Against All Odds (closed for silvertongue217)

Apr 25, 2012
Keen milky eyes surveyed the still night with a sense of grim satisfaction. The sounds of the city collided, creating a glittering, pulsing view of a metropolis at rest. It had been a quiet week. An oddly quiet week. It was a rare treat for the leather clad hero, crouching on her haunches on the edge of the tallest building in the city. For the first time in months her bruises and wounds had a chance to heal, her spirit finally taking a shaking breath after a severe, consistent set of beatings.

Nemesis stood then, her leather clad body straightening and going taut as she prepared to run. The world around her passed in a blur of beating lights and static hums, her surroundings lighting up like stars in the night. When she reached the edge of the building her body soared, arms outstretched in the darkness for a fleeting, freeing moment before she tucked them in and tumbled onto the building below, using the momentum to propel her onwards and downwards.

Her duty for the night was over, but she knew it was only a matter of time before her city needed her once more, and she would be ready for it.


Emily Young gritted her teeth as she pushed gently on the handle of her service dog's harness. She brought her left hand over to her right so she could finger the watch there, swearing under her breath as she felt the balls that told her the time.

"Come on Nyx, we have to get moving or I'll be late- again!" Emily urged. She felt Nyx's harness tug in response and she smiled affectionately. She reached back, tugging her low slung back pack higher as they raced through the university campus.

Emily didn't like being late. She never was for the things that really mattered. But for everything else (Statistics 203 included), it seemed as being on time was a universal impossibility. Her only saviour from a severe tongue lashing off her professors was Nyx, and the dark black glasses she wore to cover her conventionally sightless eyes. She had found that people were usually willing to overlook a number of things when they realised she was legally blind. A smile tugged at the corner of Emily's lips at the thought, overlook, the pun filled her with amusement and she shook her head at her own ridiculous sense of humour.

Then she heard it- an uttered curse under bated breath. A slosh of sound and the sparkling light of trajectory was all the warning she had to step aside, dodging the burning hot coffee as it tipped from its cup. Thankfully she was spared the scalding, but her quick sidestep saw her bumping into the person next to her. Someone taller than her and solid, yet unbalanced in that moment. The sound of books scattering across the paved pathway clamored through her head a second before a waterfall of apologies filled air around her, thickening it like awkward fog.

"So sorry!" Emily spluttered to the person she had knocked into. Nyx turned her head, giving the coffee-spiller an annoyed yap and what would have been a very annoyed glare.
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"Go to New York my best friend said"

"You and I can make a difference he promised"

"Best friend needs to remind you we just got here" Clark grumbled shaking his head at his best friends theatrics.

"And I already miss the country side" David said hefting the duffel bag over his shoulder as they reached their dorm room "seriously did you see the smog that welcomed us in?"

"I also saw the excellent people" Clark replied smiling at every one they passed as they moved into the dorm room that would be their home for the next four years. Clark breathed it in throwing his bag easily onto the bed to the left as his grin grew even bigger.

"How can you be so happy" David remarked tossing his own bag down to and shaking his head.

"We are here!" Clark said turning ot him and gripping his shoulder "your going to be an engineer David! I am going into creative writing and journalism its more than ANY ONE in our town could claim"

David sighed and he smiled to "It is some thing isnt it?" David said looking around.

"Were sure as shit not in Rural New York any more Toto"

"No we are not!" Clark said shaking his head and laughing "so lets go see the town!"


"Actual coffee!"

Clark laughed shaking his head and balancing the small stack of books he had bought from a used book store a few blocks down from the college. David was right next to him breathing in the aroma of the starbucks coffee as they made their way back to their dorm.

"You know im starting to think you should become a star bucks manager instead of an engineer" Clark teased him turning so that his attention was on the person next to him.

Which was a dangerous thing to do in New York City

Before David could say any thing more he tripped on a cracked piece of the step. His coffee tipped out splashing forward and sending every one in the splash zone scattering. Clark turned his body trying to get as fast away from it as possible as some one ran directly into his chest.

"So sorry!"

"Dont-" Clark began to say turning his head to look at the person who had ran into him. He faltered however his eyes widening as he took in the most beautiful girl he had seen in a long time. The fact that she was blind didnt register to him at first and instead he just starred his heart rate ramping up as he took her in.

"It was my bad" David said causing Clark to jump "I tripped no harm done"

"Uh are you okay?" Clark asked nervously his eyes running up and down her frame "I hope we didnt hurt you" Clark said shooting David a glare.
Emily stood as the person she'd bumped into stared at her. Usually, her bumping into someone started with them swearing at her, quickly followed by profuse apologies when they realised she was blind. The person would then scurry off, tail between their legs, as their guilt ate them up from the inside out.

