet you - I'm Gord too - heh what a coincedence

OK Truth test - ask me any question that only a pesron from London would know
Indigo.Rose said:
we arent from london, damn you, thats our other personality. jesus man try to keep these things strait.

jeez keep your syrup on

what are we having for dinner