After making divisions worse, Biden to host ‘unity’ summit


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
President Joe Biden is turning once again to a strategy he has used since announcing his run for president in 2019: exploiting fears of hatred and bigotry, which he falsely associates with Republicans; then presenting himself and his party as the answer.

Last week, the White House announced Biden would host a “unity summit” to bring Democrats and Republicans together to “counter the corrosive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety.”

Biden’s rhetoric was only the latest example of the way in which he has actually fueled division — and even hatred — among American since promising in his Inaugural Address to emphasize “unity.” Here is a brief list of ways in which he has done so:
Link for the list...
all the leading progressives will be invited and their unity will be in thought and their diversity in skin color and gender fluidity
the unifying thought will be we hate republicans who must be cut out of public life and relegated to third class citizenship behind the newly arrived undocumented citizens
the consensus will be that the republican infidels must pay jizya
POFF is leading the division charge. Biden is too busy passing his actual policy legislation.