Not this time. The staccato heartbeat of the guy before her increased for a few moments, and with that it was easy for Emily to trace the vibrations of the sound along his face, down his body. Then he spoke, voice kind but strong.

"Uh, no. I'm good! Takes more than a little tumble to take me down," Emily said with a reassuring grin. "Though if I'm late for Stats I will be a goner for sure!" She added, reading down to take Nyx's harness in hand again.
"Oh you go to school here?" Clark asked before wincing at how lame it sounded

"Lame" David mouthed to him snorting in pleasure as he started to move to go back to their dorm.

"Well maybe I can uh walk you there?" Clark asked nervously nodding his head at the doors "Make sure no one decides to see how much more it takes to take you down?" He asked ignoring Davids light snort as the man made his way back to their dorm.

"I am new here and its good to uh make friends" Clark said shifting his feet. Most people would have found it adorable to see this all american hulk of a guy looking as nervous as a school girl. He pushed his black rimmed glasses up running a hand through his short black hair as he watched her nervously.
Emily listened to his words, saw him shifting about and grasping at straws. His heartbeat fluttered in his chest, and Emily took a moment to get a better measure of him. He was tall, this one, and solid too. But from the way he fumbled over his words she could tell that his outer bravado hid a softer inside. She smiled at him, a quirked, lopsided thing. Was he trying her up? Well, that was new. She knew how tight she was on time, yet he seemed so sweet...

"Okay, sure," Emily said then, "Though you might wanna pick up your books first!"
"Really?" Clark askedh is eyes widening in surprise ath er answer. He had not expecting this! He was after all still new here and surely a woman as pretty as her.....

"Great!" He said recovering quickly. He reached down scooping up his books and piling them back in his hands. He turned beginning to nod at her to lead the way before he caught himself.

"Okay im all set" He said instead shooting a wary smile at the dog "lead the way I just got here im afraid I dont no the campus at all yet!"
Emily couldn't help the amused giggle as the guy bent over to gather his books. His nervousness was terribly endearing. She noticed tat he nodded tk her, ready to go, but ignored it out of habit. Then, only when hr told her to lead the way,did she spur Nyx into action.

"So, what's your name new guy? And what are you studying?" She asked, turning her head in the direction Nyx was leading them. She heard his footsteps and knew he was accompanying them. Emily was shocked, normally one look at Nyx or her glasses was enough to scare any guy away.
"Oh im sorry I forgot to give you my name!" Clark said shaking his head and reaching out to open the door for her.

"My name is Clark Clark Johnson" Clark said "whats your name? How long have you been going here? I am studying both creative writing and Journalism my self"
"Nice to meet you Clark," Emily said with a grin and a nod of thanks as he opened the door. She tried to imagine this sweet guy as one of those critical and pesky reporters but found it difficult. Maybe his course would help him develop I to that.

"I am Emily. Second year psych," Emily said, hitching her bag up on her shoulders as she walked into the hall. Here, sheltered from the greater interference of the city, their footfalls were able to give her a better sense of him. And what a sense it was. She felt her cheeks warm as they made their way to her tutorial room.

"And where are you from Clark? You have that country sound to your voice? New to New York City?" She asked.
"I suppose it is that obvious" Clark said shaking his head and chuckling "A small town up in Syracuse most wouldn't know it"

He turned noting the way she walked with ease and confidence despite her lack of eye sight. How did she have such strength? Clark couldn't imagine ever being able to carry and move with such ease with out being able to see where he was going.

"I am actually the first Johnson not to be a farmer" Clark said feeling oddly talkative "I wanted to break the mold I guess? I dont know my dad says im just being rebellious and expects me back after my first year broken hearted"
Emily smiled, she knew all about challenging expectations. From his tone it was a tough decision, but there was a quiet determination to him. She had no doubt in that moment that he could stick it out.

"Well, here's hoping you prove him wrong Clark Johnson," Emile said as they turned into the corridor where her room was. She felt an odd tug of regret as she realised that they would soon have to part.

"My room is just up there," Emily said, pointing a few doors down and stopping. She turned to him, her own hear fluttering nervously. It was an unusual feeling for her, but she embraced it. "Thank you Clark," she said, "You have seen me safely to class. Do you think... Would you like my number? The campus is huge, I don't want to risk not running into you again."
"Your number? Wow really?" Clark said his eyes growing wide as his heart stopped for the briefest of moments. It was more than just sound that clued her in. His body was reacting his heart hammering in his chest, his skin giving of the chemical scent of attraction.

Any one could tell he was smitten by looking at him and she could as well

"I would love it" Clark finally said catching his breath.

"If you give me your phone I can put it in" Clark said and after she handed it over he typed it in "you can call me at any time That much I promise" He said handing it back to her their fingers lightly touching.
The pheromones wafting off Clark made Emily's body thrum with pleasure. He smelled good this one. The racing of his heart was also a wonder for her to behold. She handed him her phone without hesitation, smiling as she heard him tapping in his number.

"I'm a bit of a night owl," she warned, pausing as their fingers brushed when she took her phone back. The contact sent shivers down her spine, and she was reluctant to draw away from him. "I will be sure to call you only at a respectable time. See you soon, Clark." She promised, smiling at the silliness of her words before turning and letting Nyx lead her into the stats room.

"Late again?" Professor Martin sighed, interrupting his tutorial when she came in.

"Sorry professor," Emily said sheepishly as Nyx led her over to her usual desk.

Yes, she was late again, but this time she had the most wonderful excuse.

"Some thing happened today"

She spun a sweeping round house kick that sent one of the thugs toppling and over the crate. The other two hesitated trying to weigh their big burly friend being tossed about by some girl.

Even if she was a stunning girl

She had shocking red hair that fanned out, she was wearing a black body suit that did little to hide her curves. A cat emblem in red was on her ample chest.

"Who wants to try their luck next?" Hell Cat asked grinning as she curled her hands which were clad in fingerless gloves into a fist.

"Come on dish" Patsy A.K.A Hell Cat told her flipping over one the guys fool enough to charge at her.
"Come at me!" Nemesis growled as the two burly thugs backed away. She was about to close the distance between them when Hell Cat spoke. The words were enough to give her pause as her comrade bounced over and flipped one of the big guys.

She was distracted. Nemesis knew that. But she had no idea it was so obvious.

She had spent all afternoon tossing about her decisions, weighing each with a great deal of critical thought. Her logic screamed one thing at her; drop it before it was too late. But the thought of that, of not following through with that kindling of warm hope in her heart.

Nemesis let out a frustrated growl as she jumped at the third and final thug, twisting out of the trajectory of his punch and sliding in beneath it to deliver a swift and brutal kick to his windpipe. He fell back, she could hear the impact of his heavy body on the cement and the wheeing of his breath. She straddled his face then, and with two swift punches he was unconscious.

"I met someone," Nemesis said with a sigh, turning back to face her red headed friend. "A guy."
"You did?" Hell Cat said in surprise her eyes widening "You never meet guys"

The thug who has been stupid enough to rush her began to turn cursing them both.

"Thats not very nice language" Hell Cat mocked laughing and sliding into his personal space "Why dont you take some time off"

Hell Cat grabbed him using her weight and momentum to throw him directly into the wall. He hit it hard and slumped knocked out and not moving.

"So who is he?" Hell Cat asked grabbing one of their phones and dialing 911 before tossing it onto their body. The young woman turned raising an eyebrow as she fished out her grappling hook and took aim at one of the roof tops.
Nemesis frowned, as she sensed Hell Cat zipping away to the nearest roof top. She needed to get herself a grappling hook. Instead she made her way to the back of the alley, getting a run up before she made a series of jumps and leaps, using imperfections and protrusions on the alley walls to get her to the roof top. She and Hell Cat jumped a few blocks over before they stopped, watching the scene on the streets unfolding from a safe distance.

"Just a guy I bumped into. Literally!" Nemesis laughed. "He was amazing, Kitty," She said, unable to keep the wonder from her voice as she talked to her friend. "A country boy, somewhere near Syracuse. A hulking kind of guy, but sweet to the core. Hell, I even asked to swap digits. How stupid was that?" As Nemesis' breathing returned to normal and her heart rate calm, reality set in on her and she wondered if she had just made a huge mistake.
"Stupid?" Hell Cat said turning to her and shaking her head

"How many decent guys are there in this gig?" She reminded her walking over and crossing her arms "and how many decent guys are there in this town any ways? Come on Nemesis my darling you deserve to have some fun or at least some good old fashion dirty fun"

She turned snorting and shaking her head as she listened out on their police scanner "come on your going to make plans with him right?" She asked turning and raising an eyebrow.
Nemesis rolled her eyes, though with the screening fabric in her mask she knew Hell Cat wouldn't really be able to see it.

"Seriously? And say what- oh hey, let's go out for dinner. And by the way, if I run off to tackle some goons clad in black leather, please ignore it?" Nemesis laughed with a bitter shake of her head. "I'm all for fun, but if it turns into something... I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me."
"Your putting to much stake on what could be a casual friend and partner" Hell Cat snorted turning and stepping onto the ledge.

"When was the last time you went out and had fun! Take a night off girl I can handle it we have been running long enough for you to know I can and its not like its going to matter the media will still be here and so will the crooks" She said snorting at the last part.

"You clearly want to do it so come on when are you going to let your self have more of a life?"
Oh, if only Hell Cat knew the truth.

But she was right. Nemesis didn't bother answering, she merely grunted in agreement. They watched as the cops picked up the unconscious bodies of the goons and chucked them unceremoniously into the wagon.

"Will you be prowling tomorrow night?" Nemesis asked, turning to Hell Cat. "If you are I'll see you then."

Then she was off. Nemesis bounded through the city in a series of leaps and sprints until she got home. She set an alarm on her phone for the morning and had a shower before heading to bed, her body sinking into the mattress with a soft sigh.


Hey Clark! Wanna hang out some time?

Emily frowned, her fingers running over the screen as she selected the message option set up a message. She had an app installed that read the message back to her. So she listened to it overr, over and over again in a dull computerised voice.

"This is so stupid," She muttered, pressing send anyway and throwing her phone into her back with perfect aim. She got up, hiking up her back. "Nyx! Time to go!" She called out, hearing the dog pad over to her with eager paws. She had the harness set up in a moment and was heading out the door.

"Have a good day at school darling!" Her grandmother sung out from the kitchen.

"Love you Nanna!" She said, blowing a kiss in her direction before the door slammed shut behind her.
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His response came back almost instantiously

"Name the time and the place darling"

Then a few minutes later

"Shit I shouldnt have said darling please forgive me! Its a southern thing!"

Then not but a minute later

"I didnt just screw this up did I?"

"Stop sending her stuff" David told clark throwing a pillow at him and chuckling "that poor poor girl"

"Shut up" Clark growled flipping him off as he starred at his phone and waited for a reply.
Emily felt the buzz of her phone in her pocket and smiled. She wanted to check right away but knew she would miss the train if she didn't. So she urged Nyx on and waited until she was safely settled on the train fifteen minutes later to take her phone out. She connected her earphones and opened up the messages.

Emily couldn't help but chuckle at his messages. She had actually gotten a warm flutter of butterflies at the word darling, and certainly didn't mind at all. She had assumed it was just a country thing. She was grinning as she typed her reply.

Ruined it? Not at all! The only way you could ruin it is if you tell me you hate dogs. Nyx and I would be most upset. I am free for lunch today at 1 if you are on campus, or any night this week ☺

She pressed sent before she realised hat asking for lunch today would sound desperate. She cursed herself as the train jolted and rattled, this was certainly not her forte.
"She can do it today for lunch?!" Clark said laughing and shaking his head

"Well then make plans!" David said snorting at his friends nerves

"Your right your right" Clark murmured thinking as he typed out the message.

"I'll meet you at the front of the campus you can pick the place" he texted back rising and going to his closet.

Now to figure out what he was going to wear!


He hovered by the entrance wearing a tight black shirt across his frame and matching jeans. It wasn't necessarily important what he was wearing but his mom had always said that clothes make the man.
He said yes! Emily was beyond pleased. If she had looked too desperate he would have pushed it back, surely. So perhaps he was as willing to see her as she was to see him. She managed to sit through her pysch lecture with all of the nerves racing through her, and as soon as the lecturer said goodbye she was off like a shot. She and Nyx raced through campus, and she even did a few things she technically shouldn't have. As she neared the front entrance she slowed down and made sure to collect herself.

Then, Emily realised she had made a mistake. Normally her friends knew exactly where to meet her. Or Nyx knew them well enough that there weren't any issues finding them. Now, though, she was in a spot of trouble. She knew that, with her abilities, she would have no trouble finding him again, but making sure it wasn't suspicious or awkward would be a different thing entirely.

Emily crouched down, her hand resting on Nyx's back as she whispered a few words to her. They were nothing really, just praising her for being a good girl and what not. When she straightened and brushed out the wrinkles in her tight, dark jeans and readjusting her red sweater, she let Nyx take the lead.

He was standing over by the gate. The noises of the city bounced around, giving her plenty of vibrations to see by. She gently nudged the harness to steer Nyx in the right direction.